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Everything posted by Theo

  1. Rolling ID: 242766 LD: 1+1 =2 CD: 8 [Nothing Found]
  2. Theodore continued to frown any time that Ryo hinted at vampires actually being real and it being the fault of said vampires that are killing the plants. "Listen, I made an edu- well not educated, but I made a GUESS and now I want to be WRONG about said guess." Hard to tell if he was actually pouting or just exaggerating it. "How do you know so much about this floor? Is there a book or something that someone can read for more information? Or is it gathered through normal interactions of NPCs and Players? I find myself a bit confused everywhere I go, but that is also a part of my personality, s
  3. Theodore let out a cough while his brain grappled with the fact that he was not actually in pain, just imagining it due to the confines of the video game. He shaky hand raised from the ground, giving a weak 'thumbs-up.' "Yeah... Yeah! I'm good. I think?" They took a deep breath and sat up, staring at the boar that was backing and getting ready to charge once again. The gardener's mouth took in a gasp as they rolled to the left, nearly missing the boar charging at them. "I don't think I'll need pain to motivate me. The uhh fear of dying and being trampled by a boar is a very good replacement."
  4. Theodore opened his mouth to retort against Ryo's comments on being the brown-haired hero and his excitement about vampires existing on this floor when Jomei began talking about this floor in question. Just hearing the man discuss how there hasn't been reports about vampires on this floor before was putting his heart at ease to the point of ignoring the comments about how the floors change constantly. The discussion based around the war caught his attention. "W-well, the war idea may have something. Maybe there is a specific wellspring the flowers are fed from. Maybe the flowers have othe
  5. Theodore couldn't even begin to hide the excitement bubbling over the nerves. Teion AND Ryo wanted to possibly buy mats off of him? This was amazing! He never had this type of business... well ever. He had always given anything that he had away to those that needed or even wanted it. So... Wait, am I finally going to make money now? That... wow yeah okay that's amazing I won't be broke! Their smile widened at that thought. His eyes watched as Tei charged forward, slicing the boar in two with ease and sending a cascade of blue pixels into the air, dripping from the disappearing boar. "WOO!
  6. Theodore smiled brightly at Tiye as she approached. "Yeah! I'm assuming you're Tiye?" He noticed Tiye looking him up and down quickly, but they brushed it off as nothing threatening, just familiarizing herself with how he looked. She asked about his knowledge on completing the quest and he shook his head at her assumption. "I've actually never taken this quest before. I want to be a gatherer first, anything else second, so I decided to go for this quest first. So... I don't fully know what I'm doing, except the fact that I have a dark magic compass?" Theodore pulls the compass out of his
  7. The familiar voice of Ryo caused Theo to quickly stand up and turn to face the fellow player. "Hey! Thank you so much for coming! So yes, the flowers, vampires maybe? Pesticide gone wrong- wait are there pesticides in this game?" Theo paused, visibly pondering that question. "Well, that I don't know just yet, but yes! The flowers are apparently dying? Some creepy guy earlier told me and then.... wait where the hell did he go." Theo began to turn around quickly, searching for him. Instead of finding the rumor monger that led them on this journey, Theodore found an... Irish bard? Theodore looked
  8. They blinked, realizing they misunderstood what Ryo's invitation was and who it was for. Theo's face dropped slightly, and he looked at the counter of the blacksmith's shop. "Oh.... Yeah. We... we can do another time." Theodore took a small breath in and sighed. In the right light it almost looked as if tears were beginning to form in the corners of his eyes. The distraught individual picked the weapon off the counter, offered to him by Lyle, and slowly equipped it. Theo rolled his shoulders, getting used to the slightly heavier weight of a stronger bow. The arched rose his head, their eyes th
  9. While practically sprinting to the city center when Teion reached him to calm his nerves. It took a moment for the words to actually solidify within his brain, the words of encouragement almost bouncing off as his thoughts continued to speed up. It took until Teion made the comment of not 'laughing at him' that Theo's pace began to slow, both in his thoughts and in his stride. "I... Yeah. Thank you, Thea. Thank you for staying my friend, even if life drew us a part for a while. It's nice to know I'm not alone in here." His face turned to Teion with a smile that looked different than the others
  10. "Hey Theo! Honored you reached out. Let me know where to meet ya at and I'll see who I can wrangle." Theodore smiled brightly and began typing furiously, answering as fast as he could. The excitement in their body caused them to stand up, re-reading the message that Ryo sent him. Okay, not only am I not expected to give Ryu anything to be my friend, but he's ALSO willing to help me! And maybe bring people along! Maybe I'll become friends with this other per- OH THEY MIGHT BE A HIGH LEVEL!! Wait they probably are if they're friends with Ryu, Ryo? I'm not sure what he like- wait I'm
  11. "I.. I never even thought about the humanoid ones." Theo paused for a moment and spaced out, rapidly thinking about different situations where he have to fight humans, humanoids, and vague-human shapes. There's a floor with elves on it. Could I fight an elf?! He blinked a few times and looked up at Ryo. "Maybe, just maybe, I'll try to ignore the humanoid fighting for a little while. Don't need to develop a complex just yet, you know?" He chuckled, but sounded nervous while doing it. "But... Maybe in the future I'll like some help fighting some monsters? I don't think there are any training sem
  12. It wasn't long before Theo heard the familiar Ping! sound come from his <<HUD>>. They quickly opened their screen and read the message from Tiye, offering to help and asking for a meeting place. Theo couldn't help but let a smile come over their face. While he did not expect Tiye to be a childhood friend like the time, he met Teion again by using the board, he hoped that he would at least make a friend with this person. Theodore quickly stood up and made his way towards the gates. He absentmindedly opened and closed the lid to the compass he received from Giovanna, thinking
  13. "Uhhh... hmm. I have a weapon- wait I don't even have it equipped.... Shit." Theodore quickly opened his <<HUD>> and scrolled through his inventory, selecting the bow and equipping it. He then selected his quiver and added that to his person. The bow was a light-brown wood with a simple string running from one end to the other. It attached to his back with a leather strap that crossed over their body. The quiver was a dark brown leather attached to his belt for quick-drawing. "I... I don't know why I picked bow and arrow. Have I ever used a bow and arrow? No. Did I want to prior to
  14. Theodore pushed another branch out of his way as his boots brought him further into the wooded area. He had heard previously that there was a quest for those that wanted to train further with gathering materials from the world around. Theodore wanted, no, needed this to work out well for him. His only skill is in gathering! He might as well make some use of that ability and gather materials for his friends! Imagine how useful this could be for Teion and Ryo! They are both crafters and definitely use materials a TON so, might as well gather them for them! He smiled to himself as he finally brok
  15. Fireworks? Oh god uhhhhh. Oh right. No. "Oh yeah, I wasn't able to attend. A previous guild I was a part of asked me to help with a few things away from the main display so he could see the fireworks," Theo's face did not drop at this admission, appearing to not look upset or distraught over this previous action, "but I bet it was beautiful! That is one of only great things about this world, there is no 'budget' for fireworks. NPCs can just do them without blowing their paycheck." He quickly turned to Ryo, listening to him discuss his mansion, and inviting him when his level gets higher. "YOU
  16. Finally, time to be a tourist. The sweater loving player enters into the 8th floor town of Ellesmera to do some proper sightseeing within this forested floor. His eyes twinkle in awe of the beauty of this floor. The intricate waterways that transport the water to a variety of trees, flowers, plants, and animals that call this floor home. Theo begins running around the city, investigating the different sculptures that decorate the settlement. While Theo was not flush with col, he does gather a couple of fast snacks, attempting to try everything that he can get their hands on to try. It was at t
  17. Teion's insistence that he should learn to fight, and Ryo's comment on Theo remaining at level 1 all this time caused a small amount of embarrassment to creep into his body. His face adopted a soft shade of red, his eyes began to investigate every corner of the store instead of meeting his party members' eyes, and his hands fiddled with the hem of his sweater. Logically, he fully knew that these two were not meaning anything nefarious by their comments, more surprise than anything else. However, logic hasn't always won out within his brain. "yeah... Yeah I haven't really done much. To be compl
  18. "I want you to meet him." Theo's eyes threatened to tear up before the emotion was heavily suppressed. Even after all this time Thea still wanted to be in his life AND involve him within her own social circle. It was almost too difficult to believe, he hadn't been this lucky in the past. "G-Go right ahead! Always happy to meet more people!" Theo all but shouted the words at her. Who could this be? A partner? A friend? Guild mate? Wait, does she want me to meet the guild she's in? Is she in a guild? - Wait, I was just thinking this. "Also, I like the name Theo, thank you very much." T
  19. Theo's shoulder's tensed at the immediate tone shift from Thea's response. Did he have it wrong? Was she not the independent girl he went to school with? He was close to falling over himself with apologies, but the look of recognition dawned on her. Theo's smile quickly returned and even doubled when Thea's tone turned friendly. "Yeah Yeah Yeah!" He was thrilled that he knew someone here, someone he didn't have to go through the path of making small talk/getting to know them. He nodded along with her words, listening to her talking about being a front liner. "It definitely sounds difficul
  20. While waiting for a response, Theo decided to participate in some good ole' fashion people watching. For a few moments he watched PCs and NPCs alike travel the city under the morning sun. For a moment he could imagine being at his mother's shop, Blossom Avenue, and watch people walking down Plymouth's busy streets. It was calming to watch people within the world to just, exist. He could almost hear his mom behind him, asking for help moving a couple bags of dirt. A smile broke across his face and for a moment, he was at peace within this day dream. A system alert broke him from this stupo
  21. Theodore, after a long time of ignoring it, fighting it, and trying to find solutions for it, had to face the music that he had a problem. Due to his kind nature and doubling down on said nature whenever someone needed help, Theo's coffers had become... light. They wouldn't use the word broke, but that was unfortunately the perfect word to describe the situation. During his time within the digital world, Theodore Statil joined a variety of different guilds, organizations, and friend groups. Whenever they needed support with materials, money, or item, Theo was the first one to offer up any
  22. Theodore Statil Biograph Information Name: Theodore Statil Pronouns: He/They Orientation: Homosexual Age: 24 Height: 6'4 Background/Backstory Image: Backstory: Virtues Flaws Game Mechanic Information Skills/SP/EXP/Level Inventory Roleplay Log Non-Mechanic Game Information Friends List Relationships Story Thus Far
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