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  1. "You there! Stop, please!" No, no thanks. Mana was on a mission: a mission to avoid quests. It'd been chaotic since the whole "hey, you're trapped in here glhf" ordeal. Everyone was either scrambling to grind levels to survive, curled up into balls of panic, or simply existing. Mana was part of the latter. "Pardon me, but I am in need of some assistance, and you appear quite capable." Unfortunately, a portly man interfered with her objective to do not a damn thing. He adjusted his monocle and ran fingers along his rather perfectly maintained moustache. Mana stared blankl
  2. Mana

    Trials of Mana

    Chloe Morgan Lovelace | Young Adult | North America | 5'3" | Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact) An ordinary woman in an ordinary world living an ordinary life with an ordinary schedule while going through the ordinary motions of such an ordinary life. Tale as old as time — Chloe was born to a loving mother and father who went out for milk and never came back. That's just how life goes. They were never rich but they were never desolate either. Sometimes the two were forced to live paycheck to paycheck. However, her childhood was a relatively happy one. Chloe went
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