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  1. eefo Boreas smirked as he went to plan B and prepared himself to evade the now hyperactive, he watched as he continued to deflect his attacks easily with his Rapier, and then waiting for a solid moment, Boreas took his opportunity as he spoke and pierced straight through Vigilon and slash him across his chest twice making him bleed now with the digital cuts now in his chest. Boreas kicked his chest onto the ground then looked down upon him "We will see whether or not that I can escape your predictable strikes good sir, but allow me to say as long as you continue to strike recklessly as you hav
  2. eefo Boreas blinked a few times seeing the state of Vigilon asking him if he was ready see god and his form of trash talk "You uh, alright my friend? Don't tell me you actually drank the energy drinks." Boreas sighed with a deep groan "Well, at least we know what will happen to a man if they consume far too much of that stuff." afterward Vigilon had dashed towards him and overwhelmed him pretty quickly with his flurry of blows. Being sent back, Boreas landed on his feet and charged forward with a sword art of his own, however either because of the absolute sugar or caffeine content of the drin
  3. "You too huh?" he thought to himself with her initial reply to him. Though, it shouldn't come too much as a surprise to Boreas, time flies by so quickly in a world such as this additionally if you are trying so hard to forget the pains of losing someone or people who meant a lot to you. Eventually Telrenya would give a rough estimate of a reply, in which Boreas would nod his head and reply "Time is not important, what is important is that you still remember them for who they were and what they meant to you. Not how long time had passed." After Telrenya had asked how had he survived, Borea
  4. eefo Boreas sitting down in the locker room waiting for his fight to commence, he stared on the new poker chip he obtained through a new guild mate. He flicked it between his hands, then had it dance on the roof of his hand moving between one side to the other before moving it on top of his thumb to flick it into the air catching it attaching it to his jacket. "Title of Aspect is not easily earned... I just am uncertain how I can prove myself to earn it." after fully attaching his chip to his jacket he just let out a slight sigh before looking up to the exit out to the arena before cracking a
  5. Boreas: "would". Taking the Lucky Chip
  6. Placeholder ID: 243393 - BD: 2+4=6 (Hit!) Sword Art Used: ST-I, Damage: 9*8=72-52=20 Swift Action: Basilisk Fang [Inflicting T2 Envenom, 16 damage, for 4 turns] Additonally: Boreas will concede this match following his attack. Victory is not possible for Boreas. Boreas | HP: 432/450 | EN: 16/43 | DMG: 9 | ACC: 4 | EVA: 4 | BH: 6 | LD: 1 | BLD: 12 | PARA | Flame Aura: 8 Wulfrin | HP: 339/440 | EN: 35/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT: 52 | ACC: 3 | AA | PHASE | PARA-IM | BH: 6 | REC: 2 | HLY: 4 | LD: 3 | Flame Aura: 8 | Bleed (12): 1/2 | Envenom (16): 4/4
  7. "Oh my friend, it shall." he replied to Wulfrin. After Boreas' initial assault, he took a leap back after Wulfrin had attempted a strike of his own easily dodging the attempt he tried on Boreas. Boreas looked up to Wulfrin with a bit of a cockier grin as this was his first attempts in PvP and found himself... having a lot more fun than he expected immediately. "Let us keep the fun going then my good sir, after all, I have plenty of fight left in me. You will soon see." afterward he pulled out from his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a small red capsule, then with a pinch of his f
  8. Boreas and the rest of the crowd awed by Wulfrin's speech clapped and awaited the arrival of Tricolor_Mina... however she had yet to come. Murmur's of the crowd began to become louder and everyone began to ponder where the fighter had gone off to or if something had happened to them. Boreas looked toward Wulfrin with a slight frown, he figured that it would be rather disappointing that if he we're to just walk away with a win without putting on a show for the audience and even worse: the gods he dedicated his victory to. Boreas wasn't simply going to let things as they were and took matters in
  9. Boreas nodded his head with his slight smile pretending that things were still okay given what had happened "I agree Miss Firefly, though while very bad mistakes can absolutely never be reversed its what I do from here that defines the person that I am in this game. At least, everyone has the ability to change, even despite mistakes they may of done." his gaze trailed off away from Firefly again with a bit of a frown "At least... I hope it doesn't mean history is doomed to repeat itself." After her reply, Boreas was admitably a little shocked and blinked a few times and replied "Wait- but
  10. Boreas looked back at Sewallus and with a shrug said to the NPC "I... suppose you are coming with, please do be careful, I don't think any of us have any sort of support skills to keep you alive." Sewallus nodded their head and replied to him "No need. I can handle myself on my own. I shall lead you to battle." After the four had set off to tackle the Monkey King, Wulfrin had spoken to the two of them in terms of strategy. Listening intently, he replied shortly after he replied "I am mostly entirely single target DPS to handle bosses and other single targets on my loansome in a duel, howe
  11. Boreas let out a small laugh to her awkward bow "The pleasure is all mine Miss Firefly. I appreciate your attempt but it is not necessary next time." he waved his hand toward her but kept a friendly smile toward them. Placing a finger on his chin, he was interested in her goals and her self given purpose "Ahh I see, that is quite the noble and inspirational goal Miss Firefly, I quite like that. For me, I am merely just your average player trying to reach the frontlines. I used to be a leader for a guild previously, but uh..." Boreas' gaze had trailed off elsewhere as his smile weakened, b
  12. "Why exactly am I here again?" a thought commonly in Boreas' mind today as he walked across the deserts of the fifth floor. A groan escaped his body as he wiped the sweat off his forehead as he looked up into the sky then outward to the boundless sands as far as the eye could see, things looking so close, yet somehow incredibly far away. Eventually he found a rock in which he could sit down up on a hill where he could sit instead of sitting in the sand and pondered things outside of why he was aimlessly walking in a desert of all places to find a mission to accomplish. A lot has happened
  13. Boreas didn't fully know how to fully think about the current topic, on one hand Boreas can completely agree where Kisodeth was coming from with her stance on how she sees players who let rumors control their fears, however on the other he doesn't fully think that being polite removes any strength that you have. However, Boreas had a slight smile return to his face it had been a while since someone could last challenge his own beliefs and personality and he replied "Maybe I was right to be more into ones with skull armor. Haven't had someone challenge my thoughts and beliefs like this in a lon
  14. "Combat?" he thought to himself as the sounds of weapons clashing broke his thoughts on how he could be a bit more serious than overly polite. His gaze returned to Kisodeth as she caught his attention with conversation, however before he could respond, he was caught a little bit off guard with her grin in combination of her skeletal pain then treking forward towards the sound that they had heard only but a moment ago. Keeping his cool, he ran after Kisodeth as she moved towards them, though he was a bit impressed with how fast Kisodeth was in game. Boreas was able to catch up mostly, however h
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