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[OP] Exploring the town [F1]

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Rose yawned as sge made her way through town. It had been a couple of months since she's been trapped in this stupid game, but she had still not gone up to the higher floors. Well, I'm not the best at fighting and Im not going to jeopardize my chance at seeing mom again. She had a high respect for those that did put there lives on the line though and wondered if sge should be out there fighting. Well I know I'm not going to be able to make it, so why jeopardize it? She sat on a bench mulling thus over.

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"master......master" I hear someone talking beside me but what she is saying completely goes a through one ear and exits the other as I pay little attention to the content. "geez....MASTER!" comes a terrible shout that was directed into my ear, the girl even pinched it as she delivered the awful noised pollution. It partially takes me by surprise as I jump to the side and ask: "What's your problem woman?" a bit of irritation find its way on my expression as I rub my poor abused ear. Then I straighten the collar of my white shirt and fix my black tie. The crimson haired girl, 18 of age... 4 years younger than I, that was dressed in a dark colored maid-like outfit, lets out a sigh as she replies: "Gosh, you're always like this!Like I said, uncle has tasked us with getting some materials for him. Make sure you don't forget, or he...your teacher, will get mad as well and you won't want that happening. Or have you already forgotten what happened last time?" she emphasized the bolded words in her speech.

I let out a casual "Yeah got it!" as I walk forwards, looking around for nothing in particular... that until I saw a lonely girl sitting on a bench a bit in front of us. Our previous discussion could probably be heard by her and any other nearby players.

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"Nooo! Niiiixxxx, you know better!" I hollered as I ran after him. He was running because I was trying to give him a bath. Little did I know that in this game, apparently red pandas have cats tempermetal thoughts. I thought it was funny at first, but gasping for breath when I finally caught up to him made me mad. He was on a bench looking at a girl. "Come here Nix. Sorry about him maam." She looked rather sad. "Are you okay?"

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Rose heard some shouting near by causing her to lift her head to look at it. Instead of seeing people though, she was met with the face of a red panda. Then hearing a new voice, she turned her head to look at the possible owner of the panda. "Oh it's ok and Im fine, just thinking." She explained, thinking it was best to not start blurting out her troubles to strangers. Then looking at the panda Sge asked "Does this guy belong to you?" Her voice was kind as Sge turned back to look at him.

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For some reason my eyes remained fixated on the girl on the bench, 'Is she OK?' I surprisingly found asking myself, flabbergasted by the fact that I actually showed something remotely close to 'caring' towards another person. I had hate, pride and indifference but this was new to me. I found my feet quicking their pace as I approached her, I could hear from behind me: "What's the matter, milord?" followed by footsteps. I ignored my crimson haired companion and found myself running towards her, only to stop`shortly after as a panda? beat me to her. Next came, what I assumed was its master.

As I reached the small group, I make a small fake cough to unconsciously get their attention and speak in a formal manner. "Is there something the matter?" I asked the girl, ignoring the guy beside her and glancing towards the panda. From behind me, the bespectacled crimson beauty finally caught up and at the sight of the crowd brushed the dust off her uniform and offered a small bow, in a maid-like fashion.

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"He sure does! Courtesy of floor three." I said with a smile. I picked him up and put him in my lap as I sat down next to her. "You can pet him if you want, he doesnt like most men, but he gets smug around girls." I looked at the man who had just strode up with the redhead who spoke in old english. "Im good man, I dunno about her. She said shes fine though. And whats with the old english people?" I said with a smile as I looked at the newcomer and his companion. I looked at his companion and asked "Are yall okay?"

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Rose blinked in surprise. She gently started to pet the top of the pandas head before looking up at the two new people. "Yeah, I'm alright." She said, giving them a smile. Wow, I didn't think so many people would wonder if I was alright. I should have found somewhere a bit more private to think ...She was glad to meet some new people though, maybe she can make a few friends in this game. She continued to pet the Panda's head, still surprised how advanced this game actually was. It feels like actual fur! 

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'Old english people?' what was this guy talking about. My manner of speech was but expected of someone of my status but then again, this wasn't my homestead... a mere virtual world that tried to emulate the real one and actually succeed to some degree.But that was a thought better left for later times, now...  "Pardon my intrusion but what are you to this lady?" I asked in a polite manner, despite having the urge of shouting profanities in his direction for engaging in conversation when I did all my best to ignore him. Then to answer his question, I brush my blonde hair backwards and turn towards my assistant, she'd nod to me and I would nod in return before replying: "And to answer you last question, we are fine thank you very much!"

With that I had enough of this guy, changing my gaze towards the familiar who returned me a nasty look like it wanted to jump at my throat and rip it off. 'Bring it on!' I thought as I next changed my focus on the girl who replied in a angelic tone accompanied by a even more divine smile. I could feel my confidence shaking with just that gesture: 'What's this???' I asked myself as I take a deep breath and address her. "Good to hear it. Allow me to introduce myself, Dracul Vladislav the Third but since this is just a mere game, Dracul or Vlad will suffice. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, milady!" I say with a small bow but as I bring my left hand behind my waist and my right hand to my heart. Making a proper 'high class' introduction. Seeing me, the girl behind me gently grabs the sides of her skirt and also makes a lady-like bow and introduces herself. "My name is Claudia, lord Dracul's servant. And I am fine as well, thank you for asking, sir." she said, the last part directed towards the unknown male.

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"I meant no offense Dracul, I see why you use such proper speach now. I only wanna make friends here, not enenimes. I am Evac. My... real name is Liam. I suppose your from.... Transylvania? Im sorry thats not funny. I should not have said that. But it is nice to meet you guys. Looking above the girls head I saw her name. Rose. Such a pretty name. It could be short for a bigger name such as Rosetta, Rosella or other things. "Pretty name Rose! I know a Rosetta, but she probably hates me. But back to you guys," I said while putting Nix into her arms and standing up "I hope, that you can find it in your big big, wonderfull, heart to forgive me. Also LEAVE. MY. PANDA. OUT. OF. THIS." I said while giving this Dracul a look that said back the £μ©% off. I also rested my hand on my sword.

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Rose blinked in surprise while holding the panda. "It's nice to meet you, Im Rose but my real name is Jemma. You can call me either, I don't mind." She said looking at them. She petted the panda to calm him down, remembering how Evac had said he didn't really like guys all that much. Seeing Evac put a hand on his sword, Rose was quick to react. Calnly seeking Nix down, She stood between them. "Whoa! Calm down, there's no need to start a fight in a safe zone." She said, eyeing the both of them. Men... She sighed while calmky crossing her arms. 

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I was a bit surprised as how this guy reacted, if a simple gaze fired him up this much I could only imagine what would happen if I would word my thoughts or not refrain from my actions. But sadly I couldn't do that as not one but two ladies were present. Even so when one of then thought so poorly of me that she thought I would indulge him in this open duel invitation. The image of a blonde front liner with her lion familiar flashed in his head 'Not her... I don't need that now.' I thought as I banished her random appearance.

With a sigh I ignore him despite almost him being on the point of drawing his weapon and look at the girl. "My apologies Lady Jemma. I did not meant to upset you, please find it in your heart to excuse my behaviour I will try to correct it. " I say despite not quite understanding what I did wrong. Then I look at the boy threatening me in a safe zone : "No need to apologize Liam, I am indeed from Transilvania*. Claudia over here is also from my household but despite telling her that she didn't need to act like my servant she continues to."

I let out a sigh, moment in which the person in question stepped in and engaged in conversation: "I can't leave milord alone, he's not used to living on his own. Please understand and excuse his behaviour." She said with a light bow. Why was she apologizing for me now? I shook my head a couple of times and sit non-nonchalantly on the bench and let out a sigh.

*occ: here Dracul says the region's name with his Romanian accent.

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(Ooc. There it is again... lol!)

Realising what he had just done he went up to the man and said "I truly apologize for my actions vlad" (Huehue) I stepped back and turned to Rose I bowed and said "I am sorry." I called Nix and turned to start walking away,

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"No, it's fine. Your behavior was understandable." Rose said, a bit surprise that he called her by her real name. Well, I did kind of reveal it. Watching Evac head off, a part of her wanted to call out and ask why he was leaving. Well, he must have something he needs to do. Besides, you just met the guy and it would be weird... Turning to Dracul and Claudia she gave a curtsy of herself. "Sorry, I realized that I might have come off as rude for not bowing back." Sge explained, reme,bing how they both bowed when they introduced themselves. 

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'What a curious character' I thought as I waved at him once. It was basic courtesy to send off somebody after all, despite his earlier outburst. Looking down, I notice the panda was still here. I bend over a bit and ask it: "Aren't you going to follow your master?" a sarcastic smile creeping on my face. Then I straighten up and return to my normal way while I address the blonde girl that just excused herself : "No need for apologies milady! This is just a natural reflex of ours, please don't let it bother you too much." Seeing her change, the crimson girl stepped beside him and while arranging her glasses, she commented: "Yes, you should have seen milord when he was younger. He barely was able to dress himself properly, not to mention manners."

The comment caught me off guard as I look at my assistant: "She didn't need to know that, Claudia." I said with a sigh. "So, what bring you here unattended? we're you expecting somebody? I find it hard to believe it was that guy from before as he randomly decided to leave by himself." he didn't want to bring him up anymore so the better they finished establishing his position, the better.

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"Nix arent you glad we lef- NIX?!!" I looked back to see him sitting next to Jemma, who was talking to the Romanian dude. "Son of a gun. Well screw this." I said as I jogged back to the place I was before. I said "Yeeeaaaahhhh, im not going to leave you alone with this weirdo Jemm- I mean Nix." I barley stopped the word before it came all the way out. Close one I said to myself. I tugged on Nix but he was as defiant as allways and gave off a barking noise when I pulled his tail. "Looks like I'm staying here for the time being. Also Rose," Nix looked up at her and nuzzled her leg "methinks, he wants to be held by you again..." I picked him up and he got on my left shoulder and looked at Rose with big puppy eyes. "And-" I bowed " Hi again to you Vlad and Claudia. We should all hang out and get to know each other a little better." I said emphasizing the last word while looking at Dracul.

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Rose couldn't help but smile a bit at Claudia's comment. Then hearing Dracul, Sge turned to look at him. "I was just wandering around before sitting down on this bench. His panda just happened to run up and sit by me, which is why he was here in the first place." She explained, getting the feeling that Dracul didn't like him very much. Then seeming that Nix was back with Evac. Chuckling she nodded and held out one of her arms fir Nix to jump on to so that she could hold him. 


(Fixed it) 

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Claudia nudged my for some reason and as I was about to turn around and protest she'd send Rose a invite to add her to the friend's list. Getting where she was going I brought up my HUD window and searched to do the same.... noticing me having difficulties on the matter, the crimson girl helped me navigate through the labyrinth of commands until I found what I was looking for. "It may be a bit intrusive of me but please accept my friend request. I think this was more than just a random encounter and if so, I will not leave it just to that. I know for a fact that by accepting you'd make a certain spectacled girl happy" I said with a smile, the girl of course being Claudia who nagged me to make other friend than her and her brother.

I internally frowned as I saw that guy return 'He doesn't know when to give up! does he?' was the though that came into mind. But of course on the exterior the 'polite' mask was still on so neither of them could tell, perhaps only for Claudia who knew me better than myself. I could hear her softly chuckle at my side. "I hope for that as well, sir Evac." Her tone was normal but I could swear she was mocking me. "It seems we can all use this opportunity to get to know each other. Also Liam, as I told Jemma.. no need to act formal if you're not used to it. This is but a reflex of our, no need to strain yourself."

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Nix stopped and looked at vlad and gave a warning growl. "Whaaaaattttever you say friend! It would be impolite of me not to send such a gentleman a friend request. Youll get one too claudia. And you Jemma." I stabed the buttons to send a friend request to the three. The only reason I did was because I am usually a nice person. If I was around this-Dracul- anymore, id blow my top once more. And I did not, want to horrify either of these polite ladies with bad language. "I apologize for Nix's reaction to you. He oftentimes does that to people who have too much testosterone. Shall, all of us including you Vlad sit, and get to know eachother for future reference?" I asked being as sarcastic as I could.

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Rose grinned. "Sure!" Quickly she brought up her HUD as well before accepting the friend requests with ease. Hearing what they said about getting to know each other better. "Sure! I know this cool park like area that we can hang out in." She suggested, hoping that would be alright. 

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