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Curiousity's Journal

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Username: Curiousity (2011-070A)  (Misspelled On Purpose)

Real name: Kyle

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Height: 4'2"

Appearance: Blue hair and dark eyes, child like features



     Curiosity is the wanting of new and improved knowledge of any topic. It is a desire that all human beings possess, no matter how flawed or lame one can be. It is the reason for our survival, as well as our ability to thrive in planet earth. It is why we as humans dominate all other creatures of our world, stand on top of the food chain with no predators, and boast the largest population and power in our solar system. If we didn't have this trait born within us, we would have perished long ago, or still be among other feral beasts vying for dominance...


However... Maybe this kid has a bit "too much" curiosity.

    From the day of his birth and onward, a young boy by the name of Kyle was the epitome of curiosity. From messing around with live wires (his parents almost had a heart attack), to playing around with rabid wolves (he should have died that day), this kid embraced the unknown with open arms. His parents hoped that maybe this was just a phase, that he would grow out of it in due time. But to the chagrin of the parents (and the joy of Kyle), his love for the unexplained never dissipated.   

    As he grew older, he was able to fiddle around with even more items, more knowledge, and constantly threw himself into uncharted territory just to see what would happen. This kid thrived and reveled in the unexplained, and he loved every single second of it. So when he heard about this "New world" within this head gear thingy, he pre-ordered both immediately,causing the death of his own wallet for this world filled with the unknown.

    And the day finally came when this "New World" was delivered on his front door. He placed the helmet on his head, and flung himself into SAO with a happy heart (even misspelling his username in the process of logging in), unaware of the dangers lying ahead. But... Even if he was able to find out that he was never to return to his old world ever again... He probably still would have done it anyways. Why? He's willing to place his curiosity in front of his own life, and that's how he wishes to live forever.



I'm all ears for suggestions:
Because of so much information constantly conflicting with each other, Kyle always had to have a open mind and a neutral attitude. Without this trait, he would have spoiled thousands of view points and pools of information, and he rather die than information be tarnished. That said however, it led to him having not many moral's on what is right and what is wrong. Though, to him, this is a trait that allows him to explore everything unhindered, and he is glad for this neutral mindset.

Oh yeah! I remember that!:
With a pristine and perfect memory, Kyle's brain is the world's largest dictionary and a supercomputers child, who then had another kid with the internet. It's absurd on how much data he could stuff into his head without losing a single detail of the thing in question. It's like a perfect memory on steroids, as he could remember every small detail and find out why it happened. This can be as well, a blessing, and a curse, because he remembers everything, to a point where it is not a memory, but a event that is playing out right in front of him.

No stone left unturned!:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The constant observation of everything in sight left him with a absurd ability to be able to be able to process every single little taste, feel every touch, see thousands of small blurs, smell that pollution in the air. It is to the point of being almost omnipotent, and disturbs people that have a shred of privacy. Now, his body can't react as well as his senses, so no blocking bullets with a sword or something along those lines, but still... This ability however, has been mellowed to the point of regular human senses in game, however, he is able to see a few more details than the regular eye.

I can wait... For a bit...:
Another little thing he picked up a long time ago was that you needed to wait for information to reveal itself, and due to the fact that he constantly searched out for information, he waited... A lot... Whether it be reservations to a area he had never been to before, or checking in at a secretary to interview some business manager, this kid built up patience that rivals old wise men. Heck, he can stand in front of a store for a day for 60% savings off of new books brimming with ideas he had never seen before. His patience with dealing with things other entities is not as great, but he can wait for a while before becoming annoyed.



Ok, i'm going to- Oh look! Shiny thing!:
Being easily distracted by new ideas and creations was part of Kyle as long as he had lived, making him lose focus at the best of times. It really doesn't matter to him what he was doing before if new information is up for grabs nearby, unless what he was doing before was investigating even more data. And even then, he has to pry himself away from the shiny thing with remorse. The kid tried to remove this habit for a while now, but gave up a year ago, due to the lack of process over his whole childhood...

Come on, it doesn't look "that" hard:
Well, it is "hard" Kyle, and you know it. The bit's of information that applies to the physical realm he can rarely apply it to his advantage. Heck, you could give him the ultimate strategy in a game and he'll look at you funny, saying "Uh, sorry, I know that already," then go on to never use it. Gaining info is his strong point, not so much as using it. It's funny actually, the reason why data is so precious is because it helps us prepare for the future, but he never uses it for such a thing. His desire for knowledge is something of a mystery, but he has never thought of such a thing before, nor will he now.

My life is second to knowledge:
If Kyle was asked, "Are you afraid of dying?" he would just shrug and say, "Well, not really, I'm curious on what happens afterwards." He honestly has real no self preservation when it comes to the face of knowledge, willing to walk into a trap because he's curious. He will also disregard silly things such as suspicion and deceit as nothing more as another shade of blue or black. Now, he isn't willing to sacrifice himself for a small bit of info, like the outcomes of said trap, but if knowledge so unearthly it has never been heard of before... He's willing to take the chance for this new and exciting prospect, even if it may be his last.

Hey! Did you know that Elmer's liquid glue should not be used on photos?:
Because of the absurd amount of information he has in his brain, its entire storage is filled to the brim with random and obscure details from who know's where. He honestly doesn't care for the importance of such things, only the amount of thought went into the data, and why it is such. This data he has is all compiled into one single category, "Info". And of course, he values these thousands of ideas and information.


Profession: http://pre00.deviantart.net/78dd/th/pre/i/2014/112/c/5/no_game_no_life_sora_and_shiro_by_rjay07-d7fluis.jpg - By Rjay07 (This counts as "Blank", Right?)





» N/A

» Search and Detect (Rank 1)

» N/A

Weapon skills:
» N/A





Consumables:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            » 10 Bread (I)
» 15 Water (I) 

» Beginners Knife (E)

» Cloth Clothing (E)


Equipped Items/On hand
» Cloth Clothing
» Beginners Knife


» N/A                                                                                                                                                                                                

Relationships (optional)
» N/A

Story Thus Far (optional)                                                                                                                                                                     »N/A

566ce53b258b6_Thatguy.jpg.e42b901ae45075     "Yay! The new theory on how quick the world will end comes out Sunday!"

-Kyle being really happy... About the apocalypse... 

(Picture from http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/shuu/images/31822678/title/shuu-photo)

Edited by Curiousity
When you forget to have a character in a character bio
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