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[F11-PP]Floor eleven can't be that bad ... (Manta, Macradon)

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Closing his shop on the 1st floor, Macradon went to the warp plaza to take a look a the 11th floor. He was wearing his usual attire, the green and black robes and his armor pieces, just so the robe sat on comfortably, the steel pouldron, the steel cuirras and the steel breastplate. Macradon arrived at the 11th floor. It was quite different than he had thought. The settlements were all olden Italian style. Lots of sand colored cobblestone making up most of the walls while others had concrete like walls. It was like he had arrived back at the Vatican back in the real world. The style of buildings were the same, even the big church chapel thingy, that could be seen from the warp plaza, made it look like a big Italian city. Macradon would clear through the maze like town, figuring a way to get to the chapel. He had heard that the chapel was a center point of the city. It should be where everyone was. It was the meeting points of most groups even more popular than the warp plaza. After some corner, some turns and some direction asking he finally made it to the chapel. The area the chapel was in was gigantic. It was a big empty area with the chapel in the middle. "Huh, this is strange" Macradon thought. There were no one here at the plaza, no one, nothing. He was get closer to the chapel and listen, nothing was happening inside either. He would look around, dumbfounded, that nothing was happening at this 'famous' meeting place.

Edited by Macradon
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