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[PP-F4] Zandra and Jomei (Part 9)

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Zandra looked at Jomei with a sour expression on her face.''What? You think Im fat? Your not much better either.'' she said with a played sreiousness. She took her index finger and pointed it at his stomach.''Very soft hmm...'' she said and winked at him.

Zandra leaned back in the armchai again. It seemed Jomei didnt liked lies and liers. That was good to hear, that they agreed on that point.''Also, about names. Could you call me Zan anytime? I like it realy much.'' then she realised something.''Oh, what about you Nick? Do you have a nick-name...'' she giggled at her bad humor.''... that you have been called when having Jomei as username? Or something else that you want me to call you? I gave you a couple of option.'' she said whit a heartful smile.

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"W-What? I didn't call you fat! I-I called you beautiful." a frown on his face, thinking the girl mistook his compliment for calling her fat. Jomei then caught onto the joking manner when she said he was a little chubby too with a soft stomach. "Oy." Jomei said with furrowed eyebrows and a smile, "I take pride in my slim body." Jomei said, tapping his open palm on his abdomen. 

Jomei chuckled, "Of course. I like it too. And a nickname for me? Hmm..." Jomei placed his hand on his chin and scratched it in thought. There really was no other way to say Jomei's name. None that he liked anyway. "Whatever you'd like is fine with me." he said with a smile.

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"What? I thougth ehm what was it. Immense, dosent it means big?" She looked at her boyfriends slim and realy well shaped body. She was realy lucky to have such a good looking partner."Yeah, Id guess that goes for me too, sometimes I wish I had a little more body on some places. But you cant have everything is this world, I guess I can live with it since I have the hottest man in Aincrad." She said with a huge smile on her lips.

So he wanted her to found out a nickname for Jomei."Hmm... not very good at such things. Jo sounds to feminine, and who on earth would like mei. Its a tricky one." She moved a little to the side to make it more comfortable."Have no clue. Unless you like Jo, then I can definitly call you that."

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"Well.. not exactly." Jomei said, rubbing the back of his head, "It can mean big.. but it also means a large amount of something..s-so I said you have a lot of b-beauty." Jomei's face was red as ever as he explained what he meant to Zandra. "Sorry, I'm really bad at this flirting thing, ya' know." Zandra felt the same as Jomei, being thankful for her body type and all. She only wished she had more body in some places, which made Jomei smile and let out a light laugh. His face then turned red again when she called him 'the hottest guy in Aincrad' "H-Hey now, you know thats n-not true." He smiled and covered part of his face with his hand to hide the blushing. 

"We can just stick with Jomei then.. or Nick.. Whichever you prefer depending on where we are. I wouldn't want my real name getting out everywhere, I only tell the people I really trust." he said with a smirk. He ran his finger on his cheek and noticed that all of the ointment had dried up, and his face was back to its usual self. He let out a sigh of relief, mouthing the words 'thank God.' 

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Zandra raised an eyebrow when Jomei said she wsnt saying the trhuth when saying he is the hottest man in Aincrad.''So, who is it then? I cant think about someone thou.'' she crossed her arms and place one leg on the other looking at him in a challenging way. She also raised her cheek to look a little more swish.

Zandra nooded.''Then Jomei it is. You dont need a nickname for that, Jomei is a pretty beutiful name, or maybe not very manly to be called beutiful hmm...'' she scratched her cheek.''Its a name I like realy much, cant realy find a word for it.'' she said. It seemed the creme on his face had dried now and he shaped 'thank God' with his mouth.''Finally.'' Zandra said and leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

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Jomei looked at Zandra, who seemed a bit offended by his disagreement of him being that attractive. He showed a face of worry, trying to find the words to say to her. "Uh.. I... well.." he sighed, letting his head slouch to the side in defeat. "Fine, I'll take your word for it." he said with a light smirk. Zandra was not sure whether or not to call the name Jomei beautiful or not.. being it was not a very manly word to use. "You can call it a beautiful name." he said laughing, "Either way, I appreciate the compliment." Seemed like Zandra had noticed the ointment had faded as well, and was pretty happy about it too, kissing Jomei on the lips. Smiling at the girl, Jomei brought his hand back from Zandra's grasp and swiped it upwards to open his menu. Using his pointer finger to scroll through his inventory, the man eventually tapped on an item, and the small wooden instrument materialized into his arms. Shooting one more glance at Zandra, Jomei fingered at the strings on his lute before beginning to play a soft tune fitting the situation. His notes were slow, fitting in perfectly with the sound of the crackling fire. He closed his eyes as his fingers danced on the neck of the lute, his song echoing through the cabin for the girl to enjoy. 

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When Zandra saw the wooden instrument pixelate her happines went up  level.''Yay!'' she said with a happy and kinda childish voice.''So the only thing I need to do to make you play is to add some white creme to your face and when its dry you will play. Time to send a huge order for some special ingredients.'' she said ironicaly just before the music started. She leaned back and closed her eyes just as Jomei did. It was completly wonderful. Just sitting in a comfprtable armchair, with her boyfriend near her and listening to his music. It was realy something you not gonna do everyday. Sometimes she actually regret for taking alchemist as her proffession. Performer seemed so fun. Maybe she would clear a part of the wall and build a scene like the one Jomei had in his shop. Or on second thougth, here he would mostly just play for her, it would feel a little strictly if he was on a stage. This was much better.

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The irishman felt completely calm and at ease in this moment, the sound of his music filling the room, the warmth of a fire, and the woman he loved sitting next to him. Opening his eyes slightly, he looked over at the girl who sat there comfortable, with her eyes closed and a smile showing content on her face. Jomei smiled a toothy grin as he brought his eyes back to the lute in his hands. After a moment or two of playing some more, Jomei began to hum in place of lyrics or a second instrument to the song he was playing. From humming, Jomei eventually let his mouth slightly open and he began to make sounds to match with the music he played with his tongue, vocalizing the sounds in forms of hum's and la's. Though he did not sing words, for the songs he wrote usually did not contain any. His mind only was able to come up with notes and tunes with ease.. but written word would always cause him to struggle. 

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After some playing with the lute, Jomei started to sing. But he didnt sung what we would call words. Instead just sounds came out from his lips. But even since he didnt said a single word, you still got a feeling that it wasnt just random, that every tone and hum was there because of a reason. Without it it just wouldnt be finished. She started to wonder, how many songs had he made? All that time when she was brewing, had he sung songs and practiced with the lute? But of course, performer was also something you could do in company of other peoples. Not like alchemy where you stands at an bench and combining different ingredients.

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After finishing his song, which felt like it lasted for at least ten minutes, maybe more, Jomei took in a deep breath before exhaling through his mouth. He sat the lute upright on the floor next to him on one side of the chair and stood up. As he stood, he stretched his arms into the air before letting them fall to his sides with a content smile. Jomei slowly walked over to the window of the shop, the outside windowsill covered in a soft layer of white snow. He stood looking out at the forest around them, the new layer of untouched snow in front of the cabin, and the tall mountain that they had spent a day exploring off in the distance. He turned around with a smile on his face, placing his hands on the windowsill behind him and using that for support as he leaned back slightly. He looked over at the girl sitting in the chair on the other side of room, warming his heart. "Sorry.. one can only play the lute so much before needing to take a break." he said with a chuckle.

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When the music stopped Zandra slowly opened her eyes. Saw Jomei stretching after leaning his instrument to the chair. He slowly walked theu the shop to one of the windows. It looked almost like a picture, the man standing infornt of the window, outside a forest with untouched snow on the branchhes, the mountains in the distance and the sun that slowly moved across the sky. She let out a deep sigh of how comfprtable her life was in this moment. She followed Jomeis example and stood up from the armchair, doing a quick scan of her shop. It could realy be alot more cosy in here. Potions and ingredients on shelfs covered the walls, with a couple of books here and there. A quick look at the floor didnt made her happier, there was several miscoloured spots that was a result of failed experiments or clumsyness. After a minute thinking or so, she looked at Jomei.''Ehm... Jomei...'' she started, not sure how she was gonna say what was on her mind.

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Jomei watched as Zandra looked around her shop, not the happiest looking expression on her face. Jomei wondered what was wrong.. was it something about her shop? About her? Or maybe about him. He opened his mouth to ask if she was okay, but she spoke first. From the sound of her voice, Jomei could tell that she wanted to tell him something. His mind wondered just what it was, if it was good or bad. He pushed himself off of the windowsill and stood up straight, crossing his arms. "Yeah? Whats up?" he said in a questioning tone, not sure what exactly was to come. He took a couple of slow steps towards the girl and away from the window, waiting for her answer. 

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Zandra threw a look first to left then to the right before taking eye-contact with Jomei again.''Well... as you can see, my shop isnt realy the most homly or comfortable shop, since the walls is covered with such a mess and the floor have been accidentaly painted on several random spots. Im not at all getting sd or hurt if you agree with me, so dont lie just to make me happy.''she paused to see if he agreed with her.''At least compared to your shop, but on the other side, you dont need so much and room taking equiment as I do for my profession. But I need a place to do my crafting at. I do love you most of all I promise, but alchemy is something I love to do as well. But I cant move my workshop to your place, it would ruin it.'' so, there was the explaination and argument behind the question she intended to ask.''Ive herd that now its possible to buy a house, I wonder.'' she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them she looked at him seriously.''Do you wanna buy a house with me?''

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Jomei nodded and listened to the girl talk about how she did not find her shop much of a comfortable place to relax, but more of a work station. Technically speaking, that was exactly what these places were.. Stores for the players of Aincrad to craft in. Honestly, he had completely forgotten about that, being he barely did any actual crafting in his music hall down on Floor Two. "Honestly, I find your shop much more comfortable than mine with the fireplace and all.... But I can see what you mean." He looked around the shop to confirm what they were talking about. The girl's pots and workbench took up a lot of space.. although he did think the various jars of interesting things on the shelves were a nice touch. It was also not until she mentioned the stained floors that he noticed some spots, taking a few steps back to the windowsill to look at one in particular. As he leaned against the wall again, his eyes met with Zandra's once again wondering where this was going. His eyes widened a bit and he smiled when she finally got to the point; she wanted to get a house with Jomei. With a warm smile, Jomei answered the girl, "I like that idea. But I don't really have much col to do so.." 

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Zandra was filled with joy when Jomei liked her idea. Thou he did have that much money. Well, as a couple, it should go pretty fast to get it together.''Well, I have saved up some. At the moment I have a little more then fortyfive thousand Col.'' she remebred all her long days and nights she had spent to get it. She would never be able to gather enough to buy a complete house alone, but together they gonna make it.''Thou some of it.'' she blushed a little.''Dont wanna be egoistic, but Ive gathered it so I would be able to buy information in case they would release a support unique skill.'' she counted on her fingers for a couple of seconds.''Well, in about fifteen skill points, Im gonna grandmaster whip, then we could head out on Col farmings.'' then she remebered Jomei already was a grandmaster with his rapier, if she didnt remebered wrong he also had some mod and other skill that increased his damage.''But if you wanna head out sooner, thats okay for me.''

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Jomei looked at Zandra when she mentioned how much money she currently had. "........." his head then slouched over towards the ground as he let out a heavy heave. "T-Thats so much more than I have..." Jomei was never one for going out and earning col.. But now from what Zandra was telling Jomei, it seemed more fruitful than he thought. She was originally saving up to invest in a possible unique skill for her first aid or any sort of support. "Yeah... I should have been looking into that too. Eventually all of the front liners are going to have one. You should look into that first though.. It could really help you out in the long run, and you'll only have that one chance." He walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder with a smile, "I'm sure we could save up the money again.. Especially when you grandmaster whip."

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When Jomei said that was much more then he had she blushed again. She scratched her neck, tilted her head forward and looked to the side."Well... Ehm..."she mumbled."But you are much richer then me in another way right? All social bonds you have partly with the guild and other stuffs." In that part she felt kind of poor when she was with Jomei at bigger events. It looked like he knew everyone else there and Zandra only a handful."We can save some for that to. Just so we have if two would be released at the same time." It felt a little, different. Standing her with a man and talk about their economy, like a real couple. She didnt disliked it, it was just a completly new and different feeling for her."Then I better hurry to grandmaster the whip before we finishes the game right?" She, but 'hurry' and 'finish the game' was not even close to each others.

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"Oh, you really think so?" Jomei said, rubbing the back of his head with a smile. He had no idea that he was a social butterfly in Zandra's eyes. Then again, he did not seem to find himself having many enemies.. and usually knowing most people that he sees walking around on the various floors. He figured he had to thank his bardic attitude and musical talent for that. Jomei smiled at Zandra when she said she should grandmaster her whip skill quickly, so the two could go out and hunt strong monsters for easy Col. "Yeah you better." he teased her, "I haven't slept in a bed in months..And that will be the first thing we put in our house." he laughed. Bringing his hand from her shoulder up to her head and gently caressing her hair, looking into her eyes lovingly.

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Jomei agreed when Zandra said she should hurry in getting her whip grandmastered. She did agreed with that, thou now when she had done most quests, it was kinda hard to reach fifteen more,or that was her opinion.''Well, Im definitely gonna do my best, but I do have quite a bit left to go. Ive herd that dungeons is good places to get those needed skll points.'' she said, thinking about the exitment she had to try one of those sometime. Maybe that cave she and Jomei was in was a dungeon, and they missed the opportunity.''So, what about start searching after one of those dungeons tomorrow? I guess it gonna be awesome.'' she said and made her expression as cute as she could to be sure to make him agree with her.

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Jomei nodded, "Well if you think you are ready for it, then I don't see why not." He looked down at the girl and smiled warmly. "Hm.. I might have an idea." he said, taking his hand off of her head and placing it on his chin. He shifted his gaze to look at the fireplace in thought. "Since we are on Floor Four and all, I hear theres one more field boss out there with a nice item drop.. Essence of Steel I think its called. Should be simple for us at our level. After we take out the boss, giving us a little bit of an experience boost.. we can go searching for that dungeon in the area around there." He brought his his hands back down to his hips and turned to look back at Zandra.. "So we could spend another night here, or we can head to one of the inns in town so we can actually sleep in a bed." he said, his cheeks blushing slightly. 

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