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Rayven's Journal

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Username: Rayven
Real name: Raven Madison
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 3"


About: History/personality

 Daughter of a government official and a fashion designer who spent too little time with their children Raven found company in her 5 years younger brother, Alexander and books for the early years of her childhood. As she got older her brother became ill to the point of his room being more like a hospital suit than an eleven year old's bedroom. To keep him entertained she'd read him her favorite adventure novels and they'd both be swept away to magical lands with fairy kingdoms and beautiful princesses.
    Trough high school she met her two best friends Dallas and Blake who were avid gamers and tried several times to get her into some of the games they played. But it wasn't till Alexander's condition 
worsened and the full dive system came out did she want to. She saw it as a way for them to live out the books they read and for him to experience life outside the walls of his room. It didn't take long for her to raise up the large amount of money to get them both a system. But it took her parent's a little convincing to get the new and hard to claim game. When SAO was released her brother was given half a year left.




Sweet: Raven always looks to help out others in need. She's has a soft spoken nature and outlook. Raven is rarely violent and wants nothing more than to get along. Because of Raven's sweetness she finds violent or angry situations difficult to deal with.

 Honest: Raven finds honesty has more to do with than just telling the truth. She believes it takes courage to speak it. That being herself creates stronger bonds with those she meets. And that trying to save someone pain by lying to them gets you nowhere.  

Modest: Raven's so modest to the point of underestimating herself.  No one can say she's got a big head. Even though her birthday falls on the Leo she's far from it. Raven has sketched before and when her friends would compliment her work she'd smile a thanks to them then to herself think they were just being nice.

Fair: When Raven first meets someone shes ready to be friendly with anyone. It takes a wrong against someone innocent for her to judge them. If they wrong her she gives them a second, even third chances for her to dislike their behavior. She greets everyone fairly and gives them many chances. Raven is able to discard her feelings toward someone when judging their character. 



Apologizes a LOT: Raven has always thought herself the fault to anything wrong with her life even the problems of others. Saying sorry has just been a reflex for her as long as she can remember. She's also been caught saying sorry to inanimate objects she's almost walked into. In response to anyone trying to help her with this she has to catch herself from apologizing for saying sorry too much.

Blind Obedience/ Gullible: Raven  is trusting of just about anyone and anything. She is all too happy to help everyone she comes across and can't tell if someone is lying to her, or using her. Raven may put herself into dangerous situations by believing obvious lies. She can't tell if someone is tricking her, or if someone has any sort of ulterior motive. This sometimes gets Raven into tricky and dangerous situations which otherwise could have been easily avoided.

Soft : Since she was in school Raven has been soft spoken. Most find her difficult to hear and often have to ask a couple times for her to speak up or to repeat what she'd said. Many people comment how quiet she is but no one has made it seem like a bad thing except for presentations and theater. Due to frustration from repeating herself she chooses to keep quiet  rather than fight her soft volume. 

Video Game Novice: Raven would consider herself more of a bookworm than a gamer. Her friends' obsession with the new full dive system and SAO convinced her to try it out. Ravens interest in the full dive was more a chance to live out the adventures she spent so much time reading about.  With little history playing video games there are bound to be many struggles for her while trapped in one.                                                                                              
Profession: NA





Weapon skills:
» One Handed Straight Sword

» One handed straight sword

» Beginner Pack:  10 bread, 15 water

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress




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