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Sukira's Journal

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Username: Sukira
Real name: Anabelle Caudwell
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"

About: Sukira. She's the online identity of Anabelle Caudwell from Hartford, Connecticut. A high school girl whose life hasn't been all that grim considering all of the personality quirks she's picked up along the way. Ever since she was 6 years old, she's always been into art and design. She spent so much time drawing fantasy characters with amazing weapons and huge battle scenes but kept them to herself because she thought people might see her reliance on imagination as a weakness. So every now and then, she would draw something abstract like a man being swallowed by a rose, which actually won her a couple of minor art awards.

Over time, she became the school's most "talented" artist, by the standards of her teachers, and she continued to act as if the art she was showing them was actually what she liked to draw. This deception grew into almost her entire personality. To most people, she would seem like a friendly and cheerful leader. Yet to her close friends who she knew would stand by her, she began to act so selfishly and rudely that most of them completely stopped talking to her. Due to this, she lost a lot of academic help and looked a little awkward. To keep up her status as someone who wasn't a nobody around the school she started making new friends. In particular, she befriended a boy named Michael who was kind of a loner and an awkward person to be around. He annoyed her a lot at times, but as much as she hated to admit it, they did grow to be friends. When she found out how excited Michael was about this "new virtual world" called Sword Art Online, she decided to give it a chance herself. Even though she got trapped in the Aincrad, she wasn't too upset. Sometimes she misses the outside world, and it's at those times that she likes to blame Michael for getting her involved in Sword Art Online in the first place, but ultimately she likes just being Sukira -- A new girl with a fresh start who can make friends and use them to her advantage to do everything she wants to in this world, as much as those desires seem to change on a regular basis.


Strong-willed: Sukira doesn't often back down from a challenge, assuming there's a reasonable chance of her succeeding or at least not ending up dead. Some have viewed this also as a negative trait, calling her "bull-headed", but she doesn't let this discourage her whenever a goal crosses her mind. If she wants something done, she'll do it. Even if she has to drag someone she found in the middle of the town square with her by force to do so.

Persuasive: Through compliments or threats, favors or tricks, she can often find some way of persuading someone to serve whatever purpose she needs them for. While this has so far not been overly successful with merchants, she has gained some acquaintances and information by talking to people she's met around Aincrad. She's using it more to her advantage in Aincrad than she did in the real world, as she figures that it's easier to avoid people if they figure her out.

Alert: Very aware of her surroundings. Tends to be aware that anyone around her might try to trick her at any time. This is largely reflective of her own traitorous nature, but that's not something that she chooses to acknowledge. She simply keeps an eye on friends and foes at all times to be sure that they don't catch her off-guard at any point. She believes herself to be "smarter than that".


Envious: Always finds herself jealous of the things that other players have, which may sometimes serve as an obstacle on her path to more important goals. She has a tendency to follow these feelings up with (albeit often minor) statements or actions that just lead to more frustrating situations for herself and the people around her. It's also the only thing preventing her from continuing to do life skills while the front lines are in combat. She wishes she had their physical force, so she feels the need to become stronger.

Deceitful: Misleads others for her own personal gain, though usually only in fairly simple ways. For example, convincing people to travel with her on an endeavor that assists her more than them, despite convincing them otherwise. She doesn't necessarily intend to upset or hurt others, but often ends up doing so in the process and really doesn't care all that much.

Backstabber: Somewhat ties into her deceitful trait. While she has a close friend or two who she remains with, anyone else is fair game to betray at any moment. This tends to be used when she no longer has a use for someone but they have something valuable, or when she needs them to do something and they refuse to. She will exploit any advantage she has for the sake of her own benefit. This seems to happen much less with Michael around.





Weapon skills:
»One-Handed Curved Sword (5 pts)

»10 Bread
»15 Water
»Starting Scimitar
»Cloth Clothing

» [-----] -

Relationships: Friends with MichaelStark, from outside SAO.


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