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Chrome's Journal

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Username: _Nechrome
Real name: Jack Strider
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"

History: Jack didn't like to think he was a geek. But he was always on top of the newest games to hit the shelves, and spent more money that he should have on his gaming setup. So he was well aware of the VR tech happening overseas in Japan, and when a new game was announced that combined his love of fantasy and rpgs, he knew he needed to be there on it's launch. But it wouldn't come to America for quite some time. So he started to save paychecks, not splurging on new games like he always did, even going so far as to sell some of his older titles for the extra cash.

He went online and began trying to teach himself Japanese, with a lot of difficulty. But he didn't quit. After weeks of saving, he finally had enough. His parents were always out of town on business trips, and they encouraged him to get out of the house. Just before the game was set to release, he booked a flight, landing with just enough time to get in line outside a shop. He got back to his hotel room, set up all the new gear, and gave a rare smile as he rested on the bed. He went through all that just to play a game. What a geek.

Personality: Pretty closed off, with little in the way of social experience. He'd like to have some friends, but always seems to shun away those who try. He's passionate about his interests, but feels weird if he broadcasts them too much. Always tired, though he won't admit it's because he always on that phone. He's an all around nice guy, but he can snap under specific circumstances, though this is very difficult to do.

Stoic: He is unnerved by most of the creatures around him, and even the whole situation of being trapped to an extent. He just isn't fazed, always level headed in the most chaotic battles or against the toughest foes. Surely, nothing can make him falter.

Tactful: A side effect of being so careful to not fail when it comes to strategy, he finds himself fairly adept at tactical planning and problem solving in general. Whatever he faces, he seems to have know what to do, and has just what he needs to do it. On a good day, that is.

Fortitude: Has a lot of endurance, taking blows and still moving. He'll just keep going till the fight is over. Like a never-ending force that won't quit. He won't stick around if he doesn't need to, but when push comes to shove, he will die before he stops pushing.


Pessimist: He can't help but look at things with a 'glass half empty' mentality. Assuming the worst case scenario and expecting plans to fail. He can be kind of a downer at times when spirits are low, but at least he'll always be there to say he called it should things ever go south.

Dubious: The thought of having others be effected negatively by a decision he made isn't one he takes lightly. He is extremely cautious about strategy, overthinking in order to prevent missing something that could lead to someone getting hurt. Should the plan fall apart though, he won't hesitate to put himself at risk in the heat of the moment.

Callous: Having very little social grace, he can come off as cold and heartless. Like a stone warrior, emotionless even when others around him are laughing or crying. It's not that he doesn't care, but that he has a difficult time letting his emotions out. Whether this is on purpose or ineptitude, he won't say.






Weapon skills:

» 10 Bread
» 15 Water

» Basic One-Handed Hammer


Story Thus Far


Edited by _Nechrome
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