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Q's Journal


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Username: Q
Real name: Brody Harkson
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 8" 


The only things Brody ever really did were homework and video games. He coasted through high school, were he had joined a Fencing class (which he dropped after about a year). He had attended a local community college, were he joined several clubs (most of which he dropped out of by the end). He earned a degree, which he hoped would get him a job as a detective or something cool like that. After finishing up at the community college, and before his first semester at a larger university, Brody applied for a summer job in the city, and ended up working at the games shop in downtown Seattle.

The little games store was pretty quiet most of the time. People came in and out throughout the day, but it was never really busy. Brody heard all about the newest games while on the clock from some of the customers, and became intrigued by a Japanese virtual reality came that was about to be released overseas. But the North American version of the game wouldn't be released until after he was already back in college. Instead, he bought a Japanese copy of the game an all of the necessary hardware off of the Internet, no doubt for way overpriced. He had taken a Japanese class in college one time, and was fairly certain he would be able to play the game without too much trouble.

He is quite a character, weaving lies into the truth in order to make his tales more daring or amazing. He cracks jokes whenever possible, keeping the mood light while convincing others to keep going. He may want to have things done perfectly, and he may be a little over the top, but in the end, he's just another man trying to cope with his situation. He just deals with it in his own way.


Determined: When they make a choice, they go for it with everything they got. Nothing will keep them from reaching their goals. This can be both a virtue and a flaw, as they will continue down the path, regardless of the challenges they will face.

Humorous: Always has a little quip or pun for any circumstance. They tend to tell their jokes at very tense or serious moments to help lighten the mood, and to keep everyone going. Not everyone may like his sense of humor, but he thinks his jokes are good enough, and that's what counts to him.

Loyal: When someone does right by him, he always makes sure to return the favor. If someone helps him, he'll always pay off his debt. He may not be the easiest of people to make friends with, but once someone gains his respect and trust, he'll always stand by their side. When he picks a side, he can't be persuaded to betray those he's allied with.


Perfectionist: Is always highly critical of any action they take, and tends to question the choices and plans he makes. Even the smallest mistakes can make him rethink an entire strategy, and the smallest details are always over-analyzed. Nothing they do is ever good enough in their eyes, and they always believe that they can do better.

Liar: Tends to skew the details of any stories he tells so that they sound better and make him seem cooler. Is not above telling someone a false truth, or omitting certain key pieces of information if it means he'll get an advantage.

Theatrical: Not so much in real life as in the game. Has a tendency to come up with extravagantly complex and complicated plans to simple encounters. Invented several so-called "Finishing Moves" (which are just regular attacks that he gave cool sounding names), the names of which he sometimes yells while performing them.





Weapon skills:

» 10 bread
» 15 water
» Basic Rapier

» Starting Armor

[SP-F1] The Start of Everything

[PP-F1] A Chance Encounter



Edited by Q
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