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[SP-F1] A Whole New World

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This certainly was NOT what I was expecting.

After everything; saving money, traveling, and the hassle of trying to read the instruction manual for Nerve Gear, I was standing in Aincrad. I looked around me like a tourist in a foreign land. It really did feel foreign at least. Old stone buildings with cracked walls, as if they had been built decades ago.

I looked myself over. I had on a dull red shirt with some lightweight armor that honestly felt like it would break if a strong wind came by. The boots and gloves fit alright, but it all felt kinda cheap.

I should get better stuff as soon as possible.

This was all inside a game! Everything around me, programmers had spent long hours developing. I was quite impressed.

"So...what to do in this new world?"

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I decided to wander the city, and eventually make my way out of the walls into the fields. I spent too much time getting to this point to rush and miss things. I was going to take in every detail this world had to offer.

So I casually walked through large streets and cramped alleys, not bothering to check the map for my location. Was I even moving towards the edge of the city? I didn't care. I passed by little shops with NPC's spouting off the same few lines on repeat, and lots of empty housing that would no doubt be bought out by players sooner or later.

It would be nice to have a place to keep all the things I would collect in playing this game, but I didn't like the ones here. It was the first city, so that was to be expected. Maybe a little cabin in some snowy forest, away from everything else that I could just sit and relax in. It would be a welcome change of pace from all the work I'd been doing lately. But that was a ways away.

I dragged myself out from my head as a shadow loomed over me. The smooth stone wall blocked the sun at this angle. Lucky me to have been going in the right general direction. So I headed left, following the wall towards the gates out.

No rush, I have plenty of time to kill.

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The gates reminded me of some ancient castle entrance. Big engraved wooden doors that would have been too heavy for a hundred men to move, let alone construct. But that only made them more grand. Already, I was seeing something I would have never seen in the real world. The game was starting to pay back the time it took to get to this point. The stone work on the road changed to gravel and eventually dry dirt the further I went from the city.

All of this was breathtaking. I couldn't wait to see more of this place.

I brought up my menu, something I learned form seeing others preform the motions on the way out, and looked at the time. I was nearing almost an hour of full dive. Having never used the system before, prolonged use might be unhealthy. But...

Ah, screw it! I'll stay for a while longer. I'm going to get my money's worth out of this game.

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I could see pigs ahead of me. Boars actually, as I neared. The names of the beasts hovered over their heads as they rummaged through the grass, snorting occasionally. My gut told me these were some of the first enemies in the game. The fodder that was mildly annoying when just starting out, and not worth your time in two levels.

Now was probably as good a time as any to stop treating things like vacation and more like a game. These boars would give me the experience and basic loot to purchase things, or at least put some more weight to my pockets.

I stood and ran at the nearest beast. It turned my way, squealing before charging at me. I kicked off one foot as the boar jumped forward, tusks aiming for me like daggers. We hung in the air, everything in slow motion, as I came to the realization.

I hadn't equipped a weapon.

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I trudged into the city. How could I have been so stupid?! Had I really been so amazed at the game that I ran headlong into battles without thinking? The whole incident painted me like some noob, and I'd rather forget it happened at all. But it was a good little wake up call. Enough gawking at the scenery.

I made my way through the small shops and stalls, looking to spend my money. I didn't have a lot, but there was bound to be something worth getting. Most of the armor was still out of my price range, but I eventually found a little booth with an assortment of weapons.

They had basic knives and swords, plus a few other items. I instinctively wanted to grab a sword, but looking around me, a lot of players were going that route. It seem like a popular choice, and I couldn't help but want to stand out a little from the rest. So with what little money I had, I dumped it all on a hammer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

But now what? Should I go back into the fields, maybe get some payback on the boars I ran from earlier? Find a quest? I decided beating something and selling the loot would be the best place to start. The hammer I now had wasn't really much better than the starting gear, and I wouldn't get anything better without money.

Moving through the crowds back out of the city, I was surprised by just how many people were here. Sure it was the launch day for this game, but seeing all the people chatting, buying, and going about their own quests really put into perspective just how big this game was. The VR game people had been waiting for was here, and I suddenly felt like I was falling behind.

This was the beginning days of a new VRMMO. There wasn't a bunch of max level players who have spent years of their lives invested in it yet. And I was going to need to start moving if I was going to catch back up. I picked up the pace, and took my first step outside the city again, ready to get to work.

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And found myself in a big courtyard.

What? Where am I? Wasn't I just leaving the city?

The courtyard itself was rather big, open to the sky with big walls that reminded me of roman architecture. Smooth cobblestone spread out across the whole area, with a large statue at the center.

As i scanned around at my surroundings, I realized lots of other people were here as well. A LOT of people. It was starting to get really crowded, with more players appearing out of blue light. Everyone looked just as confused as I was, which made me feel a little better.

But what was happening? I asked myself over and over as high above me, a small red hexagon began to flash.

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