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[PP-F1] <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>> (Tristan Delaney)

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A village in need of medicine eh? Seems like the average quest in most MMOs, not that this really counts as "most MMOs" he thought as he grimaced. As he reached the area that the NPC had told him about, he looked out and saw a fair number of plant like creatures walking around with the name "Nepent" floating above their heads. Given their numbers, it probably wouldn't be best to go down there alone would it? Well, I may have in fact gotten myself in over my head on this one. Maybe someone else will come along doing this quest, can't hurt to wait. He sits down on the ground and runs his hand through his short brown hair. Thankfully, hair was one of the few aspects of your avatar that you could control, by the time we get out my hair will be unbearably long he thought while looking around.

As he sat waiting, he took in the view around him. This full dive technology sure was something to marvel at, the feel of the wind on your face, the grass in your hands and the rain in your hair. Maybe not quite the rain, the system doesn't seem to have perfected the feeling of water, but it was close enough. Even the weather closely matches what it should be in the real world. It's supposed to be cold right now, at least that's what everyone is saying, but I always used to live for the cold. Either way, someone better come along soon or else I'll have to go back to town and try to be sociable to find people to help me out with this quest. He drew his longsword and sat there running his palm along the flat of the blade.


"Still need to get combat down..." he says as he continues to watch for other players nearby.

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Tristan was having a wander on Floor 1, unsure what to do. His wife was out busy doing various things of her own, so he had time to kill and there was nothing much for him going except some plans to clear dungeons with friends later. Sword Art Online had basically become his life, so he was unsure what he was going to do when he finished this game, in the hope that is that he didn't die at any point during it. After all, as a tank he was not just keeping himself alive, but had the burden of protecting a lot of players to ensure they didn't fall prey to death.

He decided to wander about in the nepents area and have a look around. Maybe even do the quest for the skill points, since he as a player never actually did the Secret Medicine of the Forest quest, instead at the time jumping (rather recklessly) into boss fight quests like Avalanche. Well, if there was a player here to help out, he'd be more than willing to help. That is if the reputation of being one of the strongest tanks, despite his abysmal offensive capabilities, didn't scare players away.

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Komrk sheathed his sword before standing up to stretch. This game was so real, but did he really need to stretch, or was it just such a part of normal life that he did it without thinking? How realistic this game truly is, needing sleep, feeling like you need to eat, and so on. Even the death aspect is real he thought as he grimaced, but at least maybe I can find a purpose here that I never could in the "real world". The "real world", such an interesting idea when this game was as life and death as the so called real world. No, this was his real world now, and there could be no room for blurring the two. This world was now his home whether he liked it or not, and death is just as real according to the "opening ceremony". Maybe his death could have some value here. It's not that he wants to die, more that he never quite felt like he belonged in the old world and now he could find purpose, and maybe in getting everyone else freed from this world, he could give his life to save another. Maybe death would be better than returning to the old world, but only time will tell if this world yields new answers or some meaning to live beyond it.


"Man that's depressing," he mutters to himself taking another look around. This time he sees a figure wandering through the forest and tries to look closer at the stranger. He notices that the stranger is pretty well equipped, far beyond his own equipment to say the least. Maybe he could help me out, he looks pretty tough Komrk thinks as he starts to make his way towards him. And, well, if he tries to kill me, it's not as if I could have hidden anyway. Ok, time to be social. "Hello there! I was wondering if I could ask for your help with this quest. It seems I've gotten in over my head on this one," he says as he waves to the stranger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tristan was thinking not too far off in similarity thoughts, of what to do when entering back the real world. What would become of his current in game wife and himself? Would they move together? From what he recalled, she lived a long distance away, so it would probably require a lot of effort for it to work, if they do decide to continue it to the real world. Plus there was the real struggle between fighting to survive and take the pain for other players, but at the same time there was that he didn't really want to die either, since it meant she would of lost him.

Snapping out of the thought stream due to being approached, he saw someone talk to him. He looked relatively low level, which meant they were probably looking for help. Indeed, they were. Tristan gave a smile and said "Of course, Lead the way.". He probably looked intimidating with his burning shield and armour that was permanently blood splattered, but his kind face, despite being scarred from fighting in the real world, told of kindness.

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Komrk nodded and turned as the stranger gave his answer. Now that he was closer, he could see that the man was rather imposing given his appearance but he seemed willing to help. Maybe he could be one of those looking to get people alone to kill them, but at this point he had no choice but to trust someone, otherwise he wouldn't get anywhere in this world. As much as he would have preferred to run solo, being new and inexperienced, that would be pretty close to suicide. Eyeing the man again, his gaze lingered on the shield and he spoke up, "I've been wondering, where do you get a shield? I don't really have money at the moment so is there a different quest I should take to get one or just save up to buy one from a player shop?" Internally he kicked himself for his rudeness and turn to the man and extended his hand. "My name is Komrk by the way, what's yours? And I apologize for all the questions. Anyway, this quest wants me to find one of these Nepents with a red flower on its head. Are you doing the quest as well? It seems a bit low level for you, not that I mind the help or company." Well, let's hope this partnership goes well, a better sword can only help out.


Looking around he saw Nepents close by and his blood started flowing faster. A mixture of fear and excitement was causing his adrenaline to flow and his heart to beat faster. He momentarily closed his eyes and slowed his breathing before open his eyes again, his heartbeat slowly coming down. Soon enough he would get his first taste of combat in this world, and then he would know if he was ready for his own foreseeable future or not.

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Tristan smiled as they approached and asked questions, chuckling lightly to what they had to say. He was suitably impressed with their deduction skills based on his gear, to which he patted his armour and said "Actually, none of this of what i have is obtainable by normal means. It's all from boss raids where through feats of performance, I was granted this equipment. However blacksmiths and tailors and artisans can still make you equipment, which in the end is still incredibly beneficial for the journey into Aincrad and its higher floors. However this quest if I remember right does give some equipment to use, and another called Worn Out Welcome gives some too." he grinned as he looked at them and looked around him, seeing the Nepents approaching and considering when they should fight. "I'm Tristan Delaney. Invincible Warrior by Achilles unique skill, Professional FIghter as winner of a PVP tournament, Commandant of the great Azure Brigade guild and a proudly married man. Oh, and willing to help people out in Aincrad, because the more I help is more players not hopefully dying in this world. So just give me the signal and I can create immense aggro at the flick of a switch with my skills onto me.".

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"Well Tristan, I can see how you got the Achilles unique skill," he said looking over his gear once again, "I hope there's no Patroclus though." He drew his sword and looked at Tristan. "This will be my first real experience of combat so any tips would be greatly appreciated... along with not dying," he said with a chuckle. As he tested the balance of the blade in his hand he looked at the Nepents. "As long as you keep them off me this should go smoothly I'm assuming." This guy has a lot going for him he thought. A lot to lose that's for sure, but he claims that he's invincible because of that Achilles skill although I can only assume it would be named such due to it still having a weakness. It can't be the heel could it? That would be too... obvious and cliche. "Well, I'm ready to go when you are, Commandant."

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"Indeed, it was actually a fight with an NPC I luckily managed to win a first strike duel with. I could of fought a longer type of duel, but I'd have been there for much too long. The title is just what comes with it, for example Zelrius with Dual Blades has the title 'Hero of Aincrad' or Zero with Darkness Blade has the title 'Crimson Rain'. It does give a cheesy name, but I suppose it's well suiting for someone like me who focuses wholly on defence for my build. A bit pants when it comes to solo play, but great for partying and ensuring people dont die. Though for this fight, I think this should be far too easy for us, since this is a beginner quest. "Same for you, tell me where to go and I'll Howl for attention, rather literally.".

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