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Abandon's Journal


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Username: Abandon (Goes by Abe)
Real name: Xic Nabi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5ft 10in
About: History/personality
Before SAO Xic Nabi was the first born son of two children to a single father. His mother Died while giving birth to his younger sister.  Because of this he honors his younger sister as he would a guardian to a queen, he did everything he ever could to protect her. Through his younger days at elementary school he was picked on by everyone and bullied every day. At that point in his life he had no friends. Upon his 13th birthday he was given the chance to spend a year with his uncle. His uncle was a professional martial artist and swordsman, and for a year trained him to be the same. Once he returned to school he did everything he could to help other kids who were getting bullies and was suspended multiple times for beating a bully up. Because of this he made many friends, however he never truly me someone he could trust. everyone who called him his friend used him for his muscle and brain. they would have him do stuff for them that he didn't want to do, and he did. until he realized what was going on. this lead him to become cynical in nature but he never left behind the need for helping others. Once he made it to High School he fell in love, Unfortunately everyone he ever loved only wanted to be with him to get with or to get away from someone else, again he was being used and closed of trust even more. He eventual became Aromatic. though he did develop some friends who would come and play Pathfinder and DND with him. This was when he could let out his emotions (Save anger) he would use all of his emotions to create vast new worlds and watch his friends go through these would, grow and progress through them. Because of this, when he herd that the biggest virtual world was coming out he waited no time buying it and thus he entered SAO.

Gamemaster: Before joining SAO, Xic Nabi was an experienced DND Dungeon master and Pathfinder Game master. Abandon is well versed in how monsters might operate and can easily spot a pattern. he is also not afraid to take chances and in his mind, "the dice will fall where they may." This also gives him leadership experience as he knows how to judge the strengths and weaknesses in someone and can adjust their duties accordingly

Courageous: Abandon is an has always been brave. Even before SAO, Xic Nabi was known to help the weak and beat-up bullies. Unfortunately he sometimes got in over his head, but he never backed down. Xic Nabi always felt a need to prove himself and to do that he helped the weak and feeble. Abandon sees things the same way. Abandon will quickly rush into action to help another player even if he gets nothing in return.

Fighter: As said before, Xic Nabi was always brave and willing to prove himself. The thing is, he had every right to be. He trained as a martial artist and a swordsman with his uncle every chance he could, and when he couldn't train with weapons, then he was working out to improve his abilities. In the time he wasn't Gamemastering or fighting bullies, you could always find Xic at the local gym. Abandon is very similar as he will do whatever he can to better and further his training. he will never stop pushing him to be the best in the game. He also came into the game knowing how two use a sword

Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
Overprotective: Abandon will stop at nothing to ensure his friends safety, even at the cost of his own life. He values the lives of others Higher than his own and will go out of his way to protect someone.  This includes everyone, even red players, as long as you don't offend him or make him angry he will protect your life. this being said he is more likely to help a green player over a red player.

Short Tempered: Abandon is very short tempered, upon an insult to him or a friend he is liable to jump into action. Abandon despises anyone who he perceives as a bully and will go out of his way to stop that person, though he prefers not to kill. Abandon respects authority and has no tolerance for those who don't, he treats people who disrespect authority the same way he does an insult. 

Cynical: Though Abandon is more than willing to help others, he has been hurt so much in the past that he finds it hard to trust anyone. He cant easily follow someone into battle or even lead someone that he does not know well. Even the people that he does trust he easily finds a reason not to, even if they didn't do anything wrong. This being say Abandon is open to friends but he wont be easily persuaded to help them or let them help him.  

Profession: Rank 1: Beginner Cook. Grants ability to craft Tier 1 equipment from the start. 14XP






Weapon skills:
»Two handed Strait Sword

10 Sp


The effectiveness with which a player can use two-handed type long swords.



811 col

» Beginners pack ( 7 bread, 15 water, 1 two handed strait sword, Cloth clothing), Jacket as shown in picture above, 3 mat, 3 Food for finding familiar. Jalapeños poppers with Vitemins (2), gloves of greed (+1 LD)

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)


Deity: The Void 

Edited by Thedarkwolf
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