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addicted... addicted... ADDICTED!!!

Does anyone else have this issue? And uh, can the newest one come out already? Geez.

The first one I played as a dalish elf rogue... and my dreams of being Queen were quickly crushed D:

What were you? Also... first or second one?? I think the first one yields the best story, and the second has a far superior game-play aspect. But I'm curious as to what others think.

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Awww! It won't let me see the video :'(


jusss keeeding, now it did. AND YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH... I actually stopped playing Skyrim, because I really didn't like it. I'm not about games that don't have you character suffer consequences for their actions.

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I loved Dragon age... and even thought it was better than Dragon Age II.

I played an elf Mage... It got to a point where I would walk into a room and use the fire twister to set the room on fire... Good Game yall.. better luck next time lol.

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Haha, here was a game I played too much. I had originally bought it on the Xbox, but when they released the developer's tool kit on PC, I had to go PC. Being able to create your own content (With a lot of friggin headaches) was a blast. I think I played through the game with every class at least 3 times. I keep meaning to finish a play through on the Xbox, but it just doesn't look as pretty, and the Xbox One and Titanfall refuse to be ignored atm >_>.

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I loved Dragon age... and even thought it was better than Dragon Age II.

I played an elf Mage... It got to a point where I would walk into a room and use the fire twister to set the room on fire... Good Game yall.. better luck next time lol.

Oh my gosh. That would have been something I'd LOVE to see hahaha... right now I just sort of [censored] with people, and since I'm a dalish elf... I get to give them tude up the yingyang if anyone attempts to sass me for my elven lineage. Haha

And Saix. You're a dork<3 I want to play through a second time as a human noble... but that's mostly because I wanna insure my spot as Queen at the end of the game. Superiority issues, ya know? Hahahah

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Yeah.. He is cute.. And his anti authority thing that he does is sexy...

But if you ask me... I'm into Jackie.. I love the rich girl snob thing.. I don't know why.

Anyway back to topic...

I was thinking of starting Dragon Age again and running a human warrior with sword and board kinda thing.

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Haha, it's okay. I have a mad crush on Donna. Red heads, ya know? Everybody loves a little spitfire in their life. :P

And yes, back on topic. That would be awesome! I'm pretty curious as to what the other intros are, since I've ever only done dalish elf thus far. I heard the city elf is a pretty brutal opening, given how crappy their lives are governed under the rule of men. I think that would be another one of my choices. But human noble first... I MUST BE QUEEN


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Yeah, so I think human noble and city elf mage will be my next to go-tos. One has the potential for a great ending, the other has the potential for a great opening. :)

You should definitely let me know how that goes!! I love to hear these stories

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I played every class and ever origin and i loved each. the lower dwarves were the lest compelling in my opinion. my favorite character by far was my human male mage, AOE FTW. i could cast 4 AOE attacks in the next room that i couldn't see yet and they couldn't get to me. plus the blood magic was amazing and reminded me alot of my VtM character Christopher.

oh VtM, why is it so hard to get people to play you...

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