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[PP-F1] Elegance and Beauty [Zandra]

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Dawn had broken out of the sky and the air was now into a morning dew. Alruin rose from his bed after another great night's rest as he saw this world as beautiful. Every aspect of it was outstanding, and he didn't care what anyone else had to say about. In fact, he hadn't done any sort of leveling up since he was living in paradise every single day. Finally, today however, he was going to try out what the rest of the world may look like. He wants to create a piece of art just as great as Aincrad is alone. The thought of this game being able to hold you against your will and being able to look to beautiful at the same time while being a death game was amusing to him. Sheer beauty in his mind. Alruin's blue eyes shimmered in the morning light, as he had nothing on but a leather tunic and some cloth underneath with a whip attached at his hip. Granted, he had no idea how to actually use the weapon, he wanted to get strong enough to put his own "masterpiece" out in the world.

Any sort of beauty that pertained to Alruin was just that to him, beautiful. If someone said differently, then obviously they were wrong to him, and he had no recollection of doing anything that wasn't beautiful ever in his life. His new mindset of the world began as he was trapped in the game. Perhaps he had been broken by the fact he wouldn't go home, but regardless, he was a new person now and this new person was going to do what he pleased, whenever he pleased, and he would make it look beautiful and perfect in the process. Alruin, stepped outside of the outskirts of the town, now holding his whip in his hand, and he was looking for a place to train. This was the first time Alruin would actually leave the Town of Beginnings compared to all of these front liners that were strong enough to be up the tiers on their own almost.

He had heard of a few names and some in a unique way already. Everyday he had heard about life and death, and he tried to picture a way to make it sound beautiful in every way. Recently, he had heard a rumor about a upper tier player dying, but not due to a monster. He died because of suicide. Such a waste of a body in order to create a most beautiful exit from the stage. The world could have seen him pass away in a much more artistic form, a method in which he will most definitely be remembered. Alruin smiled as he held the whip with his right hand, ready to lasso it throughout the air. Even though he had no actual idea as to how to use it, he wasn't going to waste his time not knowing how to use one of the most beautiful and elegant weapons to put his mark on the enemy. A weapon that left behind a stinging sensation from everything it touched on a human body. It would leave marks, but nothing fatal. It would leave lacerations, but no blood.

Blood was an interesting matter to Alruin, he saw blood in a much different way than others did. He was not one who saw something as "black or white" he saw the world in a more vibrant way. If something looked brown to others, like a tree, he saw it blossoming with cherry blossoms even if it didn't have any leaves at all on it. If a person was dying and bleeding out, he saw it in a way that made it look beautiful. Alruin stood ready, but he didn't want to look ugly while using the whip, so what he would do is stand there, waiting for another player to pass by that he felt as a beautiful enough teacher in order to teach him how to fight with grace and beauty.

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Today was one of those days, the days she had been living thru more and more lately to spend her time on something else then working or grinding. The days that had made her feel like she actually was someone and that had increased her confident. The days that would make them closer to reaching floor hundred which would make this lovely dream come to an end.

Zandra was strolling thru Town of the beginnings on floor one. Today she weared her town clothing. A dark brown t-shirt. A red skirt with suspenders and brown lether boots up to her knees. She also weared a pulled back hood with a scarf attached to it, matching her crimson eyes. Over the hood flowef her long black hair. She kept her mind focused to not miss what she was searching for. She searched for low leveled players. Hopefully she would be able to help them. Either with some guidance or follow on a dangerous quest. After about an hour she saw a player that only had the beginner armour. What she saw next was what he held in his hands turned her lips into a smile. He held a whip. She slowed down and turned her steps towards him. 

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Alruin waited about an hour's worth of time before he found what he was looking for. In fact, it seemed more so that this person was looking for him. This person, though he had no idea whom she was was smiling at him. Alruin gave a look up and down at her outfit and felt it was... tolerable.  He didn't smile, he simply stood  there with one eyebrow arched as he was curious why this strange person was smiling at him. He finally cleared his throat, "What do you want?" He asked in an almost rude tone of voice.

"I need someone to teach me how to use a whip, do you know anyone?" He asked trying to hurry this whole awkward engagement so that he could get on with his life and be done dealing with this person whom had no form of elegance or grace to their form.

(Shorter post I'm on tablet, plus needs your reply to go on further.)

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Zandra looked at the boy infront her. Her smile disapeared in an instance when he asked her what she wanted in a tone like she was someone who only annoyed ones life. She was so close to turn on the spot and walk away. But with that attitude he wouldnt make it far. Beeing a solo player wouldnt be enough to stay alive when advancing to higher floors. And if he acted like that none would like to accompany him. To learn someone to fight wasnt the only way to keep someone alive."Hi there, my name is Zandra Zvift but you can call me just Zandra. Its a pleassure to meet ya."

It seemed like he wanted someone to teach him the art of fighting with a whip. A plan started to take shape in her head."You actually looking at a Master whip user. In just a few days Im gonna be Aincrads first Hrandmaster whip user. Its a realy rare weapon. Everyone seems to want to fight with a blade. Im glad someone else had picked up this weapon as well. If you want I can show you the basics?"after the last word she stretched for her hand for a handshake if he accepted her as a teacher.

(No worries. On phone so know what you mean :) )

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The girl he was standing before went on about how special the whip really was, and truth be told. Alruin didn't care about the history of the weapon, or how many people used it. "I'm quite sure I didn't ask for some boring lesson on the whip. I just asked for someone to teach me the whip", he said as he shook her hand only to get her to shut up about how she was so talented with the whip. A person like her shouldn't be allowed to use the whip, she wasn't nearly graceful enough and her language was different from his. He knew that he was perfect and that everything he did had some beauty behind it to create art wherever he went, but Zandra as she called herself, she had no sense of grace to her at all. The best part about her was her hair, and that was just about it. Alruin was an impatient person when he wanted to get something done on his own time, so if she was going to help him it would have to be before the moon rises, which at this rate was looking slim.


Trying to move along with the lesson, he held the whip in his hands, ready to learn, even though he felt it would be rather simple to begin with. "If you're here to help me, then just do it already, I don't have all day you know. I have places to be and the more time I waste here doing things with you, the less time I have to create the perfection I have in mind. Not that you would know anything about perfection or beauty." Alruin spotted a <<Dire Wolf>> nearby, unlike everyone else fighting <<Wild Boars>>, he was lucky to have something different from the common filth of this game, called people.


Alruin [4|4 HP] [1/1 Energy] [Damage: 2]

Zandra [132|132 HP] [33/33 Energy] [Damage: 11]

Dire Wolf [4|4 HP] [Damage: 3]

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Zandras smile has now completly disapeared. This boy was nothing like she had met before. What was it whit his attitued? She had never been one that want to be treated like they are better and more important just because she happens to have higher stats and more experience. But this boys lack of respect almost made her comment it. But in last second she changed her mind. She putted on the smile again.''Lets start teaching then. Hmm...'' In that the next moment, a dire-wolf appeared. This couldnt be a better time.''Oh, you see there, show me what the perfect beutyful boy already knows about the art of fighting with a whip.'' she said and walked back, leaning on a nearby tree.

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Alruin grunted as she acted like she was all high and mighty, when he knew he was better looking, better at talking, better at walking, and soon enough perhaps better as wielding the whip, however for now- he had to make sure to keep her intrigued so that she would teach him her tricks, so then later he can up her even further and show up as new tricks have developed. He intends to be the "Graceful Whip-Wielder". Alruin snorted as the <<Dire Wolf>> was before him now, snarling back at him. Without any hesitation, Alruin spun and with the flick of a wrist, he heard the whip crack. If there was any time to show off, it would be now, because he already was inexperienced, the least he could do is make this a beautiful sight to behold, perhaps she can learn something about form and grace.

The crack of the whip that was loud and clear didn't actually connect with the Dire Wolf because when he turned back around to face his opponent, it retaliated, and it hurt because a single bite in the leg brought him down three-quarters of his health. Grunting, he made sure not to show weakness before the woman, it would only make him look more pathetic for showing off and then not being able to take a hit. If anything, he kept a stern expression with a smirk on his face and snorting at the mutt before him.


[ID: 47336][BD: 5][MD: 6]

Alruin [1|4 HP] [0/1 Energy] [Damage: 2]

Zandra [132|132 HP] [33/33 Energy] [Damage: 11]

Dire Wolf [4|4 HP] [Damage: 3]

Edited by Alruin
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Zandra watched as the boy would deliver his first attack on the wolf. She must admit he did a quite graceful attack, but when he didnt dealt a single point of damage on it, she raised an eyebrow. Maybe he realised he cant do any sword arts at level one since you need two energy to use the weakest attacks, and at level one you only have one energy. Then the wolf answered with a bite in the boys leg. Zandra took a step forward to help the boy with only a single point of health left. Then another creature appeared. Probably its bigger brother. Another wolf about twice as big as the boys opponent.''Okay, I'll show you have you do it.'' she bent her kees and had eye-contact with the wolfs tiny red eyes. She started to charge up her whip. Thou it was quite different from the boys simple beginner whip. It was made of a chain with pieces of metal every twenty centimeter. When she felt it was ready, she activated it and with a blue shine she swung the whip first from up to down, then from left to right, making a religious cross on the wolf. Its health dropped down to yellow, to red, to zero. The wolf exploded in a burst of white crystals.''There is how you use the whip properly.'' she said, looking at the boy waiting for him to show if he understood anything.

ID: 47338
BD: 10 Crit +2 11+2=13x2x3=78-15=63
MD: 4 Miss

Zandra: 132/132 (27/33)
Alruin: 1/4 (0/1)

Dire Wolf: 4/4
DMG: 3
MIT: 1

Vicious dire-wolf: 0/60
DMG: 30
MIT: 15

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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Alruin watched the girl use a weapon skill, or "Sword Art" as it was called and before he knew it the wolf that had just appeared was gone just as quickly. The blue shards of destruction in this game, put his mind to awe, the color, the shape, the free form of them truly put a smile on his face. They were beautiful and that's one thing he admired about this world. Death became an art, something that you don't want to miss the show for and you'd rather get a front row seat to see the shards move right past your face. He nodded his head as he thought he had the idea of how to use the whip, but he didn't want to risk the fact that the wolf might hurt him. That's when it came to him, she just landed a critical strike, meaning she had now generated more hate than him, so therefore he should be free to attack the Dire Wolf with no worries at all.

"I suppose that wasn't terrible, but you should really be more elegant with it. Let the whip dance through the air, don't just flick it, make sure that you create a recital out of a single fight, because for all you know, your next upper tier fight, could be your last." Alruin snorted as he now held the whip and sent it whirling through the wind, in order to prepare for his next strike against the Dire Wolf. This time, his whip connected with the wolf, and he saw a quarter of it's health go away. Once he could get some decent gear, and some decent skill points invested no enemy shall face him and win ever again. Today, a mere Dire Wolf may have his life at risk, but tomorrow, perhaps there may be more to this world that he can take on, and then the next, and so on and so forth.


[ID: 47340] [BD: 6] [MD: 4] [Damage: 2-1=1]

Alruin [1|4 HP] [0/1 Energy] [Damage: 2]

Zandra [132|132 HP] [27/33 Energy] [Damage: 11]

Dire Wolf [3|4 HP] [Damage: 3]

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Zandra walked back out of the wolfs aggro zone to let the boy handle this. He probably only hid his secret elegance powers at dancing with the whip.''So, you realy are amazing, a pure master of the whip art of beuty. Your moves are almost perfect and the swings looks like beeing made by an angle.'' she said to the boy. Now she was outside of its zone and the boy would now show her how to slay a wolf.''Well, maybe your elegant and graceful, but that dosent makes you survive in Aincrad. You also have to deal damage to your enemy. If you dont do that the enemy gonna do damage to you and kill you. Just for your information.''

ID: 47723
CD: 4 Left combat

Edited by Zandra Zvift
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