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[PP-F1] Harsh Beginnings (Nixon)

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Sound reverberates around the tavern, flooding the woodwork and assaulting the patron's ears.  Nickel, dressed in a simple cloak, stares deep into a point of space in the distance, ignoring the bar directly in front of him.  He blinks and looks around coolly.  Slowly he draws back into himself, yet begins to observe the other patrons around him. 

If only it were quieter.  I should have gone to another tavern.  

Nickel sighs inwardly, turns around, and steps away from his stool.  A downcast look wavers over his face as he attempts to make his way through the crowd and toward the far flung door.

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Nixon enters the tavern slightly confused "Why am i here again? oh well... hey that guy looks uncomfortable, maybe i can help" Nixon walks up to the man and takes a seat next to him "Bartender... oh hell you know what i want," he looks over to the man sitting next to him and back to the bartender "And get one for this guy" he looks at the man and reaches out his hand "I'm Nixon, you can call me either Nixon or Nix. and who might you be?" he smiles warmly. waiting for the response from the man. "Maybe I can offer some assistance"

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As the stranger takes a seat, Nickel smiles at him.  

A kind soul.  Wunderbar.

"You could call me Nickel, or Nick if you're tired.  And bartender," Nickel calls out, gesturing for the man's attention, "there is no need for my drink to be anything but water for today."

He looks over to the stranger, and taps his finger lightly on the counter.

"You'll understand if I don't drink?  I prefer not to."  

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"yeah, as long as you don't judge me for how much i can handle" he looks around as his drinks arrives "Actually would you be willing to go on a walk, i would prefer some solitude, talking is hard with this many people." he un-equips is armour, sheild and whip to show that he wont attack Nickle. and stands up "I dont hate being with people, but you defiantly dont look comfortable, maybe it would be easier for you if we went on a walk, i mean the night is amazing and nätterna är vår as they say in Sweden, so what do ya say?" 

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Nickel nods his affirmative and begins to stand, taking a step away from the bar stool.  The crowd's ever present crescendo seems to grow in intensity as he gazes toward it.  For the slightest of moments he sees the crowd not a group of individuals, but as a colossal writhing mass, uncaring, undaunted, and emitting an ever wavering cascade of noises.  As quickly as the mass appears, it dissipates into many dozens of chatting denizens.

"So, why was it you chose me with which to speak?"  Nickel turns around and faces his new acquaintance.  "I must admit that it's somewhat of an oddity to spontaneously speak to strangers."

Though if any place were meant for it, this bar would be one.  Time to make a friend.

Nickel turns, and with confidence summoned seemingly from the void, walks briskly and casually through the crowd.  A smile almost touches his face.


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"Well you seemed like you needed to get out of there, plus i never let a potential friend get away" Nixon chuckles "So what is your story... If i may ask. No one goes to the floor one bar and leaves with a random stranger if they don't have a story. Mine is that i dont believe in soloing so i dont think anyone else should... and judging by how you were acting back there you probably dont have anyone to party with so i will help you level up if you are willing to let me"

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"My story?  Ha, alright.  Today I was just trying to find a good place to sip water peacefully.  Yesterday was much the same.  The day before," Nickel opens the door and chuckles softely, "I was spending the day trying and failing to find people to work with."

It seems my luck has changed.

The cool crispness of the night air kissed gently across Nickel's exposed skin.  He gazed upward at the sky.  Stars twinkled gently above, and Nickel spent no more than a second glancing at the colossal tower taking up much the view.

"Tell me, what kind of person are you?"

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"What type of person am i...?" Nixon thinks for a minute "That is a hard one. I tend to be more relaxed then most, I am addicted to alcohol. When I am in the right mood i talk in Shakespearean English... that's fun. I am a short story writer, Poet and a student of psychology. I see every situation as a thing to test other peoples psychology." Nixon smiles taking in the night air. "And thus i will reverse the question. What kind of person are you?"

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"I suppose it would be most accurate to call me a linguist.  That's what I spent my college career studying at least."  Nickel paused for a moment, "I hesitate to compliment myself too often, but I can say with honesty that I tend towards being patient above pretty much all else."

Though, if I am being truthful, I likely make more mistakes than most.

"Originally I intended to join the Navy, but with the world falling to heck and all... well... Let's just say that it's unlikely I'll be mentally fit for service once we're out."  He shrugs at though to dismiss what is clearly a touching topic for him.  "So, where are we headed friend?"

Time to change the topic...


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