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[PP-F1] The Rite of Passage (Shira) [Complete]

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As he ran out into the field, something shiny under a huge tree caught his eye. He carefully checked if there were any mobs around it and approached it after confirming there weren’t any. Just as he suspected, it was another metal piece. “Yay! Look what I found,” he yelled, turning around to see where Shira is. When he saw her sitting beside the wall, leaning on it, the grin on his face faded. He walked up to her slowly, understanding the situation. There was nothing to be happy about at the moment, and there is no point trying to be.

“There is some bread and water in your inventory; not that it will sate your hunger in real life. Nothing here will. And... We’ll call it a day. Maybe we can sell what we have for a room in an inn and also for a new weapon. Let’s go…”


ID: 49012 Battle: 8 | Craft: 1 | Loot: 20 | Mob: 3

Thread Summary:

Shira: 200 Col + 1 SP + 2 Mats

Hataki: 200 Col + 1 SP + 2 Mats

Thread Complete!

Edited by Hataki
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