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[OP-F9] The Broken Veteran (COMPLETE)

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The sky was black with the threatening black nimbus that prophesied an imminent downpour. The thundering sound of hoof-falls ringing in the distance was getting closer and closer. A strong but weary and ragged horse could be seen flying along the plains snorting indigently at its apparent plight. Across its back there would be a limp figure, slim but muscular but limp and swaying with the movement of the beast. Suddenly, the black steed would buckle and - with a last cry of pain - crashes into the packed earth and remain still. The hunched bundle would be thrown clear of the failing animal by its momentum and hit the dirt hard, rolling several times.

A green player, dressed in a simple common garb lies there like a doll tossed aside by a child. With a crash of thunder the heavens would rain a monsoon of icy liquid upon the earth, soaking the man and churning up the ground around him. Still, they lay unmoving as the sun fails and is covered by the inky blackness of the rolling clouds.

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A blonde Haired man with striking blue eyes looks up at the darkened sky. "Its been awhile sense i knew the feeling of rain" he thinks to himself as he walks along Floor 9. The rain starts to pour down and he stops, taking off his armour. "I don't want them to rust, but maybe i should bee more careful" He sees a green player lying in the dirt. He rushes over to him. and bends over, shakes the man and asks "You okay? you dont look too well, would you like a hand?" Nixon has a worried look as he talks to the man "Today is not the day i want to see a man die! Also it is raining and he is wearing cotton." Nixon reaches to help the man up and gets prepared to carry him, the man looked to be in a very rough condition, but, in Nixon's mind, death was not an option for this man. He would do anything in his power to help him. 

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The bearded stranger can be seen in a more detail as the blonde warrior approached, the simple robes of a mountain dweller or sage would be hanging ragged off the man along with what appeared to be an old cape with the sigil of the Crimson Inqusition - a guild that once dominated Aincrad. As the man was shaken his eyes would slowly open revealing emerald eyes blank with weariness. He would seem to realise after a moment that he was looking at a player and not an NPC - he would speak in a hoarse whisper "I.. thank God.. I have an important message for the Inquisition.." It becomes apparent that this man has been out of the loop for a long, long time - the Inquisition has long since been disbanded.

With a grunt, the battered and bedraggled sage scrambles to his feet with the help of the blonde looking at him in expectation before glancing at his deceased horse and shaking his head in dismay. "I'm sorry, Locksley." he mutters under his breath.

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"The Inquisition? I haven't heard of them" Nixon said frowning "I assume they have disbanded by now. Come one lets get you somewhere safe, I am not sure how well i can fight out here. I'm not that high of a level..." Nixon looked around quickly to ensure that he wasn't about to jinx himself. "The name is Nixon" he said as he took out a patch of fresh water and gave it to the man "Here, Drink this. I have more if you need it. Also don't drink too fast or you may go into shock." Nixon began to lead the man through the downpour It was hard to see anything around them and the man was getting heavy. "Come on Nix, You wear armour constantly, You can carry one man to safety!" He thought as they shuffled down the path toward the city. "God I wish I had a teleport Crystal"

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Phillia watched as Nixon carried the man to safety, thinking about how much that wasn't like him. She could sense a sort of discrimination, but that didn't matter, who could you really trust in SAO? She heard that the blonde haired man wished he had a teleport crystal, and Phillia smiled. 'How funny, he should've bought one in a shop.' Her eyes then shifted to Ethereal, the bearded fellow who Nixon was carrying. 'Whoa, that guy let himself go pretty badly...' She felt a bit sorry for him, but then convinced herself to not care.

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The man manages to nod a few times as Nixon spoke and mutters, "I've been out of the loop for too long.. My name's Eth." After a second he accepts the water and nods his thanks, taking a swig of the liquid. Squinting against the sheets of rain that were hammering the ground around them, the blonde warrior holding him upright they would plod towards civilization. Eth would seem to be getting better by the second as they moved on, a mixture of determination to get back and the passive healing from his skills. Despite the chill, the man was not shivering but spoke with a shaking voice; "Thank you for this.. I owe you one. Why are you this far from the city?"

As they conversed, the landscape around the two players would give way from the small field of packed earth to jagged rocks and obsidian. A clear sign that the pair were on the right track to the suspended city of this floor.

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Nixon smiles as Eth takes the drink "I wander sometimes, and I tend to think i can take on more then i actually can" Nixon gives a slight chuckle. "Oh and don't worry about this. You don't owe me anything. the last thing I want to do is leave someone to die!" Nixon's smile softens a bit "Plus i have always loved rain, and when I heard there was a storm coming on this floor i couldn't help but see it." They keep walking through the downpour. Nixon keeps a close eye on Eth to make sure that he isn't getting worse. "I must ask, If I'm not being too intrusive, What happened to you? You are High leveled from what i can tell, It must have taken quite a bit to get you down to this state." Nixon looks around, looking for the glow of the city but it was raining too hard for that it seemed. The air temperature keep dropping but Nixon Tasked himself to show no signs of weakness, Lest he put this man through more trouble then he already was in. "You are stronger then you think Nix. You can do anything, But don't you dare let this man die" He thought to himself

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The bearded man would offer a grateful smile to Nixon, looking up at the sky as he mentioned the rain. All around them small patches of lava were sizzling as they were struck with the soot-coated black drops of water. As they trudged forwards through the rocky landscape Eth would be visually improving, standing straighter and limping much less. Brushing some dirt and soot off of his common clothes that were getting damper and damper by the second he replies to the question. "Heh, I'm level thirty.. Let's just say there's a hidden boss out there that I.. Well, I had a scrape with." the bearded man would speak, no longer whispering. Eth strokes his beard a few times as he talks then traces the Crimson Inquisition insignia woven into his cloak, standing straight now and appearing unmoved by the cold. Despite all the talk he seemed troubled, a sort of sadness in his eyes.

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Nixon was relived that the man was getting stronger, eventually he wouldn't even need Nixon to help him walk. He looked around for the first time in a while. there was a lot of lava... How had he not noticed that before? He shrugs to himself then he hears Eth say  "Let's just say there's a hidden boss out there that I.. Well, I had a scrape with.Nixon cocked his head and smirked then quickly wiped it off his face. "How strong was the boss?" Nixon asked curiously before he noticed the mans sadness about the topic. Nixon waits for a minute and then, before thinking, asks Eth "You weren't the only one to try to fight it were you?" His voice saddened when he said it, but he didn't take it back. though he did realize he probably messed up he was also curious as to the answer. the soot was staining his shirt and as Eth got better Nixon began to re-equip his armour, thinking "You can never be too careful, the last thing i need is to be attacked while unprepared."

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Eth glances up at the other man, a sort of grin on his dirt-spotted face despite the elements. "I sorta tried to solo it.. I didn't realise how far above my level it was. Got me low- I had under fifty hitpoints before I escaped." He is silent for a moment before muttering, "It's harder without friends.." Then appears to shake himself out of those thoughts. They walk for a little longer, Eth pretty much standing unassisted by the end of a few more minutes. "I tell you, the Survival skill is really useful. Once I got trapped in an ice cave on the snow floor, which one is it..? Anyway - it basically saved my life."

Eventually the bearded man's eyes would fall upon Nixon's armor. Seems he was still a little fuzzy in the head - it had been a good while since the blonde had equipped his armor. "That.. is not a bad idea. I usually prefer to keep out of my gear when not in a serious fight but.." He trails off, raising his face to the sky to have several black droplets fall and slide off it, leaving their dark trails. "In this weather, anything can happen."

Eth swipes his hand down as they walk, deftly equipping his own kit. Dark, jagged dragonscale armor would appear and fixate to him, a massive greatsword follows. It would pulsate red once before securing to his back. He would forgo a helmet, leaving his head uncovered.


Current appearance but without a helmet:




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Nixon chuckled to himself as the man talks about soloing the boss. "Yeah I don't like soloing, it seems to be a very easy way to die. You are lucky to have lived, judging by the shape you were in when i found you. But regardless of that tell me about this Survival skill. It sounds incredibly useful." Nixon smile had turned warm as the two men walked. Now that Eth was feeling better, Nixon could try and turn this into a friendship. The rain seemed to be lightening up a little. Nixon looked down at his soot covered armour and thought to himself "This is going to take a while to clean, but hey it was worth it" Nixon was happy he was able to save this man, though whatever it was that attacked him and was able to beat him within an inch of his life was something that scared Nixon more than anything else, Could something like that really be on the beginner floors? and if so, How would they be able to defeated it? he looked over to Eth "Could you tell me more about the creature you just fought? I would like to inform my guild about it as soon as i can."

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Eth smiled back at the man, it wasn't everyday that you met a player as genuine and helpful as Nixon. "You get the Survival skill by completing the Traveler quest - you have to escort a man who's carrying cargo. It gives a bit of passive healing but the best part is that it negates environmental damage. As in, I could sleep on Floor 4 or Floor 6 and not feel it." He would raise his head to the sky, the downpour seemed to be subsiding. Wiping his face with the back of his hand and brushing some of the muck out of his beard Eth looks back over at the blonde. "The creature.." he would frown a little, "Bad memories. I promised myself I'd kill it alone, so that it can't harm anyone every again." He pauses. "It's almost impossible to find, I came to this floor around your level and stumbled across it with a few.. friends.." Another pause - "I've blocked it off best I can but I shouldn't tell anyone its location."

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Nixon listened attentively as Eth spoke. "I understand" he said resolving not to push this anymore "how are you feeling? you think you would be up for a battle?" Nixon asked as he looked around he then thought to himself "I best make sure he has not lost faith in himself, If he feels like he failed he may never fight again and that would end badly. We need all the help we can get to beat this game" he seemed to begin to center himself as they walked, as he tried to focus on and recall his psychology lessens, however it had been so long they were beginning to become distant. He mutters a curse word under his breath. "How long have I been in here? I need to be able to remember my lessons, they are the only thing i have to help me remember that i have a reason to fight." he starts to show a troubled expression but tries to change it before someone notices. 

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Ethereal appears to snap out of his dark place as soon as battle is mentioned - "You bet! But, uh, I'm Level Thirty. Will that be a problem or..?" On the inside, the warrior felt absolutely terrible and tries to push the distant memories out of his thoughts. "Hey - you mentioned a guild?" He attempts to stir up some good conversation as they move forwards, the settlement of this floor now within easy eyeshot. Eth would be a little surprised at how quickly they had made progress towards it, considering he had been practically dead not long ago and widens his eyes at the view slightly and involuntarily.

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"Don't worry i have 35 Mitigation. I may only be level 8 but I can take a hit!" Nixon said smiling. "Oh and yeah, I am the co-leader of the guild  'The Lucifer Effect' We are new and just trying to make a name for ourselves. I mean, that isn't why I saved you. I saved you because I cannot stand by and let a man die, We need every little bit of help we can get." He looked toward the city. "Well the way I see it we have two options, we can go to the city, and I will probably need to head back to my boss and report in, Or we can go and fight some. It is entirely up to you Eth." Nixon stood in silence as Eth made up his mind and thought to himself "Just wait until Antofer hears about this! I doubt he will ever believe it"

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(OOC When we reach our cash-in post count Phillia isn't gonna get a share of the dividends btw, she hasn't posted for days)

Ethereal slaps Nixon on the back, "Heh, I guess you'll be tanking them yeah? Sure we can fight Nixon! I mean, there's a good mob spawn nearby and we're already dirty from that escapade so sure - why not?" He wipes himself down the best he can as they talk, uncovering some more of the red parts of his angular armor under the grime. The veteran would take a step away on a path diagonal to the town, waiting for his fellow fighter to join him,

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They walk for a good while and see an odd crater with 4 beings in the center of it, as if they are guarding something. "Well looks like we have found what we are looking for." Nixon said his blood boiling with excitement. "So whats the plan? go in guns blazing or try to lure one out at a time? i am up for ether" He was ready to fight but also somewhat scared, Hopefully he wouldn't be going into something that was over his head. but hey he had a LVL 30 standing next to him, there is no way he would die right?


Ethereal 125/125 HP | 30/30 Energy | 20 MIT | 12 DMG | +3BD | +1LD | +2 HM | 9 Thrns(If this is wrong please change it in your post and i will edit it accordingly

Nixon 32/32 HP | 8/8 Energy | 35 MIT | 18 Thrns | 3DMG | 


King Golem 90/90 HP | 30 MIT | 40 DMG

Golem (1) 63/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG

Golem (2) 63/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG

Golem (3) 63/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG

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(OOC you said I could go all out :P I'll reign in now, I just had to see how much I could do reasonably in one turn.)

Ethereal looks over to Nixon, giving a huge smile. "GUNS BLAZING!" he shouts overenthusiastically, Drawing his blade from its sheathe upon his back he dashes towards the nearest enemy with glee in his eyes. He brigs the huge serrated greatsword around in a twisting arc right at its chest. Where it seemed like Eth was acting rash, it actually centered the monsters' focus on him and not his companion.


Battle: 6 (+2 = 8)

Loot: 17 (+1 = 18)

Damage: [2(Base) + 5(Skills) + 6(Weapon) +1(Mods)]*6 = 84 AOE


1 Ranks

Post Action

Effect: Attack action. +1 DMG.

Description: Charge towards an opponent that is not currently in melee range. Deal bonus DMG of +1 per rank of charge on this attack. You may only use charge once per opponent and only if it is possible via roleplay. You cannot disengage from a melee to perform a charge. This is considered an attack maneuver and is subject to success or failure based on the BD's results.

The extra attack is added on before the sword art onto the base.

Fight Blade - 6x1 - AoE - (12 Energy) - A mid-tier sword art that utilizes a mixture of over, under, and middle-cuts across multiple targets.

The sword seems to almost extend outwards as it is coated in crimson light, Ethereal would spin once before sweeping the blade across all the enemies within reach indiscriminately. Three of the golems would instantly burst into pixels, with the king golem looking bewildered.



Ethereal 125/125 HP | 18/30 Energy | 20 MIT | 12 DMG | +2BD | +1LD | +2 HM | 

Nixon 32/32 HP | 8/8 Energy | 35 MIT | 18 Thrns | 3DMG | 


King Golem 36/90 HP | 30 MIT | 40 DMG

Golem (1) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

Golem (2) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

Golem (3) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

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Nixon ran after Eth, his whip in hand. "I like your style Eth!" he said as he watched the bearded man destroy 3 of the 4 mobs. "Let's take these out once and for all!" his felt his morale was boosted, though he did not know why. He swung his whip down hard on the Golem, and two statuses appeared beside its health bar. Bleed and Paralyze. he thought to himself "Could a Golem bleed? oh well, a thought for a latter date" The boss fell to the ground unable to move. "You can go ahead and finish it off if you'd like."

ID# 49268 Result: Combat 9 (Crit Success) [3+1-30=1 DMG] +Bleed +Paralyze 

Mob(King Golem) Paralyzed

Ethereal 125/125 HP | 18/30 Energy | 20 MIT | 12 DMG | +2BD | +1LD | +2 HM | 

Nixon 32/32 HP | 8/8 Energy | 35 MIT | 18 Thrns | 3DMG | 


King Golem 35/90 HP | 30 MIT | 40 DMG (Bleeding, Paralyzed)

Golem (1) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

Golem (2) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

Golem (3) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

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Ethereal looks over to his comrade as the whip landed, "Bleed and Paralyse? I like your style!" Taking a few steps towards the prone figure of the golem, he executes a series of several more strikes and jabs. This thing had some strong mitigation so it was better to be safe and use a strong skill than not kill it.


Battle: 6 (+2 = 8)

Loot: 15 (+1 = 16) 

Damage: [1(Base) + 5(Skills) + 6(Weapon) +1(Mods)]*7 = 91

Astral Hell - 7x1 - (7 Energy) - A multi-hit sword art that chains three sweeping strokes with four deft thrusts at varying points.


It immediately bursts into pixels, dissipating by the second. "Man, that shook the cobwebs out. Good work with the paralyse, might have got messy otherwise." The swordsman smirks, then starts laughing. "We made short work of them, eh? Wombo combo!"


Ethereal 125/125 HP | 12/30 Energy | 20 MIT | 12 DMG | +2BD | +1LD | +2 HM | 

Nixon 32/32 HP | 8/8 Energy | 35 MIT | 18 Thrns | 3DMG | 


King Golem 0/90 HP | 30 MIT | 40 DMG (Bleeding, Paralyzed) --> 450 Col

Golem (1) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

Golem (2) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

Golem (3) 0/63 HP | 16 MIT | 36 DMG ---> 315 Col

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