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Ranmura's Journal

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Username: Ranmura
Real name: Junko Ranmaru
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2

About: History/personality

It only happened when she was a little girl, still with innocence in her heart. "Mommy please! Don't send me back!" She would cry in her room all day when she was sent to a certain place. The horror started from age five to thirteen, and after thirteen she completely lost most of her emotions. She couldn't cry, she couldn't be happy, her default facial expression was but a smile. Ranmura never got along well with the other kids, and now she can't make any new friends at all. The only friend she has now was a half french half japanese girl named Harumi who was born to a rich family. Everytime Harumi looked at Ranmura, she felt a sorrow grow in her heart and it was painstaking. However, Ranmura didn't see anything wrong with herself, nothing was wrong with the smiling or spitefulness, she was just a happy person! This all changed one day when Harumi bought the NerveGear and SAO for Ranmura, asking her to try it on and play the game to relieve her inner stress, but Ranmura was confused by this 'Innser stress' but she played the game anyways. It's too bad that Harumi won't be seeing Ranmura again, maybe Ranmura will learn how to feel again by playing SAO, or maybe she'll walk down the road of destruction...


Clever: No matter what situation she's in, she will always find a way to cram in at least a dozen jokes. Ranmura's jokes are mostly practical, and many people will find them offensive which is why her number of friends have been declining. Other times her jokes are actually funny (And Punny) but most of them are low-blows using stereotypes.

Cute: You can't really argue with this one, we all know that in an anime almost EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER is a cute lil' *******. Ranmura is no exception, rocking that schoolgirl uniform and the sadly (Awkwardly) permanent smile of hers that somehow attracts the occasional 'Suitor' who later flees for his life while a waterfall happens in his pants (No! Not that waterfall, don't think wrong!).

Loyal (Somewhat): If Ranmura has a leader, she will follow every single order that said leader gives. That's assuming she finds those orders reasonable and as long as they don't infringe on her desires. So far, she has found no leader that does so, which gives her a follow-through crisis. In addition, she has quite a commitment issue too.


Constant Smile: It's unknown how she got this trait, some theories suggest that she was abused and could no longer tell between sadness, happiness, and all the other emotions. She just says that she's always happy, and when somebody tries to point out that the smile is fake, she'll deny it and tell them that they're crazy. Well, at least she doesn't need to worry about a bad picture day.

Fake Emotions: Like the constant smile, it's hard to distinguish which of her emotions are real with the smiling. Most people think she's always happy, but the ones who can 'READ' people were always fascinated in her emotionally dysfunctional brain. You'd need to wait a million years to get a real smile (One from the heart) from her.

Creepy (Stalker-Like): She will do this just for the fun of doing it, after all who doesn't want to stalk a cute boy or girl and look at their reactions? Ranmura finds their reactions to be really cute and thus has an addiction to stalk the pretty boys and girls just for her own entertainment. Of course, there are no punishments because when the authorities come she acts innocent and in denial (It works!).

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)




Weapon skills:
»One-Handed Straight Sword: Level 1 (Sp Invested: 5)

5 Ranks


The effectiveness with which a player can use one-handed longsword-like swords. (Example: Arming sword, Longsword)

»Beginner's Pack:
-10 Bread
-15 Water
-Steel Sword
-Schoolgirl's Outfit (One in profile pic)

» [Open] http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/11036-op-f1-the-new-and-the-old-completed/?do=findComment&comment=452568

Relationships (optional)


Story Thus Far (optional)


Edited by Ranmura
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