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[F1-PP] Bleeding Tears (Lowenthal) (Calrex) (kacaji)

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A girl sat crying under a tree with her head down, it was truly a pitiful sight. "Why does it have to be me?" Tears flowed down her cheeks as she thought of what happened. It was a few days ago when she met a friend of hers from the real world, only to have that friend taken away from her. The memories of fresh blood invaded her mind, a group of four orange players ambushed them and killed her. It was over after that, Himeko ran to the forests as fast as she could without turning back. Her friend was dead, and she would be too if nobody arrives soon. 

OOC: Ambush 10 posts later

Edited by Himeko
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"Alright, that takes care of that."

With another daily sudden task accomplished Calrex gave a small sigh as he began to make his way back towards the Starting City, aiming to get back to the thirteenth floor and the Amethyst Boutique, "Still can't fully explain why this floor seems to keep bringing me back, but I guess it's really nothing for me to concern myself with too badly."

Looking up above he saw his familiar, Roc, circling overhead as the bluenetter returned his eyes back to the forest in front of him, "Guess I traveled out farther than I thought. Alright, then, I guess I can cut through here. The path winds too far around to make good time. At least none of the creatures on this floor pose a challenge at my current level."

Putting his hands into his jacket pockets he entered inside, but not too long after the clearing vanished into trees behind him did he see someone come barreling towards him at high speed, "What the?"

"That can't be a good sign..."

His right arm reflexively reached back to wrap around the handle of the Grand Blade II as he lowered his stance, ready for some creature to come running into view from behind the young girl, "Hey, you need some help?"

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(OoC: If possible dear Himeko. I'd like it to be just the three of us. No harm will come to your character if we can prevent it. All of the bandits will be orange. So that You, Calrex, and myself retain our Green status and do not become Orange ourselves. And If possible, with your permission Himeko, I would like to assume control of the bandits, as these are players and not mobs. So they won't follow Hate.)

Lowenthal tried to catch his breath as he stopped running. He looked behind him, seeing no one following him he relaxed. Not to long ago, he had witnessed a group of players murder an innocent girl. There was a second who had dashed off this way. Lowenthal opened his menu and check his status, he was down to about half his HP and his energy was missing a full 16 points. And better news was that his status was still marked as 'Green'. He activated the game's stealth mechanic and began looking for the girl. He exited stealth when he saw a familiar face. "Thank Christ, a friendly face." Lowenthal said, looking down at the girl. "Hey, you're that girl from earlier." Lowenthal said, recognizing her.

He looked behind him, and spoke again. "There's not a lot of time to explain, but I'll do my best. Shortly after you ran off, they began to chase you. I stepped in and managed to get at least one of them. But when I stepped in, they called for back-up. There was four before, but now. I don't know how many there are. It's probably one of those damn player killer guilds that have been starting to pop up." Lowenthal explained, he looked up at Calrex. "She was with a friend of hers, before that group jumped her. He friend didn't make it." Lowenthal looked down and gritted his teeth in frustration.

[Ambush in 7 posts. 4 PKer's increased to 10]

HP: 67/128 HP [+3 Nat Regen]
EP: 17/32 [+1 Nat regen]
Dmg: 12
Mit: 30

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Kacaji was taking a walk around the first floor stealthily hiding from the sight of people.  He had no reason to talk, for he wasn't necessarily busy but anxious.  He was standing behind a large wall, upright against the wood framework. This building was on the edge of the city safezone. He was startled slightly by the sound what seemed to be of murder, knowing this because they were far enough away to be out of the city safe zone.  Kacaji knew the feeling already all to well.  He couldn't tell the number of them, but they seemed to be moving like a herd; together.  Kacaji stood where he was, knowing full well the if he joined, it would only increase their chance for failure.  Kacaji was not visible to the naked eye, nor could he see what was happening.  He relied upon his hearing, which was only average.  Thus he knew he might be presuming more than was actually fact.  He told himself, "I need to stay in the safe zone..."

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(I will be in control of the PK'ers and their stats)

Himeko looked up at Lowenthal and Calrex and noticed they were high leveled players, her health bar was in the red zone and she backed up in fear but only managed to push herself against the tree. The little girl stared at them in tears and closed her eyes thinking that her life was over. "D-Don't kill me! I-I will do a-anything i-if you ju-" While begging for mercy, enough stress went into her mind to make her pass out, her voice while talking sounded very weak and innocent like a child's. Himeko was very afraid of death because it meant she wouldn't be able to fulfill her dreams, everything would just be a waste.

OOC: 5 More posts till ambush, Himeko wakes up on my next post.

Himeko: 3/12 HP 3/3 Energy

PK'er stats: 36 MIT, 10 DMG, 2 Eva, 2 Light Momentum, 100 HP, 25 Energy

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"What do you..."

Before Calrex could inquire further he looked to see Lowenthal emerge from the same direction the young girl had come from, informing him that apparently her friend had been killed by a group of PKers, and that they were coming after the young girl. As if to reflect his friend's expression the bluenette's jaw also tightened as he gritted his teeth, "Tch...and here I thought we've been in this game long enough to get past such stupidity..."

He heard movement nearby from another direction, closer to the safe zone, but it wasn't coming from the same area that he suspected the PKers to have come from. Closing his eyes the Ultramarine Knight gave a calming breath, cooling the anger that wanted to well up inside. "Now is not the time to become consumed by emotion. The main priority is keeping this young girl safe. Lowenthal and I are more than strong enough to deal with any players that would attack people on this floor, but that doesn't mean we can keep her safe like I can against monsters. These are people, and thus can't be influenced by the aggro system."

Gently releasing his hand from the Grand Blade Calrex walked over to the pink-haired girl slowy, kneeling down a couple of paces away from her, "It's gonna be alright. I'm Calrex, what's your name? I'm sorry about your friend, but we're going to do our best to make sure you get back to the settlement safely."

Looking over at Lowenthal he gave a nod, "We'd best get her closer to the safe zone. We can probably take out these PKers if need be, but the safest bet for her would be to get her back to the Starting City if possible."

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Lowenthal looked at Calrex. "Better idea. You're faster, and you have more energy then me. You take her to the nearest safe zone. I'll stay here, and fend them off." Lowenthal said, looking at Calrex. "I got a teleport crystal just in case, so I'll be fine. Take her, and go." Lowenthal said, turning around and drawing his dagger. Lowenthal had no idea what he was doing. This was some random girl, who he knew nothing about and here he was willing to die for her. Hell, and he knew Calrex felt the same. Besides, some of the bastards saw his face. Lowe had to take care of them or they might pay a visit to him at his shop later. "What are you waiting for? Go." Lowenthal said, seeing that Calrex was still here.

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Kacaji decided to stay exactly where he stood.  He could hear the group of people moving gradually further away.  He had thought to himself, "Do I want to get a better view point of the situation or do I want to stay hidden away?". After quite a bit of strategic analysis, Kacaji decided that he would stay in the shadow of the building.  He would wait several minutes before exiting the hiding spot.  After this amount of time he would be willing to find a better view point of the supposed threats and victims outside the safe zone boarders.  Kacaji remains hidden and completely silent, standing patiently.

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Himeko opened her eyes after a dreaming session. "W-What?" The pinkette looked at the two shyly and payed carefully attention to their words in fear. "S-So you're not g-going to kill me?" She wept happy fears and hugged Calrex tightly. "I m-miss her!" Himeko broke out in tears, soiling Calrex's pants making it look like he took a piss. A flock of birds came into view, this could only mean one thing, death. "Was s-she brave? Brave to the v-very end?" Even during stress, the pinkette was still curious.

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Lowenthal turned, and placed a hand kn top of the pink haored girl. "She died, bravely. She gave her life, to save yours." Lowenthal said, trying to console her. "She gave you enough time to run, and fate would so have it that youve ran into us." Lowenthal said, his hair and cost jacket fluttering in the wind. "So, im going to make sure they pay. Every. Last. One of them. So go with Calrex. Hell keep you safe, till youre in a safezone." Lowenthal said, feeling quite heroic.

(#phone post)


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OOC: I'm trying! XD


As the pink hair girl seemed to wrap her arms around him Calrex gave a small sigh as he placed a hand gently on her head, "Don't worry, we're gonna keep you safe."

Listening to Lowenthal speak his face flashed concern for a second at the young man's words. He was there when Lowenthal took on the Redemption quest, meaning that if the circumstances didn't turn out right he would turn into an orange player permanently. Giving a solemn nod the bluenette swiped on his menu, summoning his Grand Chariot II armor. The deep-sea blue metal encapsulated his body as he stood up, gently extending a hand to Himeko, "Alright then, we'd best get moving."

Looking over at his orange-haired friend the Ultramarine Knight gave a nod, "I'll get her back safe. Just be careful alright?"

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Kacaji opened his menu and took out a bottle of water and piece of bread.  He sat where he had once stood, and drank a fourth of the bottle rather slowly.  To prolong the wait, he began slowly eating the small loaf of bread.  He kept his starting, weak, curved sword blade in a sheath tied to his back with thin cloth strings.  He looked left and right, as the alleyway seemed very open, almost appeasing to silence.  Kacaji liked the feeling of the dark, cool breeze that would temporarily enter the funnel like streets.  He tried his hardest not to remember the hot day when everything went terribly wrong, looking down at the cold shaded ground.  

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