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[PP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> I Can Make My Own Damn Sword (Hataki) [COMPLETE]

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Her frown had earned a permanency on her face. With the back of her hand she pushed away a wayward strand of hair and glared at Hataki. "I don't need your mats. I am going to get this done now." She said pulling another mat out of her inventory and setting it on the station. Shira took a deep breath and sent a scathing look towards Divon too. "If I don't get it this time, its on you big guy." He looked rather disappointed in himself and his puppy dog eyes returned. "Oh no no miss, I swear, everyone takes a little time, you're doing very well..." She wasn't falling for this again, but she had no time to give him a piece of her mind either. Not knowing into what she should put her energies, she assumed it'd help if she swung the hammer harder, putting all her might into her motion. 


She closed her eyes, dreading to see the outcome. If there ever was a weapon, it was probably made and destroyed with that...  She mused and opened one eye just barely, to look down at the station. Yup, nothing there. 
She turned to Divon like she was about to make a meal of him and narrowed her eyes. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TEACH ME YOU BIG LUMP.


ID# 51014: | Battle: 5 | Craft: 1 | Loot: 11 | MOB: 5 |

-1 Mat -.-


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Hataki's worst fear came true. This time, there wasn't even a shred of material to leave evidence of any crafting attempt that happened there. And just as he expected, Shira turned to Divon and screamed at him. Hataki thought now was a good time to interfere before the guy began crying, which was entirely possible. "Whoa whoa... Relax. You are a smart girl. You know how this works. It's all random numbers. You are just starting out. This has nothing to do with your skill. And he can't do anything about it either. He is just a program, are you not Divon?" Divon nodded and Hataki patted his back to encourage him further. "Come on! Let's give it a try again. You have a few more mats, don't you? We'll get it before they run out. I'm sure."

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"YOU DON'T TAKE HIS SIDE. YOU'RE THE REASON I'M HERE." She yelled at Hataki this time. The words had slipped out of her before she could stop herself. He wasn't really the reason she was here, but in her anger she needed to pin the blame on someone. She wondered if she had kindled any guilt in him, if she had, it would definitely ignite some remorse in her, in turn. In attempt to salvage the situation, in contrast to the materials that were unsalvageable, she turned to Divon again. "I'll be doing any other aspiring blacksmiths a favor by destroying this program then, I swear if I fail this time, I'm running him through with his own hammer." She wouldn't harm a fly, but a threat or two weren't going to kill anyone... Maybe they would kill Divon, who had resigned himself to a feeble looking shelf and was gently thudding his massive head against the side... muttering "Why? Why? Why?

She made her way to him and pulled him back sharply, there wasn't much resistance either, for a man of his size, but at this point it didn't surprise Shira that he was a big bag of goo. "Ok ok, relax I'll just..." She took a deep breath in and tried to calm herself. "Try again, third time is the charm isn't it?" she said, not trusting her own words even a little bit. 

She tried again, half heartedly bringing the hammer down on her mat, which she really did not want to sacrifice anymore. And nope, nothing... nada. No material, no weapon. She sighed and really wanted to throw something. 


 #51016: | Battle: 7 | Craft: 2 | Loot: 10 | MOB: 3 | 

-1 mat (again. I'm done with this... lol xD) 


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Hataki had to look away this time. Even he had lost faith and he could understand her anger. He was expecting the 'you are the reason I'm in this mess' dialogue at one point or another, so it didn't strike as a shock. He knew that was the truth and he was willing to take responsibility for it. Maybe this is why we need to approach an experienced blacksmith for our first weapon... But he didn't dare suggest that. He decided the best course of action would be to keep her calm and encourage her to try again. "You still have two more mats. Let's not lose hope." He took another forging hammer off Divon's shelf, took the one from Shira's hand and gave the new one. "Maybe a change of equipment should help." He sincerely doubted it, but they had to try something different.

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Divon had hidden himself behind the shelves, earnestly staring at her craft. She could bet that he was hoping for her to succeed so he could burst in and shower her with praise and encouragement,  no doubt. Once again a mat was placed. She felt really uneasy about parting with the last few materials now. "Maybe I'm just not good enough for this, maybe I should just do something else..." She whispered to Hataki, glad that he hadn't taken her accusation seriously. 

"You still have two more mats. Let's not lose hope." He said, and handed her a different hammer. 

"Ah yes yes! That's one of my luckier hammers" Divon popped in. Shira raised her eyebrows skeptically which led him to shirk back into his corner. "Maybe you're right she said..." And unintrestedly took the different hammer. She placed her second last mat on the forging table and struck it with a new hammer. 

She still got nothing, but she didn't lose her mat. It just stood there, urging her to try again, mockingly. 



 ID# 51017 results: | Battle: 1 | Craft: 6 | Loot: 18 | MOB: 7 |


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Reluctantly he went and put a hand on her shoulder. "It did help in a way, at least you didn't lose the material this time... Its almost like someone is offering you another chance..." He really was willing to give her his mats, he just hoped she would take them and not get too proud about it, because the last thing he wanted was to go mat hunting again, or take any risk fighting boars, which honestly would be rather dangerous, if there were more than one of them. He patted her hand. "Go on, come on.. You have nothing to lose" He said thoughtlessly... "Well nothing much anyways" he added as an after thought. He went and stood next to Divon, in case Shira's outbursts took a turn for the dangerous. 


-1 Mat.


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She eyed Hataki wearily. Well at least the mat was still lying there. She had succumbed to her fate, apparently even in game skill learning wasn't going to come easy. Eventually she had learned to work for things in her life, so why not this. She stood there trying to muster determination. Hataki was still trying to be jovial, she wondered if she really could take his mats... Maybe borrow? She would return them when the time came. 

She went for it again, striking the material once, swiftly. She eyed the stand nervously, the material momentarily disappeared and a there stood a dagger. She looked puzzled... "But I wanted a sword" Divon scruffled behind her.... "Umm..." he hesitated. Shira already didn't like where this was going. "Well... You succeeded in making something... But this is not the best quality thing around... maybe you ought to try again, you can strike it again and get your material back, I can't qualify you to be a blacksmith based on... er... this. 

"YOU CAN'T WHAT? I can test just how good this dagger is right now..." She said, her anger rising one more time. She reached for the allegedly bad weapon and then changed her mind and struck it again, to see her material reappearing there, still taunting her.  


ID# 51018 results: | Battle: 10 | Craft: 7 | Loot: 15 | MOB: 10 | 


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This was just getting repetitive and boring, and even Hataki was losing his patience now. "Divon! Can't you do something to make it easier for her? I mean... Come on. This is what? Her fifth attempt?" Divon made a sad face. "I unfortunately can't. Higher ranked blacksmiths use trinkets and such to increase their chances of making better weaponry or armour. But... I can't give something like that to a beginner. It is against the ethics of teaching blacksmithing." Hataki sighed. He walked up to Divon and spoke softly. "Could you please make an exception? As you can see, we are not asking for an easy way out. We did try. We are just... a bit unlucky today. No one has to know." Hataki forgot that he was in a programmed game for a moment and began bargaining with Divon like how he would bargain with a shopkeeper in real life. Divon shook his head vigorously. "I can't. I'm sorry. I just can't do such a thing." Despite sounding weak-willed, it was clear from this moment that Divon actually stood up to what he believed. And hence, Hataki didn't want to push further. "Alright then. No other way. Hammer it again Shira."

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Shira didn't like the fact that Hataki was bargaining on her behalf. Although she'd probably resort to cheating just this once. Unluckily as weak as Divon was otherwise, he was not easy to manipulate, or he was just taking a little revenge in watching Shira pound this thing over and over, for the rude behaviour. She wondered if Divon possessed that mean bone, the one that would make him relish the site of her failing. Then she looked up at his sad eyes... No, this one definitely did not like to see his apprentice fail.  She once again made the rookie mistake of striking the material too hard, in frustration. Divon opened his mouth and closed it again, probably seeing the realizations in Shira's eyes. "Yeah, I shouldn't have done that... Hataki, I think I might need your Mats after all, did you mean it when you offered them, I will return them, I'm luckier at finding mats than I am at making things with them anyways...


ID# 51021 results: | Battle: 9 | Craft: 4 | Loot: 14 | MOB: 7 |

-1 Mat 


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Hataki smiled up at her. "You're at your last mat, save it..." he said. He walked over to her and swiped down his own inventory. "Here, I don't know how lucky these mats are, but maybe a change in mat will help you make a weapon?" He went and placed the mat on the blacksmithing table. He looked up at Divon and sighed, having second thoughts about whether he should break his own code of honour and ask him once again to bend the rules. But Hataki doubted that would be a fair intervention, at least on Shira's part, she'd never truly feel like she accomplished it by herself. He thought about her state of happiness when she finally succeeded at this, bending the rules would mean taking that away from her. He crossed his fingers and hoped this would give her a perfect item, resorting to stupid superstitions now. 

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Shira looked at him graciously, she was going to finish her mats before taking his. She'd honestly lost faith in her abilities and so had asked him in advance. Hataki, being ever so resourceful gave one of his three mats up instantly. Shira was surprised at his generosity, she was sure he had his own ambitions for the game and was putting them aside for her. Guilt engulfed her, she had been so mean to Hataki and to Divon through the course of this earning a living quest... She wanted to return his mat and finish using hers first, but it would be churlish to refuse his offer. She went to a shelf and picked up another hammer from it. "That is the luckiest one I have." Divon stated with a friendly wink. This time, Shira smiled back at him. "Well, lets hope it works then. Hataki's mat and your luckiest forging hammer... Let's see how this goes.

She weighed her swing and tried to make it just right. There was utter silence after the soft clang. The material vanished in a hue of blue and was replaced by a shimmering outline of a curved sword, followed by a sturdy looking weapon. She looked at Divon, who let out a little sniffle. "Oh my! That's a wonderful weapon Miss Shira, well done! I'm proud to announce that you are now a beginner level Blacksmith." He burst into tears and instead of mocking him, Shira hugged her NPC master. She turned towards Hataki but didn't think they were close enough to exchange hugs yet, she smiled and thanked him for his mat. 

She quickly tapped complete on the quest completion window that appeared...  




ID #51026: Battle: 8 | Craft:11 | Loot: 1 | MOB: 3

Thread Summary

Shira: +3 Mats, - 4 Mats (Total in inventory: 1 Mat) | 200 Col | 2 SP | 1 Rare one-handed curved sword | Extra Mats (To be rolled by GM)
Hataki: +1 Mat, -1 Mats (Total in inventory: 2 Mat) | 200 Col | 1 SP




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Alright! My first locked thread. Lucky you!

First matter of business, your very first roll that gave you +1 Mats was linked improperly to the post. I'm going to let it slide this go around, but be extra careful when pasting the post URL into the roller. If that was a life or death roll... Well, you get the picture!

Moving on, let's see those bonus mats...

-Spins the Wheel - "What'we got, Bob?"

ID# 51045: +1 Bonus Material!

Womp, womp... Welp! Don't forget you can do an EaL thread again for another chance at bonus mats! See ya next time!

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