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Haruka's Journal

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Username: Haru
Real name: Haruka Fuyu
Gender: male
Height:175 cm

About: History/personality
Haru was born normally, a simple birth taken home normally, grown up normally and everything. He was just an average kid, he grew up in a high class area, his mother being a lawyer and his father a writer. He lived the dream life of many kids, his mother was only home 50% of the year considering when a big case arose she would leave to deal with it, and his father was usually in his study writing every hour that Haru was home. And so he didn't have much parental control like other kids, they had never pushed him to do anyting asides from he wanted and they were really just giving him the things he needed to live, plus what other things he wanted considering they had the money for it. Haru was an only child, his parents deciding they didn't have enough time really for Haru, they didn't need another. Many kids would be sad or mad that they didn't spend much time with their parents but haru never minded, he understood and he loved his parents anyway, they were truly wonderful people.

Once Haru hit high school, his life skyrocketed, he made a ridiculous amount of new friends and continued doing something he loved but on a more competitive level, swimming. He was popular in school, he was admired by the girls for his looks, his body, and talked to by the guys because of his athletic skill and his availability. Haru never turned down a good time, if someone wanted to hang he would be one of the first to say to come over to his house, his parents never cared. And he became the pary host early on, his house beng the place to go. He had never given up in school though, ys he hung out with the popular kids and acted like they did but he still paid attention in school and did well. Unlike most other kids he hung around with though he never found a point in making fun of people, and stopped it when he was around, he knew that the "nerds" would go on to better themselves in life unlike his "friends".

His second year of high school Haru got into video games more than before, he had always played them casually but soon found his true passion for them, this brought down time for his friends as all his time began being taken up by video games and his growing swimming career. He grew to like rpg's the aspect of choices between skill and more was something he grew to admire and became good at. He also met the only girl in his life that he truly felt an overwhelming attraction too, a girl who had been leaving a coffee shop as he walked by, he didn't notice ad bumped into her spilling the coffee, of course haru was still a flirt and saw that she was rather cute and took the opportunity. He persuaded her into having coffee with him to replace her spilled one, and they ended up becoming friends and in time a couple. She was someone that brought light to his day like his old friends had, he was only lucky that she never found his flirting weird enough to leave. In the end Robyn mentioned a game he had heard about, but found it too good to be true, however she persuaded him to join her and in time he was launches into the game of sword art online.

Clever- Haru is smart, plainly put he remembers 95% of everything he sees and is able to quickly apply to it to any situation, he knows plenty of facts that normal people would ignore simply because he remembered being told it once. But his true skill isn't from simply remembering things but being able to use his knowledge to help his or others progress, or hinder his enemies. He tends to think of every problem as a multiple choice question, laying out every option and then every ending for each and deciding which is the best, and relies on pure knowledge and  his grown instinct, rarely his heart.

loyal- It takes a while but once he begins to trust you he will be loyal to you, and follow you to the ends of the earth if he must. On the way he will try to persuade you why to not go to the ends of the earth, but he will follow you either way. A loyal ally is a rarity, few being found throughout a lifetime but once gained they are the most helpful people a person could hope for. Along with being loyal also comes a change in harus actions, once he trusts you enough to be a loyal friend he will be more patient in explaining his thoughts as well as listening more intently to your own words.

Calm- Imagine someone who had to think of every choice, and every outcome. You cant imagine that kind of person being freaked out and running all over the place can you. Well Haru doesn't change that, he is calm in every situation, he may something like were screwed or other, but he will do so calmly. Being as calm as he is helps him make the right choices in a timely manner and influencing others that he does know what he is doing simply because he is calm.


Distrustful- Haru is loyal yes, but too a very few people. His distrust for anyone who is a stranger to him can hinder his progress sometimes as he can not become loyal to someone without first getting to know them. And no one wants to get to know someone who clearly does not trust them. Haru has thought about his distrust for others in his way, and decided that he would never make the mistake of trusting a person he doesn't know well, as he has seen other before him.

Blunt- Haru's blunt, and the real issue is that it affects every one of his other traits and hinders his progress in making friends. His distrust, is very known in only a couple minutes of knowing him and has scared possible friends off before. Hes a flirt, and he says his thoughts about women very openly and much to the annoyance of cute females in his presence. And all of his thoughts on people, considering his thought process many times a person unlike him will not choose the right path, and he will bluntly tell them that they are wrong, and many once again, don't like that.

Flirt- Its terrible, even with a girlfriend he has never stopped, its one thing that stop his thought process, women. He will flirt with any cute girl he ever see's whether her boyfriend is right next to her, or Haru's girlfriend is right next to him. More often than not this ended up killing his chances on actually getting a girlfriend, or even a girl friend. But he learned to calm it down slightly and now its not so bad. As well as being in a relationship this tends to get him in trouble more than anything as well, but it only stops him for the moment.





» One Handed Whip (1)

Weapon skills:

Weapons/Tools: Starter Whip



Story Thus Far

Edited by Haruka
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