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[OP-F1] To rise you must fall.

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Drake remebered those words from his big brother, just before he shipped out to fight the terrorist threat. drake sat on a bench and remembered the day of the funeral


Drake was only 16, his brother had shipped out on his 15th birthday to fight in the army infantry, drake had waited a year. A whole year, and now his brothers funeral was on his birthday. Drake was wearing his high school ROTC uniform to his big brother, he had wanted to show his brother the fullest respect. they said he died by a terrorist sneaking into his camp and poisoning the men. they had died quickly and peacefully in their sleep later that night. but now, thats not what mattered, before drake knew it he was at the podium

"To rise, you must fall. my brother said those exact words to me before he left. he explained to me that it comes from a saying his basic drill sergeant told him, his drill sergeant said to him, after he had slipped and fell during a rain run 'micheal, come on, get up.' micheal got up and went to continue to run but the drill sergeant stopped him when he saw micheals unhappy mood, he continued 'micheal, let me say something, you are one of the brightest and strongest soldiers ive ever trained, but you always tell youself not to make any mistakes, althoagh that is a good motto, its not getting you better experiance, to do that you must fail, To rise, you must fall, to win you, must fail, to run you must crawl. remember that micheal. now get back to running' later that day the rest of the soldiers were screwing with him for falling, thinking the DS got onto him, bu he knew what they didnt, he had learned a great lesson, but now he cant use it any more, for now that he has fallen, he cannot rise, but instead, he has made himself the branch in the river, the oasis in the desert, he has made himself the stepping stone we must use to rise, we rise because he fell. let us remember that" when drake left there, he didnt fell angry, sad, or even depressed. he left his brothers funeral, determined to rise to the challenge, where micheal had fallen to open the oppertunity


Drake stood up and looked at the memorial wall for the fallen players and put his hand on it "to rise you must fall, when others fall, it is so you may rise, when you fall, know you fall so others may rise to the challenge, and rest peacefully, knowing that your task in this universe, is complete" drake wiped the tears from his eyes and kneeled to pray once more

Edited by Drake_McGricken
wrong day
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