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Drake sat on a tree, just inside the safe zone, thinking about his life outside sao.

<three days before the sao lockin>

Drake was walking with his few freinds , who were talking about this new vr-mmo-rpg, looking through his tactics notes when his freind jeal poked his shoulder "ey, drek, yeh gunna pleh thah new game?" drake shrugs "maybe, maybe not" jeal rolled his eyes "come on man, i pre ordered a nervegear and copy of sao for you, you need to play a game, get some stress off"


"hehehe, oh jeal, if only you had known." drake continued to stare into the sky through the leaves, looking at every pixel hhe can make out

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drake pulled out his knife and stared at it, thinking about his first time with a knife


drake just turned 17, a year older since his brother was lost, drake had taken up any combat arts there were, he already mastered unarmed hand to hand fighting, his father just gave him a set of throwing knives and a combat knife for his birthday an hour ago, drake was outside practicing knife throwing, learning by experiance. his father came outside with a practice dummy and set it up with him before heading back inside to talk to a few government officials that came by. drake had killed the dummy thirty times before being called inside


drake sighed and put the dagger away

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Drake jumped down from the tree then turned to it and started practicing his unarmed combat on it


drake was only twelve and he had just come home from school, that day a bunch of kids were picking on him and one beat him up. upon getting home, he didnt go to his parents, he ran straight to his big brother who was visitng from the army "MICHEAL!" drake ran into micheals room and when micheal saw him he got writhing pissed off, that day Micheal spent the whole day teaching Drake how to fight, the next day, his bully came up to him and when he tried to punch drake he ended up getting hospitalized, after further investigation into why drake nearly killed the kid, they found out that the boy had been picking on drake for months and drake had had enough of it.


drake punched the tree so hard that a digitalized red gash appeared on his knuckles

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drake stared outside the barrier at the monsters and held up his hand as if he had a gun and pretended to shoot a boar


drake was now 18, his father but him a fully customisable semi auto hunting rifle, and a civilian M1911, and took drake to a range, when they reached the range drake was testing his rifle when he heard a thud through his earmuffs to his left and a loud yell from his father and he turned to find that a man was holding the people hostage and was ordering everyone to put their weapons down, he hid behind the seperation barrier hoping the man didnt see him. Drake saw his father dying and grabbed his hand to comfort him while he went, luckily his dads hand was behind the barrier. afer his father finally closed his eyes and exhaleds his last breath, drake loaded a 30.6 bullet into his rifle, wanting to do as much damage to the man as possible, and swung around the corner, putting the mans groin in his crosshairs and pulled the trigger, after haring the bang from his rifle and seeing the mans legs fall away from his body due to the waist getting completely blown off he stood up and walks over to the man, pulling out his combat knif and stabbing the man in both his wrists, elbos and shoulders, before cutting his shirt open and cutting in a straigh line from whats left of his waist all the way up to his neck then stabbed in, making sure that it will causethe man a slow death, seeing that the man was wearing earmuffs hetook of both his own and the mans

"you know you made a very bad decision, i lost my brother in the counter terrorism war, i wasnt ready for dad, my dad was not in the military, he should have died old and toothless, lying in bed, peacefully, but you took that from him, now ill take a peacefull death from you."

drake slowly tortured the man until he died from bloodloss, somehow drake managed to convince the law he didnt have to go to court at all.


drake wiped a tear from his eye from the memory.

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