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Diary of A Neglected Child (Kamui)

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Username: Kamui
Real name: Yuina Kimura
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0

About: History/personality

Yuina Kimura, the girl who never was. Wait, that's not right, she's a real person with real feelings too, right? This isn't the case with her parents, she grew up in a neglectful environment in Canada with her brother Takao. Actually, she was neglected by Takao as well, he was always busy with school or something so he couldn't spend time with her. Yuina then heard of SAO; seeing as her brother wanted to play it, she wanted to as well to spend time with him. Little did she know that she actually lured herself into a death trap with thousands of players both child and adult. At least now she can spend time with her brother, right? (Jk, this is very bad because she could die too! Stranger danger, safety first!)


Innocent: She didn't play SAO for the combat aspect of it, she played because her brother did and she wanted to spend more time with him. As a child she was oftentimes neglected by her parents and brother seeing as they didn't really want to play with her that much. Yuina also heard of the food system in SAO, and realized she didn't gain weight by eating there.

Cheerful: Despite her innocence and experience of abuse, she always finds a way to be happy no matter what the situation is. I would call this a form of self defense for the mind, if she were not happy every single moment of her life, she'd probably go insane and her older brother (Takao) would be pissed.

Imaginative: One would think that all this neglect would lead to dullness of the mind, it lead to the exact opposite of that. While she was alone, she found it sad and boring and responded to it by using her mind to think of fun things to entertain herself with. Normally she'd play the "What if" game, but occasionally she thinks deeply about her life. This period of deep thought does't last for a while a she normally goes back to hugging her teddy bear.


Scaredy-Cat: Do you remember Sachi from the anime? Yuina is somewhat like that, except more of a scaredy cat. I mean, wouldn't any thirteen year old be scared of dying in the death game, SAO? Whenever she's scared she sits in the corner of the room, away from her older brother Takao (Yes that Takao, and yes he agreed). Years of neglect resulted in years in silent fear.

Fragile: As a child she was neglected, Yuina wasn't tought the skills needed to cope with stress or anything, and it didn't come naturally either. This left her with a very fragile mind, if she witnessed a murder she'd cry for two weeks in her room. If someone killed one of her loved ones, she'd probably be mentally destroyed and spiral down into fluctuating chaos, fear, sadness, and anger.

Innocent: Although this is a virtue, it can also be a flaw at the same time. She doesn't know any of the slang terms for erm... The dirty dirty things! Yuina has no idea about human anatomy, she has no idea about blood, she also has no idea about how the world is run on greed. In fact, she doesn't even know what a terrorist group is

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)




Weapon skills:
»One Handed Straight Sword: Level 1

»Beginner's Pack
-10 Bread
-15 Water
-Wood Sword
-Explorer's Outfit

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)
Takao: Onii-chan

Story Thus Far (optional)

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