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Yukino's Journal

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Real Name: Yukino Taiga

Age: 17, September 5

Gender: Female

Height: 5.7 Feet

~HistoryYukino was raised as an only child with a rather typical upbringing in a wealthy family. She's never met an obstacle she couldn't or her family couldn't overcome. While her parent's are still married they are now currently separated. Her father moved out when she was fifteen, a notion of change she had been expecting. While she wasn't pleased with it, she realized it was probably for the best. Her mother seems more relieved and is happily searching for a new guy. Her life wasn't perfect in the least, but it was better than most. 

Two years after her parents had been 'separated', things took a turn for the worst - her father became a verbally abusive drunk with no intention of leaving Yukino and her mother alone in peace - apparently not over the 'separation'. He constantly showed up at their home, spouting off threats, and forcing Yukino's mother to file a restraining order against him. But given his wealth, and underhanded dealings, these restraining orders virtually meant nothing as he continued to harass them. Because of this, Yukino's mother had Yukino move in with her aunt in, who was staying in Japan.

While attending a convention with her aunt,  a new booth caught her eye. Finding herself attracted to the gaming hub, Yukino awaited her turn to try out one of the very few publicly loaned systems doing a trial run of the new game, Sword Art Online. Deciding she had the time, she entered the system to kill that time until her anime booth opened up. Unfortunately, she would never get to see that booth.



  • Empathetic - Yukino, while against her better judgement sometimes, is capable and willing to show kindness and empathy to just about any and everyone. Even if she has more pressing matters to attend to, she can't help but to go out of her way to help those who falter in this death game as well as providing company to those who need it.
  • Resourceful - Yukino is quite self sufficient. Despite being a well off child, she is capable of taking care of herself and can adapt to just about any situation she may find herself in.
  • Charismatic - Yukino is rather well spoken and able to talk her way into and out things, though which situation it becomes is usually a toss up. Depending on the other person, her way with words could easily persuade them into doing just about anythings she asks.


  • Unpredictable - Yukino can sometimes be described as having an erratic nature. As such, she can sometimes be sporadic since her actions have the potential of being uncalled for. She doesn't often tell others what she is thinking most of the time and has a tendency of doing things on her own timing.
  • Obstinate - Yukino has an unshakable will and confidence in her ability to accomplishing tasks. When she makes her mind up on something, it'll be quite the hassle to convince her to back off. 
  • Impulsive - Yukino, who can be seemingly patient when it comes to most, has a low tolerance for things that annoy her. She gets angered or irritated quite easily with minor things, and when you get down to it, her current mood depicts how she'll act. Most times she can push it aside, however she isn't above tossing out retorts.


~Skills (0/5)~

Utility & Mobility Skills:


Combat Skills:

Weapon Skills:

» One-Handed Dagger (Rank 1) (+1 Damage)

Armor Skills:


Locked Skills:





» 10 Bread

» 15 Water







Edited by Yukino
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