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Right, I know I have nowhere near enough money to buy a house for Grave yet, but I wanna get him thinking about where he might get one, so I was thinking maybe I could do a thread with him going from floor to floor (from one to ten), and meeting one person on each floor with good knowledge of that floor who can tell him what the pros and cons of living there might be. Would both be interesting to set up, and awesome to grab Grave some extra acquaintances for future RPs. If you're interested in giving Grave a little bit of a 'tour' of one of the floors, post here.

Floor 1: Macradon
Floor 2: [Empty]
Floor 3: [Empty]
Floor 4: [Empty]
Floor 5: [Empty]
Floor 6: [Empty]
Floor 7: [Empty]
Floor 8: [Empty]
Floor 9: Ethereal
Floor 10: [Empty]

Edited by Grave
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You guys ruin the fun!

I was gonna go through a long thread about what the good parts of having a house on the 1st floor was, then at the final posts I would begin to name the cons, then the last con would be that you can't!

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