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[SP-F1] <<Earning a Living>> Pursuit of Health [COMPLETE]

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The notification popped back up, asking for him to enter his 'title' as an Alchemist. He was hoping to push this off a bit so he had some time to think, but this notification was definitely going to be up his ass, wasn't it? He gave it a few seconds of thought, but after those choice seconds, it was like a light bulb popped up on the top of his head. He started to click on the notification to type it in, smiling all the while. He would be the..

<<Immortal Alchemist>> Dynaon

Items Obtained:

  • +2 SP [+1 for Thread Completion, +1 for Quest Reward]
  • <<Immortal Alchemist>> Title [Chose Alchemist as Profession]
  • Ability to Open Shop
  • +X Material [Needs to be rolled by GM; Info Regarding Roll Here]
  • +400 Col [Thread Completion]
Edited by Dynaon
Forgot the Col reward.
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