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[PP-F2] Bad Kitty, We Love You (BtUB Quest)

Guest Furia

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Guest Furia

OOC: @Seul, I really hope you're going to help me hit this stupid rock or we're going to be at this forever.

In a flash of light, Furia materialized in the teleportation plaza on the second floor of Aincrad. She had checked out the Sword Art skills she could unlock with her whip moving forward. The only area effect skill she would ever get required the martial arts skill. She had no real desire to learn, or have, the skill. But, she did want that area attack sword art. Options in combat were always a good thing, as she had learned growing up with six older brothers. Padding down the steps from the teleportation portal she scanned the area with her bright purple eyes, which matched her hair. There had to be a few high level players running around in this area and, with a bit of luck, she'd be able to convince one or more of them to tag along with her to go and take care of the quest safely. Not to mention helping out with any combat that was required.

Strolling over to one of the benches that littered the plaza, Furia seated herself and then laced her fingers behind her head and leaned back, crossing her legs at the ankles. Her tank top and skirt would do the talking for her while she soaked up the sun for a few moments and waited for help to come along. As an undeniably attractive woman and a level one player, she was well aware of the fact that someone would eventually come along to find out why she was here. Then she would just need to convince them to help her out, which she didn't suspect would prove to be all that difficult of a task.

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(We'll see... xD)

It would seem he'd have another peaceful day on one of the lower floors. Seeing as how his shop had just closed for the day he was free to do as he pleased and part of that meant exploring the city. He strolled for quite some time just to observe the other players, but one thing in particular had caught his eye. Down the road there was a crowd of people, gathered around and exchanging glances. From his experience in the game, crowds meant one of two things: Someone was being harassed, or there was some event going on. If it was the latter he received no news about it and if it was the former, it was his duty as a Knight of the Blood to step in. He managed to push his way to the front of the sea of players, only to be... Disappointed. Scanning the crowd confirmed his suspicions further and he couldn't help but sigh while bringing a palm up to cradle his head. 

A woman. A group of men had stopped dead in their tracks, cancelling everything they had planned for the day, to stare at a woman. With people like these in the game, it was no wonder they had only cleared a handful of floors until recently. He had half a mind to shoo the group away and the other half just wanted to walk away. But neither of those things would occur. Being the only one to step forward, he addressed the purple-haired player. "Um... Why are you in your pajamas, lady-? There are kids around you know."

Edited by Seul
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Guest Furia

"Pajamas," Furia asked, peering up at Seul. "I sleep in considerably less than this," she continued in a soft, silky tone. "The beginner's clothing is all that I have, unless you'd care to give me some actual armor. These are the clothes that the game so generously blessed me with. I can't help it if that lends some players to a certain amount of drooling," Furia concluded, cracking open one purple eye and peering at Seul. Yes, he'd do nicely for an escort and assistant on the quest she wanted to tackle. Time to spring the trap. "I was going to tackle the martial arts quest, but I need someone to help me get to the rock. The mobs are a lot bigger than I am right now. Care to whisk me away?"

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