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[SP-F2] Hope is the Beacon <<Let there be Light>>

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-Rp must be at least 1 full page long (21 or more posts)
-Due to the cave's darkness and there being no light, any players that chose to enter the cave receive a -1 debuff on all dice rolls unless they have <<Night Vision>>.
You must fight two <<Giant Bats>> 
-You must find the lost child

Giant Bat Information:

<Giant Bat> is a Field mob and has the following statistics:
Giant Bat: 50 HP
Damage per Attack: 12


  1. 1 Skill Point On Completion.
  2. A Col Value of your Loot Dice multiplied by 25

Ethereal glanced down at his interface, it pulsated a few times as he tapped the boxes once or twice. Nodding, he returns his gaze to the cave before him - pitch black and right where it should be. Exactly as his infomation-broker had said, this should be an easy lot of SP. Raising his head to the sky one last time he took a large breath in. He knew from much experience that underground air felt as if stale cheese had been left in there for a few thousand years. Best make the most of this spring sunshine and light while he could - this should be over quickly but anything could happen.

Edited by Ethereal
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