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[SP-F1] Gathering and Hunting Part 1 - Complete

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The decision to attack was a difficult decision to make but in the end he chose to go forward with it. The dagger was pulled free of its sheath slowly so as to not alert the beast with the ringing of steel. Once it was free a soft lavender glow briefly illuminated Kranzer's face before he charged forward. His elbow was tucked close to his side as he pulled his arm back to prepare to thrust the blade forward as he unleashed the Sword Art. The ground that separated the two quickly diminished and by the time the beast knew it was it danger it was already too late. Even as the blade closed in on its flesh though it turned in an attempt to slam its tusks into Kranzer's side.

When the beast turned Kranzer let out a silent curse as he realized he'd anticipated it entirely too much and his blade struck nothing but air but by some miraculous twist of fate the creature's attempt to gore him was equally unsuccessful. Its tusks missed his side by inches as he and the beast circled around to prepare for the next assault. 


Roll ID #51873; BD: 4[3+1] [Kranzer MISSES with Side Bite!];

MD: 2[4 - 2]  [Boar MISSES!]

Kranzer: 12 HP | 1[3-2] EP | 4 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 9 MIT

Boar: 6 HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT

Hate: Kranzer[-]

Turns: Kranzer > Boar

(Using Fate’s Hand[1 Acc; 2 Dmg]; Merlin’s Shroud[9 Mit; 2 Eva])

Loot: 5 Material[Boar]; 1 Good Item; 2 Uncommon Item; 3 Material[Non-Combat]


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A sense of urgency fell upon Kranzer as he realized he couldn't afford to let this battle drag out too long. A quick glance at his energy bar revealed that if he missed this time he wouldn't be able to use another Sword Art for a short while and that was only if he didn't attack the boar until then. It was risky but if he was successful then the boar would die and he could run off for the safety that he would find within the wall of the Town of Beginnings. The beast charged forward and Kranzer moved to meet its challenge. His blade hummed with energy as he prepared to activate Side Bite once more. Anxiety twisted his stomach as he prayed his blade would find its mark.

The jolt of his blade as it connected with the beast brought a subtle grin to Kranzer's face. Both strikes found their mark and the beast's momentum carried it forward where its body broke down and vanished. He let out a sigh of relief and quickly accepted his rewards. The risk of delaying his return was too great to remain in the area any longer. Kranzer turned and made a mad dash towards the town gates and didn't stop until he was safely inside the city. Then and only then did he bring up the menu so he could check out the items he won this day.


Roll ID #51874; BD: 7[6+1] [Kranzer HITS with Side Bite!]; LD: 14 [1 Good Item Found]; +1 Material

MD: [Boar DIES!]

Kranzer: 12 HP | 0[1+1-2] EP | 4(2*1)=8 DMG | 1 ACC | 2 EVA | 9 MIT

Boar: Dead(6-(8-2)) HP | 3 DMG | 0 ACC | 0 EVA | 2 MIT

Hate: Kranzer[-]

Turns: Kranzer > Boar

(Using Fate’s Hand[1 Acc; 2 Dmg]; Merlin’s Shroud[9 Mit; 2 Eva])

Loot: 6 Material[Boar]; 2 Good Item; 2 Uncommon Item; 3 Material[Non-Combat]


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Summary Post
Kranzer: 1 SP, +400 Col; 6 Material[Boar]; 2 Good Item[Boots(Light Armor); Scarf(Light Armor)]; 2 Uncommon Item; 3 Material[Non-Combat]  (Uncommon's pending approval once I Have them posted in the evaluation thread)


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