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[PP-F1] <earning a living> with help of Lambic - COMPLETED

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After learning the basics of fighting Barryt decided it was time to get a profession. Gear was the key, as it would boost my stats. It will be easier to kill some boars or whatever comes into my way. Also its a good way to meet people to talk to, not that I would really like to talk to people. Barryt was thinking while wandering trough town with his friend Lambic. Hey Lambic, do you remember, where to find the smiths trainer? I think that working with metal is what I should do. Giving it a good form is something I ever wanted to try, and I have some experience how a sword should feel like from Scotland. Aaand it is so loud that I don't have to talk much while working. he was adding in his head

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"Imaybe. I could find it, if i see the area. You know, i procced myself very often" 

Lambic tries to remember where it is and goes to a random way. After a few meters he stops. 

"No. I have no idea. Do you know?" He smiles necessity. 

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Not really, so lets just walk around and look if we can find it. Barryt proceeds towards the part of town, where you can find most shops, on the outlook for the smiths trainer.
Hey look, I think it was the right way, but... but It's a woman. Why has it to be a woman. just remember, it's just a NPC, she is not a real person. But she looks great in that leather apron with her brown hair bond around her head, so it wont inflame near the hot metal. Barryt's face changes from an :-s face to a big smile, just to change to its nervous self a few seconds after.
Uhm... uh... You seem to t-t-train the blacksmiths. Barryt stutters as he starts talking to the NPC with blushed cheeks.

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Lambic put his hand on Barryt´s shoulder. "Don´t be shy", he whispers, "It´s just an NPC".
"Soooo, you are the blacksmith? Would you help my friend to be one too? This would be nice." Now he speaks loud and direktly to the blacksmith and push his friend softly deeper in this shop, innocently smiling.

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Being pushed in the NPCs shop Barryt blushes even more, but it is a bit gloomy inside, so it isn't seen much. I'd really appreciate if you c-could teach me. Barryt says, trying not to stutter, but not complete successful.
Oh my boy, of course I will teach you how to do some blacksmithing, but first you need to gather the right material. If you come back with it I will give you your first hammer and show you how it is done. You sure know the wild boars right out of town, they eat lots of plants, that take iron from the ground, so their tusks have quite much iron inside their structure. If you could gather three pairs of tusk this should be enough. The smithess said while smiling at Barryt and Lambic.

Wow, she talks quick and still it all sounded so intelligent, I should marry her, we would have lovely children. Is what Barryt starts thinking, but quickly  remembering , that she was just a NPC he discarded his thoughts. I think we should go and hunt some boar. let's go. he sais to Lambic and invites him into a party.
While leaving the smiths shop Barryt went trough the party settings, so the Items would go to the one, who does the last hit, and col being equally divided between the two of them.

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About 30 minutes later:

Barryt and Lambic reach the grassland around the town and there are multiple boars. It should be good if we just attack one at a time, so the chance of getting killed isn't high he thought just before he told Lambic: There, we will attack this one *points at a boar* as we reached Level two with yesterdays training we should be able to kill it quite easy, just use the <snake bite> and it should be done.

Barryt runs towards said boar and activates his <snake bite>

ID# 51733 results:

Battle: 3  (Miss)

His swords begins glowing in a light green and he releases his chained attacks, but the Boar stepped aside and Barryt missed it, while still in the swordarts movement the boar digs its Tusks into Barryts side 

MOB: 9 (hit +1 = 4 Damage)



Barryt: HP 4/8; Energy 0/2; Damage 2;
Boar: HP 4/4; Damage 3; Mitigation 1;
Lambic: HP 8/8; Energy 2/2; Damage 2;

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"Ya, you know, i have no idea how to fight" He look at his sword" - throw isn´t a good idea to like run into the boar -
"mhh sh*t happens"

Lambic jumps straight to the boar - time for <slant> - he thinks

ID# 51748 results:

Battle: 10 (critical hit 3 damage)


Barryt: HP 4/8; Energy 0/2; Damage 2;
Boar: HP 4/1; Damage 3; Mitigation 1;
Lambic: HP 8/8; Energy 1/2; Damage 2;

His sword lights up and Lambic's is cutting at the of the boar. 

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That was a solid hit. Next time try swinging the sword a little bit more, so you can chain two with <snake bite> Barryt said, as he slashed at the nearly down boar.

ID# 51752 results:

Battle: 7 (2-1 Damage)

This time the now blue glowing sword art <Vertical> was released by Barryt and he hit the boar, which was trying to attack Lambic with ease, as it stumbled over some stones. The sword slashed halve way trough the boar before it began disintegrating into green particles.

Loot: 5

With a ping the message appeared in barryts field of view, telling him, that the boar just dropped a pair of Tusks (1x material). Barryt pressed the accept button and the material appeared in his Inventory. Wow, that was my first kill in sao, thanks for the great work. Can we just wait a little before we do our next fight? I should regen a little health.  

MOB: 1

End of Fight one


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Barryt sits down at the side of a grassy hill, taking out some water and drinking a bit. It's pretty warm here, and even if there is no sweat in this game I still feel the urge to cool down a bit Barryt thought and "showered" in the rest of the water. hey Lambic, maybe you should train the movement for starting <snake bite> a little. I'll show you how it works.

Barryt stands up, going into the Scottish sword stance and holding his sword as if he would like to make a semizirkular swing. The sword begins glowing light green and as he releases the sword art his body automatically forms the double hit swing know to swordfighters in sao as <snake bite>.

(HP +3 -> 7/8)

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"Mhh okay. Let's try the next one" Lambic focussed an other boar and strikes with his sword as him told. 

<snake bite>

 ID# 51844 results:

 Battle: 5 (Miss)

 MOB: 9 (Critical Hit 3+1=4)

He run into the boar. His sword glow and miss the boar, but this beast hurts him. 


Barryt: HP 7/8; Energy 2/2; Damage 2;
Boar: HP 4/4; Damage 3; Mitigation 1;
Lambic: HP 4/8; Energy 0/2; Damage 2;

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"Outsh, thats hurt. Ähhm oups. It doesn't really hurts" Lambic feel quiet powerless, but he don't care and attacks again. 


 ID# 51857 results:

 Battle: 2 (miss)

 MOB: 7 (hit 3)



Barryt: HP 7/8; Energy 2/2; Damage 2;
Boar: HP 4/4; Damage 3; Mitigation 1;
Lambic: HP 1/8; Energy 0/2; Damage 2;

The boar jumps again Lambic and his attack miss the animal. 

 "Oh, Barryt. HELP ME!" And he goes back slowly and backwards to his friend. 

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This silly Lambic. I told him to test it, but i did not mean that he should just attack

Barryt jumps into the fight, trying to save his friend whose hp bar dropped into red. <snakebite> 

ID 51969

Battle: 6 ( hit 2*2-1 =3)

Barryt charges his swordart as he runs towards the boar and hits it with his <snakebite>. The boars HP bar drups into the yellow and Barryt got its attension.

Fight stats:

Barryt: 7/8 [hate 1]

Lambic: 1/8 hate 0

Boar 1/4 mit 1

 MOB: 10

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Lambic hestitas for a short time as he looks at his red HP bar. -we will take it- and he runs to the boar to kill this monstrosity


 ID# 52044 results:

 Battle: 8 (2-1=1 Damage)

Mob: 7 (3 Damage)

As the beast attacks Barryt, Lambic strikes at the best but just a little moment to late. The boar hits Barryt befor Lambics sword. 



Barryt: HP 4/8; Energy 0/2; Damage 2;
Boar: HP 0/4; Damage 3; Mitigation 1;
Lambic: HP 1/8; Energy 0/2; Damage 2;

"Got it!" Lambic feels great in face off his first kill. 

"No one will stop us. Phuu. That was close. I need a short break" 

 Loot: 2

+ 1 material

End of fight two

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It's ok, we're lucky that there is no real pain in sao. Barryt answered while looking at the red pixelated wounds on his stomach.
We should have a break, how about going back to town for now and eating something. We can return this afternoon and gather the last pair of tusks.

I thought he would die, what would I've done if I'd lost him? Barryt was thinking while already wandering towards town, not waiting for Lambics response.
The walk towards town did not take long, and Barryt searched for a nice looking place within towns boundaries. What he found was some kind of park with niche flowers and a bench, where he sat down, unpacking a piece of Bread and a bottle of water.


HP +3 -> 7/8 HP

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Incredible, how good that VR was. The water feels so refreshing and the bread tastes quite decent. I hope I will find a shop where I can get German bread, this Asian type bread is ok, but I'm missing the good old blackbread. These were the thoughts Barryt had while waiting for Lambic to arrive.

Looking around if he saw his friend somewhere he, Barryt shouts Where are ya Lambic?
I hope there was no spider on the way, or I have to go "save" him, and that would totally ruin my well earned break.


HP -> 8/8

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"Y- ye-yes?" He replies

- A - a - a sp - spi- spid - SPIDER - 

He see a little spider and feels he can't move anymore. Lambics wear a glasses, 'cauz he is shortsighted, but this tiny spider sees he at a distance of 10 meters.

"Barryt. There is a monster." and he points next to barryt on the bench. 

(HP +3 -> 7/8)

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Why had I to think about this, of course there is a spider just after hoping not to find one. Barryt looks where Lambic points at, to find a spider the size of a grain of rice.
Lambic would not come near the bench till it was gone, so Barryt takes out his sword and cleaves the poor spider in halve.
keek there is no spider anymore, can ya please relax. 
Would ya give me the tusks you got? in exchange I will make something for you when I'm a learned blacksmith. 

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"Yes, of course." Lambic comes slowly to his friend, pull out the tusks and give them to Barryt. 

"Oh gosh. I hate spiders. Ugly animals. None taken. First of all learn more from the blacksmith. More is important that you can talk with her." Lambic smiles again and tabs his friends shoulder. 

- He needs to be more confident. I like him and we need to stay here for a long time. Please dont die - 

(HP +3 -> 8/8)

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Thank you for the tusks, let's relax a little more, and in about 30 minutes we will go out again and kill the last boar needed. Baryt said while stretching his arms behind his head, yawning. The sun feels so warm on my skin, this is really nice. Maybe it's not so bag in this game.

About 30 minutes later Barryt leaves the Town to hunt down one more Boar. Ah, there is boar which is far enough from the others. Barryt shouts, so the slower walking Lambic can hear him.

ID# 52216 results:

Battle: 3 (Miss)

MOB: 6 (Hit: 3 DMG)

Barryt picks up a small stone from the ground, weights it in his hand and moves into his sword stance. Holding the hand with the stone as if he would charge his <slant> Barryt charges his throw with power, but as the stone leaves his hand it flies a little bit off to the side.

The  Boar flicks its head up in the air, looking for Barryt. It begins to paw the ground, ready to attack.
With loud squeaking it charges Barryt, how tries to jump away, but still gets hit. Red pixels extravasating from a large wound on his leg. 


Barryt: HP 5/8; Energy 2/2; Damage 2;
Boar: HP 4/4; Damage 3; Mitigation 1;
Lambic: HP 8/8; Energy 2/2; Damage 2;


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