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[Merchant / Unknown] The Travelling Flame <<PK A>> {Open}

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Another dull day spent on the trail, and the rune scribe could not think of anything.  They were out for some time in the wilderness, and had not seen much of anyone lately.  He took this time to start fiddling with some of the stock.  Replacing some that were about to fall out of durability, while replacing ones that were not really selling too well.  It wasn't until he was really in the mood that he felt like taking another shot at appraising some items.

Unfortunately, the success rate had plunged recently, and there wasn't much to go on.

[ID: 58542] [CD: 6] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 58543] [CD: 1] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Weapon -100 Col --> Locked

[ID: 58544] [CD: 2] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Weapon -100 Col --> Locked

[ID: 58545] [CD: 4] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Weapon -100 Col --> Locked

[ID: 58546] [CD: 4] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Weapon -100 Col --> Locked

[ID: 58547] [CD: 7] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 58548] [CD: 2] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Weapon -100 Col --> Locked

[ID: 58549] [CD: 9] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 58550] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 58551] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry
Good Weapon -100 Col --> Good Weapon (Held until next session)

-600 Col
-10 Mats
+25 EXP

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A hulking white figure stalked through the shadows towards the flickering green flame in the distance. Piercing azure eyes shot through the dense blackness, seeking prey. A black clawed gauntlet clutched the edge of the caravan's entrance, and the figure stepped into view.

"Shite, it gets hot in here!" I huffed as I removed my draconic helmet, silver eyes staring at the strange man at the front of the caravan. "Hello again, I would like to see Hirru, please. Tell him I have three items I would like appraised, and I would like a unique on my armour and my claws. If he locks the claws I have a second set for him to try on."

Requesting Appraisal For:
Name: Vanishing Dragon
Type: Heavy Armour
Rarity: Uncommon
Tier: 2
Enhancements: Mitigation (9 x 2 = 18 MIT)
Description: A shining white set of armour that looks much like a dragon, or a robot from popular media. Golden spikes and crimson orbs decorate various areas of the armour and a vanity pair of wings (not sure if you can do this?) to complete the dragon look.
Reference: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/8/8b/Vali_1Lucifer_Divine_Dividing_Balance_Breaker.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150504034017 (Red replaces the blue)
Enhancement Requested: Unique

Name: Albion Claws
Type: Heavy Armour (Gauntlets)
Rarity: Uncommon
Tier: 2
Enhancements: Unarmed Damage (1 x 2 = 2 Unarmed Damage)
Description: A pair of black claw-like gauntlets that slide in underneath the 'sleeves' of the Vanishing Dragon. As much as they are claws, the tips do no more damage than attacks with the fists or feet.
Enhancement Requested: Unique (Classified as Weapon)

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Returning from a recent hunt, the hunter turned Rune Scribe looked to see a certain pugilist was at his shop, yet again.  He waved for the pugilist to come over.  Very quickly, the scribe would figure that Grave would want.

"You want another appraisal?  Well, let's see it then."

Having been presented the items, the rune scribe looked upon them before looking back at Grave.  He could see that the pugilist wanted something good out of it, but the scribe could feel that it wasn't going to be very good.  Though, he had been wrong before.

"Alright, but you have already used your free admission the first time.  I'll take 500 Col for each Material that I use from my stock."

[ID: 59863] [CD: 3] -1 Mat / Lock
Vanishing Dragon (Uncommon) --> Locked

[ID: 59864] [CD: 3] -1 Mat / Lock
Albion Claws (Uncommon) --> Locked

Unfortunately, Grave's items still had the the worst luck as the two of them were locked like the ones before them.  Its not a good thing to see, as the pieces of armor were locked in that form forever, but that was the cost of an appraisal.

"Unfortunately, they didn't make it.  You can always sell them to the Merchant, as I don't believe that they would be of much use to anyone else."

+4 EXP

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I slapped both my palms against my face and growled into my flesh. "Come on, I have got to get Uniques on these. These are going to be my frontlining gear..." I sighed, pulling out the second set of claws from my inventory. "Alright, try this pair, I have way too much Col than I know what to do with, I will keep going until I get Uniques on these." I mumbled, handing the second set up to Hirru.

-1000 Col

Name: Albion Claws
Type: Heavy Armour (Gauntlets)
Rarity: Uncommon
Tier: 2
Enhancements: Unarmed Damage (1 x 2 = 2 Unarmed Damage)
Description: A pair of black claw-like gauntlets that slide in underneath the 'sleeves' of the Vanishing Dragon. As much as they are claws, the tips do no more damage than attacks with the fists or feet.
Enhancement Requested: Unique (Classified as Weapon)

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Grave seemed to be pressured into getting the best gear for the raids to come.  If he were to get to their level, then he would need the enhancements, but..

"Grave, you know I can't do requests.  Appraisal is random, and I can't make certain that you'll get what you want."

Though, as he said this, he could see the determination in the pugilists eyes, which made the rune scribe sigh heavily.  He could tell that they were going to be here for a while, so he might as well start another session.

[ID: 60349] [CD: 9] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 60350] [CD: 11] [LD: 6] -1 Mat / Success // Regen +18
Albion Claws (Uncommon) --> Albion Claws (Rare)

"Hmm, fair enough.  Appraisal seems to favor the enhancements latent in the specific type.  Would you like me to keep going?"

+12 EXP

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With the discovery of the new enhancement Seul was determined to spend all his col on trying to obtain the unique ability. He approached Hirru's cart once again only to see that he had already been helping Grave. He walked over to them both with a wave and afterward removed 1000 col and 10 mats from his inventory to give to the merchant. "I heard about a new enhancement that was discovered and seeing as how you got me my coat, I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather have to do the appraising. Can you work your merchant magic on some pieces of good armor?"

[-1000 Col]

[-10 Mats]


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While holding the claws for Grave, another familiar face approached the caravan.  It had been a while since the rune scribe had seen his first customer ever.  Apparently, he wanted to see a new unique enhancement that was recently unlocked from the last raid.  Shrugging at the thought, the rune scribe looked around for anything that would be useful.

"I'm assuming that this is for armor, as your weapon seemed sufficient enough.  Also, I've been going over Grave's armor, so I don't feel like doing any weaponry right now."

The rune scribe said as he took a piece of armor from the shelves, and started the appraisals system.

[ID: 60454] [CD: 7] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 60455] [CD: 9] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 60456] [CD: 11] [LD: 12] -1 Mat / Success // Enhancement: Evasion
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Uncommon Armor (On hold)

"A fine hat, if I do say so myself."

[ID: 60457] [CD: 11] [LD: 8] -1 Mat / Success // Enhancement: Savvy
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Uncommon Armor (On hold)

"Keen senses makes the savvy warrior."

[ID: 60458] [CD: 1] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

"Too bad.."

[ID: 60460] [CD: 10] [LD: 7] -1 Mat / Success // Enhancement: Savvy
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Uncommon Armor (On hold)

"Savvy, eh?"

[ID: 60461] [CD: 11] [LD: 5] -1 Mat / Success // Enhancement: Light Momentum
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Uncommon Armor (On hold)

"Light Momentum, a true work of art, this one is."

[ID: 60462] [CD: 1] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

"Not today, I believe."

[ID: 60463] [CD: 3] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

"Oh well.."

[ID: 60464] [CD: 5] -1 Mat / Retry
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Good Armor (On hold until next session)

"Well, that's all the attempts I can try with the mats that you gave me.  I got quite a few successful ones out of the bunch, but they're just normal enhancements.  If you want them, then let me know.  If not, then I'm going to sell them off."

+200 Col (1000 - 800)
+57 EXP

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I had to think for a moment when Hirru asked if I would like him to keep going, but decided against it. "No, I do not want to risk your work getting the enhancement go to waste. I will take everything I gave you and get my armour remade as a Perfect by Mack, and probably rip through that snow monster a couple of times to power this up." I explained, taking the gauntlets back and stepping away. "I will see you around!"

+1 Albion Claws (Good)
+1 Albion Claws (Uncommon)
+1 Vanishing Dragon (Good)

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"Damn it... You can sell all that stuff." He whined while kicking the ground softly. He wasn't about to let a few failures stop him though. He still had plenty of materials to spare and col  that he wasn't using otherwise. "I want another round!" He opened up his inventory and produced the same amount of col and materials as before. At this rate he was gonna go broke trying to get the enhancement, but he didn't care. He wanted it and if this was the only way then he'd have to at least try. "One more try, Hirru."

[-1000 Col]

[-10 Mats]

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"Well, if you want another round of, I won't stop ya.  Especially when you're wasting your own time here, instead of training."

The rune scribe smirked before taking the resources from Seul, and throwing the newly appraised to the Merchant for selling.  The message was the same for him, but as a rune scribe, bodyguard, and hunter; his time was very limited.  Training was no longer part of his schedule, if he had one.  With another shuffling through the armors on the shelves, the rune scribe touched a part of the armor to begin the appraisal process.

Afterwards, the rune scribe would see that there was still enough Col for another go with one or two of his own materials.  He looked at the expectant Seul, and threw in a couple appraisals from the extra col gained.  Unfortunately, there was nothing worth while, and would just sell the one that wasn't needed.

"Nothing exciting for you this time, Seul.  If I had more resources and crafting enhancements, then I may be able to get something done."



Uncommon (x4) sell = 400 Col + 4 EXP

[ID: 61037] [CD: 6] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61038] [CD: 7] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61039] [CD: 11] [LD: 8] -1 Mat / Success // Enhancement: Evasion
Good Armor (Used from earlier) --> Uncommon Armor (Sold = +100 Col / +1 EXP)

[ID: 61040] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61041] [CD: 2] -1 Mat / Lock
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

[ID: 61042] [CD: 6] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61043] [CD: 6] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61044] [CD: 5] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61045] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61046] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry
[ID: 61048] [CD: 6] -1 Mat / Retry (used own Material = Cost 500 Col)
[ID: 61053] [CD: 4] -1 Mat / Lock (used own Material = Cost 500 Col)
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked


+50 Col [Hirru] (1000 + 500 - 250 - 1200)
+250 Col [Seul] (Sell x5)
+55 EXP

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  • 2 months later...

(Due to events of an rp thread.  Hirru will have 2000 Col spent on this post, with the additional crafting.)

The rune scribe looked out into the starry night sky.  With everything happening so fast, the hunter had little time to sit down and relax.  Atop of the wagon he sat, while looking at the stars that lined the outer rim of the 11th floor.  The day was quite heavy with activity and he was quite tired, but not too much to want to start another round of appraisals.  He had been out and about so long that he had not performed anything for the caravan, in a long time.  Slipping off of the leather canopy, the rune scribe landed on his feet upon the cobble street.  He circled around the back where he could climb into the back safely, without tearing a hole in the canopy.  Within the wagon, the rune scribe took up a bunch of weapons and armor, and decided to go to town on them.

By the end, he could only find one thing that was not locked away.  He really didn't need it, so he hawked it to the Merchant.


[Purchase of Teleportation Crystal] -2000 Col

[ID: 66612] [CD: 5] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 66613] [CD: 3] -1 Mat / Lock (+1 EXP)
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

[ID: 66614] [CD: 4] -1 Mat / Lock (+1 EXP)
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

[ID: 66615] [CD: 4] -1 Mat / Lock (+1 EXP)
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

[ID: 66616] [CD: 9] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 66617] [CD: 5] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 66618] [CD: 6] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 66619] [CD: 11] [LD: 3] -1 Mat / Success // Enhancement - Recovery 1 (+8 EXP)
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Uncommon Armor --> Sold (+100 Col / +1 EXP)

-2300 Col
+32 EXP

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  • 1 month later...

It had been some time since the hunter could sit down and perform his duties as the rune scribe.  The days were beginning to wind together like a small spider's web, that spiraled into itself.  He wondered if there would ever be a time that he could truly rest, but that would not come to pass any time soon.  With his current obligations with the Knights of the Blood Oath, as well as, his hunter job; he was always on the move.  Never staying in the same spot twice.

The rune scribe sighed, before taking some old armor pieces from the shelves, and seeing what he could do to make them better.  He was fairly exhausted, so only two could get appraised today.  One of them came out with a rough outer shell, which would become the Thorns enhancement, but he didn't need it.  The second was a dud, after multiple tries to get it to work.  Another sigh would break from the rune scribes lips before passing out in the back of the wagon.


[ID: 68916] [CD: 11] [LD: 13] -1 Mat / Success // Enhancement - Thorn 1 (+8 EXP)
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Uncommon Armor --> Sold (+100 Col / +1 EXP)

[ID: 68917] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 68918] [CD: 7] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 68919] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 68920] [CD: 5] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 68921] [CD: 3] -1 Mat / Lock (+1 EXP)
Good Armor (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

-100 Col
-6 Mats
+28 EXP


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  • 4 months later...

It wasn't very long after finding the Labyrinth Entrance Guardian, L.E.G., that the hunter found himself on one of the terraces that elevated in increments all over the 20th floor.  It was here that the hunter had called the Mysterious Merchant to his side.  It didn't take long for the caravan to pull up to him from the unknown.  He still didn't understand it himself.

"Welcome huntah!  What can I do for ya?"

"I'm going to need a backpack and some teleportation crystals.  Maybe four or five of them."

The hunter said as he started to rummage from the wagons supplies and merchandise to find the items that he needed, regardless of the fact that he could do it from the merchant's menu.  In the meantime, he looked at the many projects that he left behind.  He wanted to do some appraising, but wouldn't have the time or resources to do so.  Maybe, if there was nothing else to do, but not this day.

-10000 Col -> Backpack
-10000 Col -> 5 Teleportation Crystals

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  • 1 month later...

At last he had finally found the wagon of the jade hunter. It had been some time since Seul’s last visit to the shop but for the most part his previous ventures had been worth it and the equipment found here was still being used to this day.

Approaching the wagon, Seul took a moment to go through the various menu screens until he reached his inventory. He removed the right amount of col to buy a few of the basic two handed straight swords on display as well as the few materials that were available. His visit to Shields shop earlier left him tapped out in terms of crafting mats so he'd need to go gather more of he wanted to keep up the hunt for unique equipment.

“Hey Hirru, long time no see. Hope you're feeling lucky today cause I'm here for a couple of appraisals if you don't mind.”

-3600 Col

+6 T1 Mats (being used for appraisals)

+6 Basic THSS (being used for appraisals)

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The time it would take to do these appraisals wouldn't take that long.  So the rune scribe decided to have some procrastination and told Seul that he would message him if anything were to be found.  As if anything would ever truly be found by that time, since the appraisal system wasn't in his favor anymore.  All he could really do was protect the wagon and hope that it doesn't break down for the third time in a row.

Some weeks pass and before the hunter knew it, he forgot about the appraisals.  It would only be after the Mysterious Merchant started to say something about weapons that the hunter turned rune scribe quicker than he had ever done before.  Though, the appraisals didn't come out to anything, and quite a bit of the money would be wasted on locked gear.

Within this time, the hunter would take out four more crystals from the shop to prepare for an upcoming fight that was supposed to be harder than anything else that he had faced before.


[ID: 79406] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 79409] [CD: 1] -1 Mat / Lock (+1 EXP)
Good Weapon (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

[ID: 79410] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 79411] [CD: 6] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
[ID: 79412] [CD: 2] -1 Mat / Lock (+1 EXP)
Good Weapon (-100 Col / +1 EXP) --> Locked

[ID: 79413] [CD: 8] -1 Mat / Retry (+4 EXP)
Good Weapon (-100 Col/ +1 EXP) --> To await next appraisal

Budget = 3600
Expenditures = 3 weapons (300)

End result = +3300 Col

+21 EXP
-6 T1 Mats

+3300 Col
-8000 Col [4 Teleportation Crystals for self]

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  • 2 months later...

It had been some time since the last time that I did anything in the shop.  Seul was the last one to do anything in the Traveling Flame, and the hunter didn't have much time lately to be any use to the Mysterious Merchant.  Although, that may change in the coming future.  For some reason, the Mysterious Merchant kept talking about the coming change that he could see in the marketing world.  There wasn't much that the hunter could follow along with, but he assumed that everything would be much more suited for them.  At least, that was what he could gather from it all.  While petting Elizabeth, the hunter turned to his rune scribe gear to see if he could make something out of these damned sandwich potions.  With some time, he found that one of the uncommon consumables were a luck based food item, but the tier may have diminished its usage.  The next item was a blue potion that had the weirdest of combinations.  He had not really seen a potion with two different enhancements placed on it.



[ID: 85666] [CD: 10] -1 Mat / Success (+6 EXP) = [LD: 3] Food -> Lucky Anemone (Luck Die)
T3 Uncommon Consumable <Unverified> --> T3 Lucky Food <+1 LD>

[ID: 85667] [CD: 2] -1 Mat / Retry (+2 EXP)
[ID: 85668] [CD: 12] -1 Mat / Success (+6 EXP) = [LD: 16] Potion/Food -> Blood of Calrex (Mitigation)
[ID: 85669] [CD: 9] -1 Mat / Retry (+2 EXP)
[ID: 85670] [CD: 1] -1 Mat / Retry (+2 EXP)

[ID: 85671] [CD: 10] -1 Mat / Success (+6 EXP) = [LD: 9] Potion -> I need healing, Zandra (HP Recovery)
T3 Rare Consumable <Unverified> --> T3 Protector Potion <HP Recovery +120 / +27 Mit>


+24 EXP
-6 T3 Materials

Depositing for future appraisal:

[T2 Uncommon Consumable x 2] <Unverified>
[T3 Uncommon Consumable x 1] <Unverified>
[T3 Rare Consumables x 1] <Unverified>

[T2 Perfect Heavy Armor] <Unverified>
[T3 Perfect Heavy Armor] <Unverified>

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  • 2 months later...

The battles were getting worse and worse as time went on.  The hunter could feel that his own combat equipment were not as good as he once knew.  The new tier for equipment and items was the new "in" thing, as it were, and he needed to get into it.  Of course, the best way would have been to talk to both Macradon, Teion, and Zandra for the better things to make, but there was also his own pride as a merchant to creating the random mess of things that only he could make.  So, there he was, sitting on the back of the wagon as they traveled along the road.  The hunter had nothing more to do except for look at the things that were needed to be done.  

It seemed that the Merchant's stock had changed a second time, and some useful items were available.  Taking into account the events that transpired at the last two events, the hunter needed another backpack.  With some of the maps that were on sale, he would need them for later usage, or sale.  Even some tools were now available for purchase.  The hunter would have to talk to the Merchant about raising the cut a bit.  Some of the guilds treasury was getting out of hand, and he asked beforehand to sell some of the less useful gear.  With permission, the rune scribe had quite a bit to throw towards the Mysterious Merchants black hole mechanics.  Afterwards, he went on to appraise some of the gear that had been piling up in his absence.


  • Dimensional Backpack -------------------> 6000 Col
  • Merchant's Expertise (Ambition Tool) ---> 1000 Col
    Total Expendature ----------------------> 7000 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------> 6 Exp


  • Viper's Kiss - One-Handed Straight Sword, +1 Accuracy, Paralyze [T1 Rare] --> 200 Col
  • Coat of the Wild Spirit (Grave) [T1 Rare] ----------------------------------> 200 Col
  • Warvan's Sons [T1 Rare] ----------------------------------------------------> 200 Col
  • Blood oath demigreaves - Recovery x 2, Regen x 1. (2 Items) [T2 Perfect] ---> 500 Col
  • Blood oath demigreaves - Recovery x 3. (3 Items) [T2 Perfect] --------------> 500 Col
  • Bokken [Katana T1: +1 ACC] (Source) [T1 Uncommon] --------------------------> 100 Col
  • Samurai Edge [Katana T1: +1 DMG] (Source) [T1 Uncommon] --------------------> 100 Col
  • Bobcat Gauntlets - +1 LD (Heavy Armor - Gauntlets) [T1 Uncommon ------------> 100 Col
    Total Sales ----------------------------------------------------------------> 1900 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------------------------------------------> 8 Exp

Modifying (Rolls found here) (6 / 6 Items appraised)


[T3 Rare Heavy Armour] <Unverified> ---------------> 1,800 Col

  • [ID: 87634] [LD: 8] = HEAVY MOMENTUM
  • [ID: 87635] [LD: 1] = REGEN

[T3 Rare Shield] <Unverified> ---------------------> 1,800 Col

  • [ID: 87636] [LD: 20] = MITIGATION
  • [ID: 87637] [BD: 10] [CD: 10] [LD: 12] = [UNIQUE] FLAME THORNS

[T3 Rare One Handed Straight Sword] <Unverified> --> 1,800 Col

  • [ID: 87638] [LD: 5] = ACCURACY
  • [ID: 87639] [LD: 16] = DAMAGE

[T3 Perfect Heavy Armor] <Unverified> -------------> 2,500 Col

  • [ID: 87640] [LD: 14] = MITIGATION
  • [ID: 87641] [LD: 7] = HEAVY MOMENTUM
  • [ID: 87642] [LD: 10] = THORNS

[T3 Uncommon Consumable (Food) x 1] <Unverified> --> 600 Col

  • [ID: 87643] [LD: 18] = PROTEIN

[T3 Rare Consumable (Potion) x 1] <Unverified> ----> 900 Col

  • [ID: 87644] [LD: 12] = MITIGATION x2

    Total Expenditures ---------------------------> 9,400 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------------> 30 Exp


Bought = 7000 Col
Modify = 9400 Col

Total Expenditures = 16400 Col

Sales = 1900 Col (To Guild Treasury)

Total Exp Gained = 44 Exp

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  • 2 months later...

Macradon would have everything needed in his inventory as he would enter the merchant shop of Hirru’s, his fellow guildmate. Macradon had been on a hunt and had been getting a lot of Unidentified equipment he wanted to see if they had anything special to them, that or they would be thrown into the guild treasury for someone with a niche build to grab a hold on and use for themselves. Walking into the shop, Macradon would have his hand at his friend and would speak up “Hey Hirru, I’d come home from a long hunt, and I have this bunch of stuff I’d like to get identified, I have the money, so I can pay whatever the price is for this big bunch …” he said and would hand over the large amount of items he had hauled in through his last hunting session. Looking through the prize table, Macradon would hand over a pouch in the transaction with the needed col to pay for the identification of the equipment.

Handed over to Hirru:


Unidentified Heavy Armor; T3 Perfect
2x Unidentified Light Armor; T3 Perfect
3x Unidentified Heavy Armor; T3 Rare
Unidentified Shield; T3 Rare

- 14700 Col

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The hunter was surprised to find a very peculiar visitor to the Mysterious Merchant's wagon.  For all that the rune scribe could understand, he figured people were only finding the caravan wherever they were.  Usually they were tired, or not really trying to find the shop, but here he was.  The platinum haired knight of blood, Scarlet Templar, Macradon.  He wanted what everyone else wanted; appraisal.  Though, instead of wanting something in particular, he just wanted them out of the way, or made into something useful.  Maybe not for himself, maybe for someone else.  The rune scribe was non-the-less glad to see him hunting.

"This is rather unexpected."

The rune scribe said to his Vanguard captain.  In a fair trade, the templar gave him the items that he wanted to have appraised.  He had definitely been on the hunt lately.  The rune scribe only wished that he could be on his level.

"I can definitely push out most of this, but it'll take a few days, or so.  My appraisal isn't as advanced as your smithy skills."

Items taken:

  • Unidentified Heavy Armor; T3 Perfect
  • 2x Unidentified Light Armor; T3 Perfect
  • 3x Unidentified Heavy Armor; T3 Rare
  • Unidentified Shield; T3 Rare
  • Col = 14700 Col

Buying (Nothing)

  • Nothing, just keeping format -----------> 0 Col
  • Total Expendature ----------------------> 0 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------> 0 Exp

Selling (Nothing)

  • Nothing, just keeping my format --------> 0 Col
  • Total Sales ----------------------------> 0 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------> 0 Exp

Modifying (Rolls found here) (6 / 6 Items appraised)


[T3 Perfect Heavy Armor] <Unverified> ----------------------> 2,500 Col

  • [ID: 90310] [LD: 1] = Regen
  • [ID: 90311] [LD:14] = Mitigation
  • [ID: 90312] [LD:18] = Mitigation

[T3 Perfect Light Armor] <Unverified> ----------------------> 2,500 Col

  • [ID: 90313] [LD:11] = Evasion
  • [ID: 90314] [LD: 4] = Recovery
  • [ID: 90315] [LD:20] = Mitigation

[T3 Perfect Light Armor] <Unverified> ----------------------> 2,500 Col

  • [ID: 90316] [LD: 3] = Regen
  • [ID: 90317] [LD: 7] = Light Momentum
  • [ID: 90318] [LD:13] = Evasion

[T3 Rare Heavy Armor] <Unverified> -------------------------> 1,800 Col

  • [ID: 90319] [LD:11] = Thorns
  • [ID: 90320] [LD: 8] = Heavy Momentum

[T3 Rare Heavy Armor] <Unverified> -------------------------> 1,800 Col

  • [ID: 90321] [LD: 9] = Thorns
  • [ID: 90322] [LD:19] = Mitigation

[T3 Rare Heavy Armor] <Unverified> -------------------------> 1,800 Col

  • [ID: 90323] [LD:13] = Thorns
  • [ID: 90324] [LD: 5] = Heavy Momentum

    Total Expenditures ------------------------------------> 12,900 Col
    Exp Gained --------------------------------------------> 36 Exp

Modify = 12,900 Col

Total Expenditures = 12,900 Col

Total Exp Gained = 36 Exp

Edited by Hirru
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The day was growing close to twilight once again, and the rune scribe was thinking on what to do with the last item that Macradon had wanted to appraise for him.  It was just a rare T3 item, but the rune scribe also had a shield that had chanced upon a unique enhancement.  If this was not good enough for him, would he ask if they would trade the burning shield for the dud, if it ever was one.  There was also the fact that the hunter had not finished appraising the sandwich-potions and tier 2 armor from some time earlier.  He figured that it would be a waste to let those fester in their juices for too long and worked his 'magic' on them too.

Thinking on it all, the rune scribe would need some hunting supplies for later.  He called out to the Mysterious Merchant.

"Ah!  Rune Scribe.   What will you be having today?"

"I need some Rations and Spine Potions.  Some for Tier one and some for Tier three."

"My, my, Scribe.  Those will do you just right."


  • Field Rations (T1) x3 ------------------> 900 Col
  • Field Rations (T3) x5 ------------------> 4500 Col
  • Immolation Potion (T1) x5 --------------> 2700 Col
  • Immolation Potion (T3) x5 --------------> 4500 Col
    Total Expendature ----------------------> 12600 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------> 54 Exp

Selling - (Nothing)

  • Nothing --------------------------------> 0 Col
    Total Sales ----------------------------> 0 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------> 0 Exp

Modifying (Rolls found here) (4 / 6 Items appraised)


[T3 Rare Shield] <Unverified> ---------------> 1800 Col

  • [ID: 90473] [LD: 5] = Taunt
  • [ID: 90474] [LD:14] = Thorns


[T2 Rare Heavy Armor] <Unverified> ----------> 1000 Col

  • [ID: 90475] [LD: 1] = Regen
  • [ID: 90476] [LD: 4] = Regen

[T2 Uncommon Consumable] <Unverified> -------> 600 Col

  • [ID: 90477] [LD: 3] = Prosperity (Food)

[T2 Uncommon Consumable] <Unverified> -------> 600 Col

  • [ID: 90478] [LD: 1] = Antidote (Potion)

    Total Expenditures ---------------------> 4000 Col
    Exp Gained -----------------------------> 24 Exp

Purchases = 12600 Col
Modifications = 4000 Col

Total Expenditures = 16600 Col

Total Exp Gained = 78

Items on hold for @Macradon


Profession: Merchant

Name:  Warrior's Mending

ID: 90310] [LD: 1] = Regen
ID: 90311] [LD:14] = Mitigation
ID: 90312] [LD:18] = Mitigation

Link:  The Traveling Flame

Item Type: Armor (Heavy)

Quality: T3 Perfect

Enhancements:  Mitigation +54 / Regen 15 Hp per 3 turns after hit

Description:  A set of cuirass and shoulder pauldrons that not only protect the user's body, but also mend minor flesh wounds.

~"Have at ye!"  "Look, ya stupid bigot.  You have no arms left."  "Yes, I do."  "Look!"  "Just a flesh wound."~


Profession: Merchant

Name:  Assassin's Cowl

ID: 90313] [LD:11] = Evasion
ID: 90314] [LD: 4] = Recovery
ID: 90315] [LD:20] = Mitigation

Link:  The Traveling Flame

Item Type: Armor (Light)

Quality: T3 Perfect

Enhancements:  Evasion +1 / Recov +3 EN / Mitigation +27

Description:  A dark colored cowl that hides the face of the individual that wears it.


Profession: Merchant

Name:  Thief's Cowl

ID: 90316] [LD: 3] = Regen
ID: 90317] [LD: 7] = Light Momentum
ID: 90318] [LD:13] = Evasion

Link: The Traveling Flame

Item Type: Armor (Light)

Quality: T3 Perfect

Enhancements:  Regen +15 Hp / Light Momentum +1 BD on miss / Evasion +1

Description:  A light colored cowl that hides the scars of the individual that wears it.


Profession: Merchant

Name:  Dread Knight's Gauntlet

ID: 90319] [LD:11] = Thorns
ID: 90320] [LD: 8] = Heavy Momentum

Link: The Traveling Flame

Item Type: Armor (Heavy)

Quality:  T3 Rare

Enhancements:  Thorns +21 / Hvy Momentum +3 Dmg on miss

Description:  Gauntlet of a Dread Knight whom brought fear to many villages in their days.  The sharp claws seem to be covered in blood, but you wouldn't remember where that came from, would you?


Profession: Merchant

Name:  Dread Knight's Helm

ID: 90321] [LD: 9] = Thorns
ID: 90322] [LD:19] = Mitigation

Link: The Traveling Flame

Item Type: Armor (Heavy)

Quality: T3 Rare

Enhancements:  Thorns +21 / Mitigation +27

Description:  Helm of a Dread Knight whom brought fear to many villages in their days.  The symbolic horns on its crest have also shed the blood of its enemies too.


Profession: Merchant

Name:  Dread Knight's Gauntlet

ID: 90323] [LD:13] = Thorns
ID: 90324] [LD: 5] = Heavy Momentum

Link: The Traveling Flame

Item Type: Armor (Heavy)

Quality: T3 Rare

Enhancements:  Thorns +21 / Heavy Momentum +3 on miss

Description:  Gauntlet of a Dread Knight whom brought fear to many villages in their days.  The sharp claws seem to be covered in blood, but you wouldn't remember where that came from, would you?


Profession: Merchant

Name:  Dread Knight's Shield

ID: 90473] [LD: 5] = Taunt
ID: 90474] [LD:14] = Thorns

Link:  The Traveling Flame - Day 2

Item Type: Shield

Quality: T3 Rare

Enhancements:  Taunt +1 / Thorns +21

Description:  Shield of a Dread Knight whom brought fear to many villages in their days.  The rough scales that make up the outer build seem to be infused with shark teeth, shark scales, and other heavily rending material.


Edited by Hirru
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