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[PP - F8] The Climb, Pt.5 (Mack)

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«Floor 8»
9:39 AST

"Aaalrighty then," Takao's voice sounded through the warp gate before his avatar did. He was already walking forward, eyes buried in the map as he worked out the route they'd be taking. "Onto number five... 'n six and seven too. We've got three on this floor." Takao said as he rolled his shoulders. He really wasn't a morning person in the slightest, yet the burst of activity had certainly done wonders to jump start his day. "We'll head to the far side of the floor and hit the one near Pine, then get the other two on the way back. We're only about three or four hours into this too."

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"The slight rest on the hike out to the far one will be a welcome reprieve for a few minutes," Mack allowed. Unlike his companion, even though he was only in his twenties, this kind of exertion was telling just a bit on the ginger giant as he shouldered his axe and fell into step with Takao. It didn't really matter what order they took the dungeons in on this floor. After all, one way or the other, they'd have to hike all the way back to the portal plaza in the main settlement anyway, once they had cleared them. At least taking them from the outside of the floor and working back towards the main town would provide a few moments of peace and quiet. Unless they were ambushed by mobs, which had happened a few times this morning already. Still, the rewards were incredible.

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ID: 53807
BD: 7 + 3(ACC)
LD: 2 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Takao: 201/201 (49/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Miniature Ent 1 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 2 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 3 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 4 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

"Maybe," Takao said in response. On a whim, he opted to activate the reveal skill. It had no negative effects to its usage, which meant that keeping it either active or inactive was merely a choice of situation. For this particular situation, the feeling of being watched had motivated him to activate it. Upon doing so, he was greeted with the sight of a few lurking monsters, standing out against the transparent elements that reveal saw through. "Or maybe not. Looks like we've got company." Takao commented a mere instant before activating his «Charge» skill. At the first signs of aggression, the monsters leapt from their hiding spots and prepared to engage him, but found themselves met with the edge of his sword. Three swift strokes had obliterated their ranks, spewing pixels into the air as a result. "I already see more ahead. I think we'll end up fightin' our way there."

Total Rewards:
4 Materials - Takao
0 Col

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ID: 53810
BD: 6 (5+1 Concentration)
LD: 20 (+8 Mats, +2000 Col)

Takao: 201/201 (49/49) 
Mack: 157/157 (20/38) Explode Catapult: 3x3x16=144

Miniature Ent 1 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]
Miniature Ent 2 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]
Miniature Ent 3 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]
Miniature Ent 4 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]

"Typical," Mack rumbled, swinging his vicious bearded axe down from his shoulder and readying the weapon for combat. Even as Takao was dispatching his group of the little tree creatures, Mack was already barreling forward as he charged past Takao and unloaded on the creatures. Leaping into the air with more agility than a man his size should have possessed, Mack came down with a ground shaking thud in the middle of four of the creatures. Invictus slashed out and the axe made very short work of the tree beasts, reducing them each to pixels in a matter of seconds. "Is it a hate crime to use an axe on tree monsters," he asked, quirking an eyebrow at Takao.

Total Rewards:
4 Materials - Takao
8 Materials - Mack

2000 Col  - Mack

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ID: 53830
BD: 9 + 3(ACC)
LD: 5 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Takao: 201/201 (26/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)
Mack: 157/157 (20/38)

Miniature Ent 5 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 6 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 7 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 8 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

"Seems rather fitting to me," Takao quipped as Mack charged past him to engage the next group of four that emerged from the bushes. Even beyond them, his reveal skill showed him more and more. It was if all the monsters from their time on the previous floors had been laying in wait, hoping to get the pair as they departed from the town. Of course, inter-floor travel seemed unlikely for the monsters, but it did seem to be the only justification he could come to. "I'm actually surprised you don't get any kind of bonus against 'em." Takao said as he charged past Mack, engaging in a rather dangerous game of pseudo-leapfrog with his red-haired traveling companion as a way of moving across the large forest. Three blows connected with four monsters, obliterating their health gauges and reducing their digital bodies to pixels.

Total Rewards:
(+4)8 Materials - Takao
(+2120)2120 Col - Takao
8 Materials - Mack

2000 Col  - Mack

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ID: 53810
BD: 7 (Concentration: 4/5)
LD: 15 (+4 Mats, +2000 Col)

Takao: 201/201 (49/49) 
Mack: 157/157 (3/38) Explode Catapult: 3x3x16=144

Miniature Ent 1 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]
Miniature Ent 2 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]
Miniature Ent 3 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]
Miniature Ent 4 -19/100 (Mit. 25) [144-25=119 DMG]

"I get a bonus against everything because I'm manly and intimidating," Mack remarked, flexing massive biceps and then rolling his head around on his neck to pop it. Even as he was speaking Takao was going on a mad dash forward to address the sudden, but inevitable appearance of more of the tiny walking tree monsters. Well, tiny by tree standards since they were still every bit as large as the largest of the two companions. "At this point, I really think we need to make up a pretend quest theme for the day. Chucking a ring into Mount Doom, maybe... we kind of look like over-sized and heavily armed versions of Frodo and Sam, Mr. Bard." With that, Mack went charging past Takao to meet the next group of tree monsters with several vicious blows.

Total Rewards:
(+4)8 Materials - Takao
(+2120)2120 Col - Takao
12 Materials - Mack

4000 Col  - Mack

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ID: 53938
BD: 7  + 3(ACC)
LD: 3 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)

Takao: 201/201 (15/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)
Mack: 157/157 (20/38)

Miniature Ent 9 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 10 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 11 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 12 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

"Uh huh, right." Takao said, rolling his eyes as Mack charged past to engage the fourth grouping of monsters. Just beyond Mack's group was another four, readying themselves to engage the closest target. Takao tensed his legs and activated the charge skill again. This time around, the brunet jumped straight over Mack, and swung one of his legs over to throw his body into a slight spin. With the sword art prepared before his jump, Takao carved the four monsters in rapid succession. His landed with a rough, soil-crunching skid and shouldered the flat of his sword. "If that's the case, then I got the skills and finesse. Also, you're not just sayin' that 'cause of Treebeard 'n the Ents in Lord of the Rings, are you?"

Total Rewards:
(+4)12 Materials - Takao
(+2120)4240 Col - Takao
12 Materials - Mack

4000 Col  - Mack

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+1 Energy, out of Combat (4/38); Concentration (3/5)

As Takao went soaring over his head Mack did the most logical thing in the world. He held up one enormous fist for Takao so that the swordsman could engage in a very manly and impressive bro fist as he went sailing overhead on his way to address the sudden appearance of four more tree monster. Of course, Takao left him hanging. So, when the green-eyed fighter turned around after having dispatched another group of Ents, Mack was still standing there with his fist raised. "The ents probably have something to do with it, though you have to admit that in those classic films Sam was a ginger and Frodo had dark hair like you. It's not a perfect similarity, but it kind of works. That, and you've been leading us the entire time. Also, I can't believe you left me hangin' like that... adding a bro fist mid-combat would have added infinite manly to the tales of this day."

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ID: 53995
BD: 7  + 3(ACC)
LD: 7 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+4 Materials , +2120 Col)

Takao: 201/201 (4/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)
Mack: 157/157 (4/38)

Miniature Ent 13 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 14 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 15 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Miniature Ent 16 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

Takao raised an eyebrow as he spun the sword against his shoulder, glancing at Mack's raised fist. "That's true. But Sam was the real hero, and I'm obviously the real hero here 'outta the two of us." Takao said, clear tones of sarcasm accompanying his words. The spotlight was not where Takao belonged, nor was it where he desired to be, but a bit of joking never hurt. Glancing past Mack, Takao watched as four more bush-headed stumps waddled their way closer, ready to strike with their... hands... branches..? Something of the sort. At the mention of the apparently missed opportunity, Takao took the opening presented to him and repeated the same process as before. The charge skill was prepared and his legs were tensed, allowing him to leap into the air. As he swung his legs over, he extended his clenched offhand outward. His knuckles bumped into Mack's still outstretched fist, granting Mack the desired manly tale he'd sought whilst also giving Takao a bit of extra spring to his vault as he unleashed the sword art unto the monsters. Landing softly on the dirt following the defeat of the four monsters, Takao shouldered the flat of his sword once more and turned to Mack. "Boom."

Total Rewards:
16 Materials - Takao
6360 Col - Takao
12 Materials - Mack

4000 Col  - Mack

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+1 Energy, out of Combat.

"Dynamite," Mack agreed with a chuckle, thrusting his own arm upwards as Takao performed the fist bump. It had the effect to springing the teen slightly higher into the air. "At some point, we're going to have to take this show on the road, you know, see how many people we can impress with our buddy fighting techniques. Also, the Frodo and Sam analogy is a good one. After all, you do most of the work getting us to where we're going and then I do most of the work once we actually get there. Just like in Lord of the Rings once they finally made it to Mordor. But, I will give you this one... if we went to a party as Batman and Robin, I would go as Robin. Does that make you feel better," Mack asked with a smirk, shouldering his axe as they moved off deeper into the forest.

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ID: 54009
LD: 20 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+1 Material)

Takao chuckled lightly and aligned the end of his sword with the mouth of the scabbard on his back. He dropped the blade inside, the rasp of metal grating against wood being silenced by the click of the hilt. "I'm not sure how interesting our dangerous game of leapfrog with swords and axes would be to an audience--" Takao said, turning and beginning to walk in the direction he knew their next dungeon quarry to be. "...Actually, on paper that sounds pretty bangin'. Anyway, as long as it isn't the second Robin, 'cause he don't turn out too good. I do like green though, 'n I totally got the legs for it." Takao said, chuckling lightly as he continued walking.

Total Rewards:
17 Materials - Takao
6360 Col - Takao
12 Materials - Mack

4000 Col  - Mack

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OOC: 3 Turns out of Combat, full energy.

"When are you going to learn that all of my ideas are good ones," Mack asked, arching an eyebrow at Takao and doing his best to sound hurt. "I'm a genius and... are you implying I don't have the legs to pull of green spandex? I know exactly no one in this game that would argue that point with you," Mack allowed, sheathing Invictus at his back in a mime of the movement Takao had just made in sheathing his own weapon. Sighing loudly, the axe man took a look around at their surroundings, surveying the tops of the trees high above them once again. "How much further do you think we need to go before we find this dungeon, Bard," Mack asked, steepling his fingers together and placing both of his hands behind his head. For the time being, there didn't seem to be any immediate danger.

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ID: 54052
LD: 20 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+1 Material)

"I dunno, charging head first into that one dungeon and getting your butt whooped didn't seem like a very good idea at the time." Takao responded, returning the gesture of a raised eyebrow to Mack before changing his attention to face forward. "And yes, I do think you couldn't pull it off. At least, in comparison to all this," He said, turning to walk backward momentarily in order to gesture toward himself. "Hff, please, you don't even stand a chance." A low chuckle rumbled in his chest and he shook his head, dismissing the thought. He truly and honestly hadn't even the slightest desire to wear spandex, green or otherwise. He turned forward and refocused on the effort to locate the dungeon, activating the reveal skill as they drew closer to the area. "Yeah, should just be up here somewhere."

Total Rewards:
30 Materials
10360 Col

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"Look, we've been through this. I can't just kill the bosses without giving them a chance," Mack rumbled with a large and very fake exasperated sigh. "If I kill them all outright then the bosses get sad. I like for them to feel that they're doing well as I lodge my axe in the dead center of their brains and make them twitch like puppets," the axe man continued, holding up both hands in a puppeteer kind of gesture with all his fingers spread. "Dance for me puppets, dance," he growled, still following along behind Takao as the teen led the way towards their next objective. "We finish this one and we're a third of the way done for the day. So, where is it? I don't see a thing."

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OOC// mmmmm-mm dungeon roll game is reaching super saiyan levels.

"You usually don't see a thing, don't you?" Takao jested as his eyes scanned the area. Trees, foliage, more trees, some strange monster running in the direction, bushes, even more trees... The area was remarkably unremarkable. He took a few steps forward and glanced sidelong, catching sight of a fallen log. Takao rubbed his jawline and approached it, glancing through the transparent object and into the dungeon that laid behind it. "Got it," He said, kneeling down to grab hold of the large tree. Takao pulled and barely moved the obstruction that prevented them from entering. "Hey, gimme a hand with this thing, it's heavy."

- -

Advanced Dungeon found.

» ID : [[ 54059 ]]
» LD : [[ 22 (11 + 3(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search&Detect) + 2(Reveal)) ]

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OOC: Go Vegeta go? Vegeta always had the right idea. Kill the enemy. Kill it with fire.

"Not seeing things has been pretty useful, sometimes, I can tell you," Mack said musingly as Takao moved to inspect a rotten felled log. What could possibly be so interesting about a rotten piece of wood? Nothing. And then Takao announced it was where the entrance to the dungeon was. Of course it was. "Course, I still saw the dog beast," Mack said with a grunt, unslinging Invictus. "You're doing that the wrong way, little buddy. If I may," he asked. Once Takao was safely out of the way, the gigantic axe man slammed his weapon into the rotten piece of lumber several times, finally shattering it into pixels and revealing the entrance into the dungeon. "See? Much easier."

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ID: 53995
BD: 10  + 3(ACC)
LD: 13 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+8 Materials , +2120 Col)

Takao: 201/201 (4/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Ent Warrior 1 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 2 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 3 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 4 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

11/15 Remaining

"Thanks Paul Bunyan." Takao quipped as Mack hacked the log into pieces and pixels. Takao reached for his shoulder and pulled the blade from his back before delving into the entrance, which was rather small. He had no problems slipping past and into the cave which widened considerably inside, but he didn't doubt Mack would have some trouble squeezing inside. "Have fun gettin' inside. I'm gonna move on ahead." Takao called out over his shoulder as he advanced into the cave, meeting up with and engaging four monsters that attempted to lurk behind the obstructions the cave provided.

Total Rewards:
38 Materials
12480 Col

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OOC: You were 3 out of combat before that last attack, your energy is off :)

Mack watched as Takao disappeared and slipped into the entrance of the dungeon. The smaller scout made it look easy and for someone the size of the lithe brunette swordsman it probably was. For the hulking axe man though, it was going to be a considerably tighter fit. After much grunting, shifting, and a lot of swearing, Mack managed to worm his way through the entrance and down into the cave which, thankfully, expanded into something that was considerably more roomy for someone of his bulk. "Maybe next time you should stay out there so you can jump on my shoulders to shove me in," Mack muttered, working his shoulders in circles to loosen back up now that he was in the cave. "So, which way to Treebeard?"

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OOC// Whoops, my bad. Thanks for pointing that out. I've been getting lazy with editing the specifics.

ID: 54237
BD: 8  + 3(ACC)
LD: 2 + 2(Vitamins) + 3(Hands of Midas) + 3(Search & Detect)
(+4 Materials)

Takao: 201/201 (26/49) [Sword Art: Sharp Nail 1*6*22=132 DMG] (13 Base + 5 Charge + 3 Damage Crystal + 1 Alcoholic)

Ent Warrior 5 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 6 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 7 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]
Ent Warrior 8 0/106 (Mit. 26) [132-28=106 DMG]

7/15 Remaining

"Sorry, s'above my pay grade." Takao said from further down the cave. Having just engaged and wiped out the first four monsters, another set of branch-spear wielding sentient trees emerged and prepared to attack. "The cave just goes one direction, it'll lead straight to the boss room." Takao called out. He prepared the same rank three sword art that had dominated the monsters thus far, and replicated the fates of the previous four unto the current grouping. Three steps and three cuts later reduced the four monsters to their natural state of disappearing data in the form of polygons.

Total Rewards:
42 Materials
12480 Col

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"Is there anything that's not above your pay grade," Mack asked in a low tone, even as Takao sent another group of four tree monsters off into the wild pixelated yonder as he surveyed the cave surroundings with his dark eyes. Sure enough, Takao was quite right. There really was only one way to go. That was oddly convenient. "I hadn't noticed that the cave only went in one direction," Mack allowed, agreeing with the scout. Then another, more important, question occurred to the axe wielding behemoth. "Gravity helped me get into this cave, how am I getting back out? Also, I doubt you can jump high enough to get back out and we didn't leave any rope to climb. Thoughts on that?"

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