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[SP-F1] <<Secret Medicine Of The Forest>>

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It was another sunny day in Aincrad, and Barryt was strolling around the grassy hills, as he saw a single person stand there near a big tree. When Barryt came closer he saw that is was a little Boy, wearing worn off cloths and holding a scoll in the hand. Barryt stopped and inspected the small one with interest, seeing that he was an NPC. What would an NPC do so far away from the savezone? You normally never see them this far away.  He wondered while approching him again. Hey little Boy, can I help you? I'm Barryt. while he still approached him he waited for an answer to come.
I'm Jona and I come from a small village nearby. *he sniveled* But many of my friends and the older ones are ill. They need some medicine. I wanted to help, but the Nepents who have it scare me to much. You will find them in the nearby forest. *snive, snive*

Oh, he really needs help, so I can show what I have learned. Allright, I will have a look for these creatures and bring you the madicine you need.

With these words a system message appeared right in front of him.
*ring* Quest accepted, <<secret Medicine of the Forrest>> : Goal - retrive a dose of <Little Nepent's Ovule> only dropped from a rare variant of the local Nepents.

And so another adventure had just begun.

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Barryt quickly arrived at the nearby forrest, a dark and gloomy one he had to admit.
Regardles his uneasy feeling he ventured into the forest, alwasy looking for some of these Nepents, what ever they should be. Maybe I should have asked the kid what exactly a Nepnet was, that would surly help finding one. He tought.

About five seconds later he had his descripition, but not told by anyone, but seen from one of these creatures. Just half a head smaller than he was himself the strange plantlike creature stood there between two big trees eying him without any eyes to be seen, the big mouth opening and closing, drooling out some odd looking fluids.

Ha, you will show me where I can get the medicine! Barryt shouted, while drawing his sword and shield.

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The creature didn't show the slightest inclination to tell Barryt how to find the medicine, instead it scuttled towards Barryt with his rooty legs.


ID# 53273 results:

Battle: 7 (+1 = 8 --> Hit: 3 * 2 = 6 - 2 = 4 dmg)

Craft: 4 (no regen)

Loot: 20 (ignore, no kill)

MOB: 9 (krit -> 3+1 =4 - 18 = 1 dmg, no thorns)

At about five meters distance between it and Barryt it came to a stop, laughting with its big mouth and swinging its veins towards Barryt, who launched himself towards the creature, chargeing his <snake bite> and releasing it just the moment the sharp leafs scratshed over his back, letting his HP drop a little. The gladius arched foward into the creatures body, flashed back to just dig itself into the body once more.


Battle  stats:

Nepent: 3/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg
Barryt: 15/16 HP | 3/4 ENG | Hate [1]

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Ouch, that did hurt a little, but the Nepent was hit way harder, its HP already yellow. Another attack would finish it off, so Barryt charged another <snake bite>, knowing that the creature would start an attack on its own he just trusted his armor to protect him.


ID# 53274 results:

Battle: 4 (+1 = 5 -->miss)

Craft: 1 (no regen)

Loot: 8 (no loot)

MOB: 6 (hit: 3 - 18 = 1; thorns activated -> 14 - 2 = 12 dmg)

The Nepent tried something else, opening its mouth wide and trying to just eat the adveturer it was fighting. The sudden move interruped barryts attack, but the thorns of his armor and shield dealed enough damage for the Nepent to disintegrate into pixels, letting Barryt fall to the ground.
Oah, what an evil monster, not that it is strong, but it stinks inside its mouth. This one looks as if it wasn't the right one. It didn't drop the medicine I need, so lets go venture further in the forest.


Battle  stats:

Nepent: 0/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg
Barryt: 14/16 HP | 2/4 ENG

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So Barryt walked further into the woods, but he wasn't lucky with finding another one, so he decided to just walk around a little, maybe he could finde something interesting for crafting. His search wasn't succesful, the only things he found were trees, slimy mushrooms and ferns, nothing he could use for his blacksmith profession.

Ok, maybe I should just rest and eat something. Maybe I will be more lucky afterwards.

So he looked for a place where he could eat a piece of bread and drink some cold water. Not long after beginning to look for one he found a good place, a clearing in the gloomy forest, the ground covered with moss. A comfortable ground to just lie down.

ID: 53275: Loot: 1

HP -> 16/16
Eng -> 3/4

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Hm...yeah. what is better than lying in the sun doing nothing. *yawn* barryts eyes got heavy and soon he closed them, just enjoying the warm sunlight on his the little skin his armor showed. It didn't take long before he fell asleep and wild dreams filled his head.

*somewhere in a dream*
Barryt slowly opened his eyes, blinking as his eyes get used to the light. The sky above him was clouded and the light of a low dark red sun reflected down on him.
as he turned his head the forest he laid down was gone, instead there were grassy hills and a little away there was a fight. Just the moment he noticed the fight he also heared it. *cling, clanck, crack*
Another few seconds later he was on his feet, weapon drawn and ready to help he ever was fighting there. He ran towards them as he saw the Players HP drop to red.
He jumped forwards, thrusting his sword into the boar, but while still in the air his sword rusted and crumbled to pixels. His fist hit the boar, but it lookes as it didn't even notice the new fighter. It charged at the fighter Barryt now recogniced as Lambic and tore his stomach up, deep dark blood extravasated from the wound and Lamic died right in barryts arms while he tries to close the wound with his own hands.

With a scream Barryt awakens on the clearing in the middle of the dark and gloomy woods.


Eng -> 4/4

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was just a nightmare, but the pain is real. Reminded of the loss of Lambic, Barryt begins sobbing.
All the noise he created attracted another one of these Nepents, which now made its way thru the scrub.

Barryt jumped onto his feet, drawing this weapon and being ready to attack, but still a little depressed by the dream he just had.
Barryt charged at the Creature, starting his <snake bite> to kill it as fast as possible, maybe it would drop the medicine he needed to get.

His charged attack hit the Beast hard, dropping its HP into red, but it survived. I was not able to attack, as the charge just was to quick and its tentacles swiped thru air and nothing more.


ID# 54985 results:

Battle: 6 (hit: 3+1 (charge) =4 * 2 = 8 - 2 = 6 dmg)

Craft: 11 (regen, but full)

MOB: 3 (miss)


Battle  stats:

Nepent: 1/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg
Barryt: 16/16 HP | 3/4 ENG

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Quickly afther his charge attack Barryt wanted to kill this thing with another strike of his blade, but the silly thing began turning around, so he had to get back a few steps. the third of these steps ended on a root, and he fell to the ground, while he fell he felt the blow of the Nepents attack just a few centimeters above his head. Puh, that falling saved my Face, that sure would have hurt. ... oh wait, it would't.  Just a few moments later he rolled over his back back up to face the Nepent once again. Hey ja dump plant, do ja have the medicine I'm looking for?


ID# 54986 results:

Battle: 1 (krit fail)

Craft: 8 (regen, but full)

MOB: 5 (miss)

Battle  stats:

Nepent: 1/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg
Barryt: 16/16 HP | 2/4 ENG

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The dumb plant did not answer his question once again. Why do they have mouths if they can't speak? he wondered, but at the next moment he got remembered what the mouth was for, as the Nepent ran towards him, his mouth with the big teeth open and trying to eat him. That was not a nice thing to do he thought while once again sinking his blad into its flesh. The Monster exploded into pixels and it was gone, not dropping the medicine he wanted it to drop.

Ok, so I killed two of them and they did not drop anything. This is not what I wanted to do. Let's have a look at the quest again, maybe there is additional information. Opening the questlog and viewing the details showed Barryt, that there should be a rare variant of these things and that it had a chance to drop the medicine.



ID# 54987 results:

Battle: 8 (hit: 3 *2 = 6 -2 = 4 dmg)

Craft: 6 (regen, but full)

Loot: 14 (nothing)

MOB: 4 (miss)

Battle  stats:

Nepent: 0/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg
Barryt: 16/16 HP | 1/4 ENG

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How was he going to find this most likely even more silly looking monster? That was a problem, he sure wouldn't want to wander the forest all day.

but there was no other way. so he started walking aound, looking for something other than these normal Nepents, but it was easy finding one of these rare variants.
The last one came for me after I made much noise, maybe this one will come at me too. So what could I use to make lots of noise? Barryt was looking around and found a nearly table shaped mushroom. would this work for what he wants?


ENG -> 2/4

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Barryt took his sword -and with the broad side of it- hit the shroom. The moment the sword hit the shroom a loud *BONG!* sound appeared and went to the forest. At the exact same moment a systemmessage appeared, saying: Bong, Bong - system achievement <lots a noise> claimed that was interesting, I didn't know there was a achievment system. 
Seeing that it worked as planned and he was able to do much noise with this shroom he hit it again, and again and again. After a few hits he picked up two sticks from the ground and started playing something like drums and a quick rythm of BONGs resounded thru the woods.


ENG -> 3/4

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After playing the drums for some time the frequency of sticks hitting shrooms dropped and then Barryt stopped playing at all. That should have been enought nois, now let's wait.
Barryt dropped the sticks and reequipped his sword and just stood there in the middle of the forest, waiting if something would happen. And he was right, he only stood there a few minutes when a Nepent appeared from his right. It looked kind of different as its body was covered in fruits. So this is the Nepents Variant, it'll bettter drop the damn medicine.

He readied his weapon and his shield, staring at the Nepent and calling out: You damn thing, you'll give me the medicine or I'll murder ya whole race.

The Nepent stood there, openeing and closing its mouth, not saing anything at all, but slashing its veins thru the air.



Battlestats for next battle:

Nepent Variant: 15/15 HP | 5 mit | 2 dmg (ignores mit on nat 10)

Barryt: 16/16 HP | 4/4 ENG | 18 mit | 3 base dmg (+1 charge) | ACC 1 | Reg 9 | Thorns 14 | hate [ 0 ]


ENG -> 4/4

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After waiting for an answer and not getting one Barryt starts running at the Field Boss, charging his <snake bite> while closing on it. The Nepent was still slashing his vines thru the air, but as soon as Barryt came into reach the rasor sharp leaves aim for his head. Barryts run thru the vines, reaching the Nepent and sinking his blade into it two times. The Nepents fruity armor was vigorous and Barryt did not deal much damage. The Nepents vines still hit Barryt a few times, evading his thorns and letting his HP drop a little, just to get healed up by the shields regen.


ID# 55323 results:

Battle: 8 (+1ACC = 9: hit: 3+1 = 4 *2 = 8 - 5 = 3 dmg)

Craft: 7 (regen proc)

MOB: 9 (krit: 2+1 = 3 - 18 = 1 dmg; no thorns proc)




Nepent Variant: 12/15 HP | 5 mit | 2 dmg (ignores mit on nat 10)

Barryt: 16/16 HP | 3/4 ENG | 18 mit | 3 base dmg (+1 charge) | ACC 1 | Reg 9 | Thorns 14 | hate [ 1 ]

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As the two oponents started fighting in direct meele kombat Barryt tried to sidestep an attack to charge another <snake bite> at the Nepent in front of him. The green glow of Barryts sword appeared and he released a two hit combo, digging to holes into the Nepents body. The Nepent istself launched a series of attacks at Barryt, hitting him multiple times, but not really breaking thru the armor. Instead the armors thorns sting into the nepents vines, dropping his health just to zero. The Nepent Variant dissolved into pixels, but there again was no loot for Barryt.


ID# 55324 results:

Battle: 9 (krit: +1 dmg -> 3+1 = 4 *2 = 8 -5 = 3 dmg)

Craft: 4 (no proc)

Loot: 16 (failure)

MOB: 8 (hit: 2 dmg - 18 mit = 1 dmg; thons proc -> 14-5 = 9 dmg)

total dmg to Nepent = 3+9 = 12



Nepent Variant: 0/15 HP | 5 mit | 2 dmg (ignores mit on nat 10)

Barryt: 15/16 HP | 2/4 ENG | 18 mit | 3 base dmg (+1 charge) | ACC 1 | Reg 9 | Thorns 14 | hate [ 1 ]

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Oh god, why hadn't this damn thing not dropped the medicine? did he have to look for another variant of these Nepents? Yeah, I propably have to, so let's not wait longer.

Barryt quickly began running around the forest again, looking for some nepents to kill, but it looked as if the would not want to be slaughtered and hid. Thisis silly, why aren't there any? After running around for about an hour he decided that there were no more in the regen he was at the moment. He had to leave and search for another place where he could find them. But it was getting late and he was not sure if sleeping in the forest was a good Idea. There has to be some Village nearby, something with a savezone I think. He left and searched for the village and a short time after he arrived at Horunka Village.

There were some ill NPCs and he realised that the Medicine he was trying to get was for this villages people. There was a house with some free romes and he quickly took one of them and was getting ready for sleeping. Maybe I should have a good dinner in the local pub. But there were people around and he did not really like people this much, so he decided to stay at his room and sleep.


HP -> 16/16
ENG: -> 3/4

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The next day Barryt woke up well rested and ready to look for some silly Nepents and the medicine. He equippes his armor, shield and weapon and leaves his room.
Down in the Tavern there was just one person, the innkeeper. Good morning sir, would it be possible to get some breakfast here? Barryt asked the innkeeper, while thinking that it had been a long time since he had a real breakfast and not just bread. Oh young sir, of course we serve breakfast here, is there anything special we could bring you? Young Jona told us that you are the adventurer who is looking for the medicine, so it will be on the house.

So they know who I am and that I try to help them. Maybe this guy is able to make some scottish breakfast for me. Oh, yeah there would be something. Could you make something like a scottish breakfast? Something with rosted tomatoes, baked beans and maybe even something like haggis? I will do my best sir, but I don't think I can do this haggis thing, what ever it is.    A few minutes later Barryt sits at a table, eating a pretty nice breakfast, and even without haggis it reminded him of home.

After finishing this breakfast he thanks the innkeeper and leaves the small village to go hunting once again.


ENG -> 4/4


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Barryt does not need longe till he finds two Nepents walking thru the forest. As he wants to quickly end this Quest and get the medicine he charges at them, attacking them with a <rage spike>. His sword starts glowing red, as he runs towards them. At about 2 meters distance Barryt leaps at the first one, hitting it hard and letting its HP drop to red, just to follow this leap with an upwards strike at the second Nepent to his right. While he was in the air the Nepent he leaped at swung its vines thru thin air, but the second one got a solid hit at Barryts chest, but it got nearly absorbed by the armor. Hm, not as well as I thought it would work, but I got both of them into red.


Barryt and Nepent 1


ID# 56023 results:

Battle: 5 (+1 ACC = 6: hit -> 3+1 = 4*2 = 8 -2mit = 6 dmg aoe)

Craft: 2 (no reg)

MOB: 4 (miss)

Nepent 2


ID# 56024 results:

Craft: 3 (no regen)

MOB: 10 (krit: 3+2 = 5 -18 = 1dmg; no thorns proc)


Barryt: 15/16 HP | 1/4 ENG | 3 DMG (+1 charge) | 1 ACC | 18 mit | 14 thorns | 9 reg | hate [1]

Nepent 1: 1/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg

Nepent 2: 1/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg

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Damn, they did not die and I'm nearly out of energy. No more AoE attacks, so it might take a while to kill them. Barryt thought, while swinging his sword at one of the Nepents. He quickly sidesteps the second ones attack and his sword digs deep into its goal. The Nepent while surly being killed swings its vines fouriously and hits Barryt, but the little damage he recieves gets healed as his shields regen procs.


V Barryt and Nepent 1 V


ID# 56236 results:

Battle: 7 (hit: 3*2 = 6 -2 mit = 4 dmg)

Craft: 12 (regen proc -> +9 HP)

Loot: 7 (nothing)

MOB: 7 (hit: 3-18 = 1dmg, thorns proc -> 14 -2 mit = 12 dmg)

V Nepent 2 V


ID# 56237 results:

Craft: 9 (regen proc -> nothing because of full HP)

MOB: 5 (miss)



Barryt: 16/16 HP | 1/4 ENG | 3 DMG (+1 charge) | 1 ACC | 18 mit | 14 thorns | 9 reg | hate [1]

Nepent 1: 0/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg

Nepent 2: 1/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg

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Yeah, one dead, just one left. Barryt screams while facing the left oponent. Another simple strike with his sword should be enough for this Nepent, so he thrusts his gladius forwards. The Nepents sees this simple attack coming and sidesteps it, losing the power of its attack by this movement the vines just touch Barryt without hurting him. Damit, I have to be quicker than a silly plant.


ID# 56238 results:

Battle: 3 (miss)

Craft: 1 (no proc)

MOB: 2 (miss)


Barryt: 16/16 HP | 1/4 ENG | 3 DMG (+1 charge) | 1 ACC | 18 mit | 14 thorns | 9 reg | hate [1]

Nepent 1: 0/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg

Nepent 2: 1/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg





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Barryt once again attacks the Nepent, but just as his sword connects with its body the Nepent trips over some roots, tumbeling backwards and away from the blade. Barryt who is a little exhausted already tries to focus on his tasks, which is killing the Nepents to enrage the special variant, which might drop the Medicine he needs for the villagers. How is it possible that I can't hit it?


ID# 56239 results:

Battle: 4 (miss)

Craft: 11 (proc -> nothing)

MOB: 1 (krit fail)


Barryt: 16/16 HP | 1/4 ENG | 3 DMG (+1 charge) | 1 ACC | 18 mit | 14 thorns | 9 reg | hate [1]

Nepent 1: 0/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg

Nepent 2: 1/7 HP | 2 mit | 3 dmg

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