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[PP-F2] Bee-termination (orhalimi) <<Long Live the Queen>> - Complete

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That thorns again. It's time to put an end to this mess, After the queen passed me I followed her and attacked right after she hit the walking thorn bush. I used my sword skill to stub and quickly in the back. She began to fly in circles and tried to get me off her. I used my sword skill again and with two purple glows I removed her wings for good. She fall down on her four legs while I disconnect my sword from her back and flip right on the ground.


ID: 55536

Battle: 10

Damage = (2 + 2)*2 ( Straight - 1x2  ) = 8

Husky: 15/16 HP | 0/4 EN | 4 DMG | 1 PAR |14 THR | 27 MIT | ( - ( 12 -27) = -1 DMG)

  • Hate: 2 [Heavy Momentum]

orhalimi: 24/24 HP | 5/6 EN | 2 DMG | 12 MIT | 2 EVA |

  • Hate: 1


Wasp Queen: 4/50 HP | 12 DMG | ( -14 THR DMG)


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While the Wasp Queen is staggered from a heavy blow delivered by Rowan, it couldn't see Husky's attack until it was too late. With his gauntlet glowing bright golden, husky had his Sword Art charged up, and threw a heavy punch to the Wasp Queen's head. The hook struck at the Wasp's head, as the health bar dropped to zero. The thing shone brightly and shattered to million and millions of pieces. Letting out a sigh, Husky relaxed the grip on his hand, knowing the battle is now over. "Nice work there." He gave his partner a compliment for his share of the work.


ID: 55539

BD: 10

MOB: died before action.

Husky: 15/16 HP | 0/4 EN | 4 DMG | 1 PAR |14 THR | 27 MIT | 

  • Hate: 2

orhalimi: 24/24 HP | 5/6 EN | 2 DMG | 12 MIT | 2 EVA |

  • Hate: 1


Wasp Queen: 0/50 HP | 12 DMG | ( -(4 +2) = -6 DMG)

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Dame! in the end of the quest he will get  <<The Matriarch's Stinger>.
I was so close, maybe I will convince him to lend it over.
"Nice one. we should go back to the quest giver to get our reward. Tell me, would you like to...sell me your reward potion?" I would take it by force, but his armour was to strong for me to hand. It's not fair, all he did was just gets beaten, you are not suppose to get reward on that!

Edited by orhalimi
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On their way back to Urbus, Husky received a proposal for the drop loot from the Wasp Queen. He thought for it a while, then spoke. "I would love to, but I'm afraid I couldn't do so. I have had future plans for myself, and the extra damage from this will really come in handy later on. Sorry friend... But don't worry, I'm pretty sure you could find the same thing in a few merchant shop for a reasonable price." Denied Rowan's proposal of selling the loot to him, Husky make his way into town, returned the quest and get the reward for striking the killing blow.

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"Farwell." I gave him a murderous look, you will regret it "You fought well. Thanks for the help" I smiled I twisted smile "I hope to see you again, maybe sooner that you will expected". I'm not you friend, don't you ever forget it. I'm nothing and you are going to regret about this day. Mark my word.

I went back to the quest giver and reward xp, after that I left the party. He was nothing to me, just a tool to get my needs.

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