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Starfyre's Journal

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Username... Starfyre
Real name... Shiho Yuka
Age... 17
Gender... Female
Height... 162cm
Weight... 55kg

     Shiho was born into an upper middle class family in Osaka, Japan. Her mother and father had two boys before her, and one girl after, all three of whom she had an excellent relationship with. After receiving her primary education at a public school within the city, Shiho was enrolled into a private high school to continue her education. She excelled in academics and received high scores in nearly everything she did, especially sports. She was an incredibly soccer player and enjoyed the physical activity, eventually garnering enough skill and acknowledgement to qualify for scholarships. However, Shiho never got the chance to taste the fruits of her efforts. At the age of fifteen, Shiho was struck by a car while riding her bike home from school. The accident dealt severe damage to her leg, and while not irreparable, it was expected to take a great deal of time to heal. Shiho fell into a deep depression as a result of her lost opportunities which lasted for the better portion of two years. When her eldest brother introduced her to the world of Virtual Reality and the accompanying game, Sword Art Online, Shiho was ecstatic that she might be able to enjoy herself once again, even if it was in a virtual world. Little did she know what was in store for her and the thousands of other players...

     Shiho is faithful to whomever she believes to be her friends. Perhaps a little too faithful, but that's expanded upon later. She is an incredibly loving person and desires to see happiness in everybody she meets, which leads to a great deal of loyalty. She will oft find herself clinging to a single person, or perhaps even two, simply because it is in her impressionable nature to become infatuated easily. To those she finds herself faithful to, her devotion is unwavering.

     A virtue that could easily be attributed to the childish tones of her personality, Shiho is very energetic, both in body and in spirit. She is easily entertained by even the most simple of tasks and can find some sense of enjoyment in almost anything. Of course, she isn't a simpleton or stupid by any means. Quite the opposite, in fact! Shiho does look for the positives within the negatives, which allows her to maintain her optimism in even the most harrowing of situations.

     Nothing Shiho does is simply to be better than somebody else. She takes pride in doing the best that she can do, and not in doing better than others. This virtue has remained especially strong in her online persona, and even more so in an environment like Sword Art Online, where the line between confidence and arrogance oft finds itself blurred. She has a strong desire to remain true to herself and with no desire to lie, her modesty is very apparent.

     Perhaps Shiho wasn't necessarily innocent or naive, and instead she had chosen to remain optimistic, and such a decision has long since bled into her personality. Whether originally her intention or otherwise, she now exhibits an odd amount of innocence and can rarely see the negative aspects of a person. Some might call it a blessing, most would call it a curse, but at the very least it helps to keep a cheerful smile on her face.

     Similar to her innocent nature, Shiho is childish in almost every regard. She can find humor in even the simplest of jokes, she pouts when she doesn't get her way, and she lacks the maturity of a more refined personality. This fun-loving nature is quite dangerous to her well-being as well, since it means that the likelihood of her getting into trouble is high simply because she wasn't able to identify a threat properly.

     To top off the theme of immaturity, Shiho is easily impressionable. Her opinions are often influenced by the people around her, which allows others to take advantage of her ability to make decisions or even to waver her morality. Additionally, she becomes easily infatuated with those she spends copious amounts of time with or those she believes to be a friend. She hates to disappoint, so agreeing with others is common as well.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)



» DAGGER -- Rank One (5sp)

Weapon skills:

» Basic Iron Dagger

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

None yet!

Story Thus Far

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