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[PP-F2] A Step Forward or Backward «Breaking the Unbreakable» (Piera)

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Lee would chuckle lightly as she seemed rather upset but over what, he wasn't sure and so, seeing her fuming was rather adorable. She would then reach up to his face and take his head into her hands to which he would simply let happen as he glanced over to the boulder to which he was supposed to be striking at but was unable to as he would quickly throw a blind strike out at but miss from the distance as Piera would then speak of a fight between the two of them. They had been fighting but it wasn't something he would consider large enough to be relevant.

She would then aim to remember what it was that he had said but as she was going on, her words began to drown out, as if he had been pulled under water long enough for things to fade to black but then, just as quickly, he was back. He would raise his hands up and mimic her own hands against her face and would rest his forehead against her own "Da fu*k you mean gurl? Couldn't have been much a fight, you can't ever win anything against me."

ID: 79972
BD: 2

Rock: 14-0=14

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Piera watched carefully for even a flicker of recognition or tell tale sign that he was messing with her and yet none came. She didn't pull away from his hands and forehead until after he had spoken, roughly jerking away with a frazzled and confused expression. "How are you not concerned about the fact that you don't remember the last ten minutes of your life! Just-! UGH!" At this point the alchemist wasn't sure if he was lying or not but she was irritated regardless and once again took it out on the rock, flinging out the base of her fist and causing the ground beneath it to tremble, along with her shoulders as she breathed heavily, staring at the ground beside Lee's feet.

"Lee." She tried to begin in a less than steady voice before inhaling once more, swallowing and slowly exhaling. Then she began again, enunciating clearly and evenly, "I. Am going. To fight on the front lines. One way. Or another. Somehow. Some way. I will help clear this game. With or without your help. But god do I wish you would." She finally looked up, her eyes shining with emotion that she knew wouldn't move him regardless. But despite her unshed tears, the healer's face was resolute.

ID: 80192
BD: 10+1=11 (crit)

Boulder: 14-4=10

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Lee chuckled just a bit as she pulled herself from him which was a common reflex for the man as she continued on about the fight they had and his 'not remembering'. The more frustrated she became, the more he had to hold in how much he wanted to laugh. As she struck the rock, she would call him out and what she said next would quickly cause the grin on his face to diminish and be replace with a far more stern scowl. He would lash a fist out to strike the rock with a resolute force as he would reply in kind "That's funny, really funny. You have no idea how many times I've heard you say something like that. Not necessarily in this same context but....d@mn, that is quite the something. Dumb, yeah, dumb is the word." He would clench his fist and look to her, tears phasing him none "Clearing the game, fine, I got no problem with it. Front lines, not even in your Dreams little girl. I'm not one for holding you back from things, you do you but this is non-negotiable and before you go off on some sort of self righteous poppycock about how I can't stop you, you'll do what you want. I want to make something very, very, VERY clear." He would pause for a moment to let the severity of the situation sink in as he would lean forward ever so slightly till he was eye level with the misty-eyed girl "You will regret it. In every since of the word and it isn't something you are prepared to live with, trust me."

ID: 80247
BD: 9

Rock: 10-2= 8

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Seeing the serious expression on his face made Piera feel vindicated and perhaps if she got him angry enough he'd remember what he had gotten angry over not five minutes ago! But when he stooped to name calling, the alchemist had to grit her teeth behind her pursed lips, suddenly very very appreciative to the fact that they had a near literal punching bag to lash out at. Her knuckles throbbed slightly, not in pain but from satisfying force at which she punched the boulder. It made a cracking noise but didn't yet show any sign of being split.

At his contradictory statement, the alchemist smiled tightly in annoyed humor, her eyes raising skyward. She wasn't quite sure in what way he meant that she would regret it, possibly both but right now she didn't particularly care. "Do you even hear yourself right now? I just-. I can't, I can't even. I just can't right now. Just [censored] off and punch your stupid [censored] rock by yourself Lee. I need to be away from you for awhile." With that, Piera pivoted on her heel, hair whipping behind her as she strode off, whiskers be damned.

ID: 80591
BD: 10+1=11 (crit)

Boulder: 8-4= 4

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Lee glanced at the strike at the rock as Piera would then go on a tangent that ended with her storming off whilst telling him that she needed time to herself. Lee would raise a hand and angrily wave her away "You stupid....Good, Fine. You wanna play this fu*king game, I'll play." He would turn around and swing a punch at the rock which struck true and the rock itself began to falter but it was not something he was focusing on. "Stupid woman, dumb stupid idiot....GAH!" Any sort of meditation that one was supposed to gather from this little exercise that the game intended was out the window.

ID: 80604
BD: 7

Rock: 4-1= 3

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Even as she stormed off, Piera could hear Lee's vocal aggravation and hoped it took another hour for him to crack the stupid thing. Just about thick as his skull. Her eyes stung realistically, but she didn't allow any liquid to escape just yet. She was too full of seemingly righteous fury at the moment to cry. Whisking quickly past the NPC's hut, she thought that she might have heard something said, but didn't much care and continued on her way. At least the walk down the stupid mountain would be easier than up. Stupid mountain. Stupid rock. Stupid Lee! Lashing out with a foot, the brunette sent whatever she kicked careening off the edge. Her armor's cape flapped (ironically) pretty majestically behind her as she strode, expression dark as she shook her head every now and then, still cursing at him in her mind.

ID: 80647
LD: 14
No Materials Found

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Lee would turn his full attention onto the boulder once more as he leaned forward, bringing his arms up and fists clenched tight. Stupid idiot of a woman thinks she can just go off half-cocked and get what she wants. He would do a straight punch and throw his weight into it as the boulder shook greatly from the strike but still holding onto its form. This caused him to grow rather irritated, not really wanting to deal with the process any further but it only served to make him want to pound the stone into nothingness, dust would also be an acceptable form if it had to come down to something.

ID: 80688
BD: 6

Rock: 3-1= 2

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The further down the mountain Piera walked, the harder and harder it became to remain angry rather than distraught. She just wanted him to understand her side of it. He didn't even spare it a minutes thought. Or well it seemed he was going to and then...ugh. What even was that. She just wanted to vent to someone. To talk it over and have the benefit of a third party perspective. Or not talk at all. Someone to spend time with besides Lee. As the alchemist thought of her friends, the tears began to fall and her pace slowed, shoulder leaning against the mountainside. She hadn't heard from any of her friends in months. Jomei hadn't returned her last message that she sent two months ago, neither had Kalesh or Grave. Lowenthal, Carmine, Opal....all dead. Along with Zelrius and Ssendom. There wasn't anyone for her to go to in this situation. Except... No. She may be mad at Lee, but she didn't want him to think she was running to another man. Or Mack to think that either... [censored] she just wanted to curl up and cry... Home first.

ID: 80700
LD: 9
No Materials Found

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Lee drew back his fist and didn't waste any time in striking out at the boulder once more, hit fist almost digging into the boulder, a crack shifting in several directions around the point of impact. It was on its last legs but it still seemed that it could take hit after hit and still just look like it was going to crack. What if he was doing this and it was failed quest from the get go? Why was everything trying to anger him so much today? Was it just that time of month that all the stars aligned and the gods decided to have a good laugh at a mortal's expense? Lee would quickly whip his fist from the boulder and shake off the dust and rubble. "...fffffFFFFF!" He would start to yell his curse but would just inwardly ball of the anger. 

ID: 80707
BD: 6

Rock: 2-1= 1

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What even was home anymore? Was home on Floor 3 of Aincrad? Or was it the elusive place that they hadn't seen in nearly three years and been fighting so hard to get back to? Did the answer even matter... The alchemist's pace was slow as she began to near the base of the mountain. She didn't want to just sulk at home alone right now. She wanted to go out and do something. But the sensible part of her brain that was still working told her that she was in no state to be in combat or doing any sort of quest. So that narrowed her options considerably.

Coming to a stop and turning to look back up at the mountain she had just descended from, she knew Lee was still up there, pounding the pebbles out of that rock. "Probably grinding it up into dust..." The woman murmured numbly to herself. Her eyes stared blankly at a patch of flowers swaying in the pleasant breeze before light came back into them finally as an idea came to her. It wasn't much, but it was something. And perhaps it would make her feel better. At the very least it was something to do. Casting one last glance upward, Piera continued her walk back to town, mind set.

ID: 80715
LD: 9
No Materials Found

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Lee would straighten his posture and go to swing at the boulder but instead of hitting it, he would let it come back around and slam into his other hand i anger. He clasped his fist tightly, the pressure only serving to anger him further. The worst part of all of this, he knew he was doing it but he was just so angry and he wasn't going to simply let it go. He never did, he was not such a simple person. He was a straight and legit as*hole and he had accepted this. He knew that it would burn away at him and he knew that he could simply say something and lie and everything would become better but he couldn't do that, he couldn't do that and sleep at night. It was impossible for him to give in when he had decided to dig his heels into the ground and stand firm with what he said. He wasn't sure if this was just boasting or a male ego thing but it was just simply, him.

ID: 80734
BD: 3

Rock: 1-0= 1

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Walking back to town, Piera almost felt a sense of peace. For about one whole minute. But she kept hearing voices. Not in a hallucinogenic or crazy type way, but remembering conversations, hearing replies of her friends and herself as well. Wondering what they would say to her right now if she could talk with them. They deserved so much better than to die in some [censored] game. She didn't even get to attend any of their funerals. Certainly not in real life and she wasn't even sure if there had been any in Aincrad. God what if there had been and she'd been so wrapped up in her own head that she'd missed it? Fists clenching again, the brunette muttered, "Flowers, need flowers." What kinds? Lillies were typical, right? No, Lowenthal would've hated that. She needed to find something appropriate. The many flowers on her home floor came to mind and she picked up her pace, a woman on a mission now.

ID: 80735
LD: 8
No Materials Found

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The man would continue to fume and boil the anger within though it was not something that was dangerous. It was nothing close to hate as that was something he wasn't really accustom too. He had only ever hated a handful of people in his life and those people are ones that he still hated to this day. He would draw his foot back and instead of kicking the boulder, he would kick the ground and send dirt and a few stones sailing off into tall grass while also hearing the sounds of rock on rock. He had forgotten that he had made a trip up the mountain and then it dawned on him that he would have to make the trip back down by himself which, at first it made him feel a little lonesome but then the anger, oh the anger, snuffed out that feeling quickly.

ID: 80736
BD: 4

Rock: 1-0= 1

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She was going to find something among the many fields of flowers on floor three. But as she strode towards Urbus, the green eyes behind her oval frames caught sight of something bright and yellow and sunny. Just like Lowenthal. Sunflowers. Not quite a field, but bigger than just a patch. Stepping closer, the alchemist touched a petal and found that they weren't quite suitable for materials, just decoration. But could be picked. That's all she needed. Hand selecting the biggest of them all, the brunette gathered nearly an armful before feeling satisfied. It would have to do. She hoped Lowenthal would like them. She wished she could ask Jomei. Lips pursing and eyes squinting, Piera lowered her head and continued her walk.

ID: 80741
LD: 14
No Materials Found

{OOC: I hope this rock and the old man burn in Aincrad's worst dungeon.}

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Lee would turn on his heel and walk away from the boulder and begin pacing, long strides while trying to get air to move through his hair. He felt as though this is the time where he would begin to start having a headache. Getting some air moving through his hair usually helped calm him down. This would have been the case to at least get him to think a bit clearer about the task at hand but there was a simple rock. A rock that had fallen from the boulder was in his path and he had passed it a few times without stepping on it but on his seventh pass, he would step on it and it would roll under his foot casing his legs to go skyward as he would end up back on the ground, the back of his head smacking the ground, bouncing once.

ID: 80742
BD: 1

Rock: 1-0= 1
Lee: 180-1= 179

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Just on the outskirts of the safe zone, there was a patch of what looked very much like dandelions. Lips twitching in the instinct of wanting to smile, Piera stopped and knelt down. They were actually a viable material and so she inventoried a handful, but then picked some more to add to her odd bouquet. Some were seeding while others were in bloom. It was a nice assortment she thought. Her frown returned as she realized that she didn't know if Lowenthal was religious or if he was what his religion was. She should have taken more time to get to know him better. Maybe if she had done that she would have stayed in touch. Been there for him...

ID: 80743
LD: 15
+1 Tier 1 Material Gathered

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Lee saw red and it was all that he needed to fuel himself into getting himself pumped. He would lift himself up to a vertical base and rub the back of his head, trying not to claw at the irritation. Today was literally going to be that kind of day, a day that just shoved it where it does not want to shine. He would turn over to get onto all fores and was going to push himself up but as he went to push off the ground, his hand found yet another small rounded stone and, as the last, would cause it to roll out from under him and instead of going on his back, his face made sweet angry love with the ground beneath him.

ID: 80744
BD: 1

Rock: 1-0= 1
Lee: 179-1= 178

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Her hands gripped the flowers a little too tightly and her eyes stung in effort to keep from crying. She needed to keep it together. At least just long enough to get there. The sun was already setting. It would probably be dark by the time she got there. Good. Meant less people. She didn't need half the first floor population seeing her sob like a loon. She would make a quick stop by her shop to pick up Jared so she wouldn't have to be completely alone and perhaps a few other things and then she would be off. To her own personal depressing little funeral. She was an awful friend. But it was the least she could do.

ID: 80745
LD: 5
No Materials Found

[Piera Exits Thread]

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"That! Is! It!" Lee would yell to himself as he would bring himself to his knees and shake his hands as he continued to furiously remove his gauntlets and would throw them onto the ground with his weapon and shield. He would rub his face and pull himself up to his feet "Mother Of All That Is FuuuUUUUUU-" He would rage as he would kick a rock out of his path to the boulder. This was currently the target of his unbridled rage and it would feel that fury or at least that is what he had planned. He planned on simply unloading a flurry of punches till it submitted to his will.

Though, the outcome was only slightly different. Like in all fights, the first swing was the most important and he would draw his fist back and threw it forward with what force he felt could move a mountain with the burning that came behind it. As the blow landed against the boulder, there was the sound of what one would think to be cracking thunder as his fist would insert itself into the stone and a crack would form almost instantly from the hole up and over the rock and to its base. Then, the stone would burst apart, as if propelled by opposing forces. Lee simply stood there, fuming.

He wasn't done but he also wasn't stupid enough to start wailing on a broken boulder when it had already served its purpose, he would have to find something else to let his anger out on or he would find a nice place to just stew. But, before he could grab his items, a menu would appear in front of him acknowledging the acquirement of a new skill. "I really don't give a flying....GAH!" He wouldn't even finish as he would collect his gear and begin his decent.

ID: 80746
BD: 10

Rock: 1-3= -2 DEFEATED
Lee: 178

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