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Looking for Roleplay Partner(s)

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Hello everyone! My character's name is Aster, and I plan to be building her as a support with little to no focus on damage or tanking abilities. I have some fun ideas for my character's development, but unfortunately combat is something neither her nor I are particularly comfortable with. SP's also seem like a bear, so I wanted to know if anyone is interested in doing one (or several) threads with me. I don't plan on putting any points into her attack or defense unless I absolutely have to. Some basic info on my character:

Aster is very much a booknerd, and before SAO she had actually never played a video game before. She was privileged, smart, etc., but in exchange she is not very social and has no streetsmarts to speak of. She isn't the type to ask others for help, but wants to be able to grow stronger to help others. Link to her journal here.

If anyone thinks their character would easily get along with mine or could help her make the transition to learn more about Aincrad, please let me know! I would just generally ask for help with quests, but I don't want it to feel forced. Thanks in advance for anyone interested!

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