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[OP-F1] Hunting party

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Hunter awoke in the tree he had slept in. He needed to get some materials so he could upgrade and make some money. He looked at his inventory, he knew that he had some space left and he intended to fill it. He jumped out of the tree and into the field below. The soft wind blew through Hunter's hair as he listened to the area around him, soon finding that he had slept above a spawn point of some wolves.

"Great, another beautiful day in Aincrad..."

Hunter said as he took a stance and let the wolf charge him. As it did he charged up an attack from his Martial Arts Skill.

Mob Counterattack: [1]

Attack Miss: [2-4]

Attack Hit: [5-8]

Critical Hit: [9-10]

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Hunter waited until the Wolf jumped towards him and he sidestepped the attack as he grabbed the Wolf's hide and threw it at the tree in behind him with great force.

"Damn...so close to a critical too."

Hunter would say then smile as the wolf would rear back up and attempt to attack once more. Though it would be weak, the bite would still not feel so good.

Critical Damage:[1]

Damage goes in: [2-4]

Damage Block: [5-8]

Counter Attack: [9-10]

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Hunter was able to see the attack in time and sidestepped allowing him to grab the hide of the wolf to block its attack. Hunter laughed and threw the beast away as he noticed it become dazed. Hunter stretched as he took his stance before running at the wolf. He was going to finish it off if given the chance. Then to claim his reward for doing so.


Hunter yelled as he went to karate chop the Wold on it's neck.

Mob Counterattack: [1]

Attack Miss: [2-4]

Attack Hit: [5-8]

Critical Hit: [9-10]

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Hunter winced as the wolf swiped at him and managed to get a cut in across his chest. It stung, but the pain only made Hunter even more pissed as he charged up his attack. Then moving at his top speed he would use >>Flash Hit<< to try and kill the Wolf once more.

Mob Counterattack: [1]

Attack Miss: [2-4]

Attack Hit: [5-8]

Critical Hit: [9-10]

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As Hunter hit the Wolf he smiled as the beast pixilated, his Battle Healing already replacing the lost Health point as a menu popped up for his loot. He accepted the >>Wolf's Fur<< as he looked around for more to hunt. His inventory would need to be full so that he had plenty of mats to send to a worker.

"Seems that yielded some good results"

>>17 Wolf's Fur added to Inventory<<

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Hunter targeted 2 Boars that were eating in the field as he looked at his hands. Having the skill >Martial Arts< allowed him great power, but looking at his skill tree. Under his >Two Handed Axe Skill< were some new unlocked skills.

"Let me see what kind of damage I can do now."

Hunter smiled as he targeted the two Boars as he charged up his >>Cryptic<< Axe Skill. The Axe Blade began to glow bright red as he ran at the Boars. He would stop as he reached between them and begin to spin around directing his Axe upwards so that the Boars would have no way to react to the attack. Even if he did not hit a critical...this battle would be over soon.

Mob Counterattack: [1]

Attack Miss: [2-4]

Attack Hit: [5-8]

Critical Hit: [9-10]

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