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Kismet's journal

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☆ Kismet

[Mel Michuru]


5' (152 cm)

25 Solar Rotations (12/22)

Canadian born/Tokyo Citizen

O+ Blood


This may contain: a drawing of a woman with long white hair and bunny ears, sitting in front of the moon


Nose like a bunny

Pale as moonlight

Eyes like amethysts 

A little on the small side
With ears to make up for it~

₍ᐢ. .ᐢ



In life, Kismet was a standard brown haired, brown eyed Japanese-American. (Technically their American side is actually Canadian, but people usually identify her as the later so, tomato-potato.) She is certainly a bit gremlin coded, being relatively short and generally smol in width. Her most distinctive trait is a slightly upward curved nose, a 'bunny' nose if you will.

Her in game avatar is a 'moonlit' version of herself, her skin and hair are as white as the system would let her set them-it kinda makes her glow in the right light. Her eyes have taken on a purple gemstone like color. In the real world she sometimes let her hair get tangled, but to obtain a system of normalcy she keeps it beautifully brushed. The item that people have started to identify her in the game with is a headband with a pair of bunny ears that she was gifted that artificially adds half a foot to her height.



Born in Canada. Mother died in accident. Moved to Tokyo to live with father.

Begin a very awkward life as the class foreigner!


Considering Mel moved from her home to a place where people spoke a language she had barely mastered, she took it quite well. The ‘mother dying’ thing she also took rather well, walking away from the incident with only the scar of “love can end at anytime, probably best not to get too in love with anyone”, which was one of those declarations kids make that cling with them into their teenage years that slowly chip away until they're a fully grown adult that realizes “yeah, I was being a bit over dramatic for a tot, wasn't I?”


As a programmer, Mel’s father never struggled to provide, and when he remarried again this was further ensured. Again, the change in the existence of a maternal status in her life didn't affect her much, and in tender moments she even called her mom once or twice.



Someone Mel did get close to was the two brothers her new mom had brought with her, both gamers, one small and lean, the other tall and kinda mean. Both were gamers, and where the younger brother was skittish and clever, the big brother was a bit of a delinquent that didn’t let anyone push him around, and Mel was a bit of both; smart with a bit of a competitive streak.





Mel was a smart kid, naturally so, a bit to her detriment in a way as she would often breeze past things in life instantly and then when she came to things that were actually hard, she had a tendency to lock up. Didn’t stop her from getting decent grades to get into college though, although she initially flunked her second year while following in her father’s footsteps, claiming to want to be a programmer to make games for a living. While she eventually succeeded in graduating, she had to take a break after flunking to consider if it was what she actually wanted to do with her life, not to mention come to terms with her actual ‘skill’ level. During which she worked normal jobs for a handful of years before returning to claim victory over college~


Shame she then jacked into SAO, poor thing never got a fancy job at a company with her fancy new degree. It’s something that upset her a bit upon realizing her situation.



Friends and Love


As mentioned, Mel swore a dumb oath as a kid not to fall in love. Didn’t stop her from making friends though! There was a few instances throughout her life though where she turned down a boy or two, genuinely wanting to just be friends, which to be fair to her being her BFF might as well have been dating her sometimes with how well she treated some people once she got a job as an adult.


When pestered about getting a boyfriend by her parents though (they never seemed to get the memo that she was going to swoon easily), she mentioned that she’d only ever date someone who could consistently beat her in her favorite kart racer game.

It turned out that person was a woman, and, well, while she was sure her parents would’ve been cool with it, it turned out Mel wasn’t exactly ready to make the first move on her new rival and kinda acted like, well, a rival instead, constantly ambushing her after meeting her at the tournament where she was originally stomped. It was safe to say rather than falling in love with the person, Mel fell more in love with the competition she hadn’t experienced outside of strangers on the internet.



Kismet, the Gamer Girl


As Mel became more naturally distant with her brothers as they started to go their separate ways, she started gaming online. As a child she had loved single player games as much as games where she could compete with her brothers, but eventually she fell in love with multiplayer games where she eventually took on the moniker of Kismet, because it meant fate in English and just sounded cool! Eventually she settled into her favorite games, ones where she could play a support or healer as the role kinda just appealed to her less aggressive and more ‘technical’ style of play.

When her friends found out it was her favorite role, some took her somewhat frequent smugness when winning to mean she was one of those healers who got off to holding her allies’ lives in her hands (it didin’t help that when carrying parties she tended to cackle like a mad wizard), but actually, while it might sometimes seem that way, it actually enables Mel’s somewhat softer side of care and compassion that she doesn’t always broadcast. She has a bit of a motherly edge hidden behind whatever commanding bravado she would put on in games, and it evolved to taking on crafter roles as well.


Regretfully, this would make rising from the first floor a difficult task due to certain character choices she made upon playing SAO.



Enter the world of the Game


Kismet had been expecting to play the game with friends, maybe eventually her now distant brothers, at first it just seemed that she would be doing day one alone. Still, she selected a healing skill expecting to have people she could rely on soon, made herself tall as hell in spite of definitely not compensating for anything and found herself in a bit of a sticky pickle when lo’ and behold: death game.

With no friends.

She was all alone.

She was also a fully grown wizened adult with a memory where she brazenly claimed she could beat Dark Souls without dying and died to a tutorial boss. Not to mention all the times she’d died in other video games due to teammates not doing mechanics. Also, this wasn’t her sitting at a computer where she could comfortably control a character from a more ‘strategic’ view, this was her moving her uncoordinated limbs that were now way shorter than a lot of people to begin with.

So… She didn’t do anything. She joined hundreds who stayed on the first floor hiding from a dangerous world. At first she was one of many who stood at the gates, just watching people come, and sometimes return, but as people began to disperse throughout the city and eventually to other floors there was a day where Kismet found herself alone at one of the city gates. And thus she caught the eye of LuckyLucidity. Finding ways to make coin outside the city and not end up a bum on the streets and instead be comfortable in an inn was hard, and becoming virtually homeless was less than ideal, so… when Lucidity came to her with an offer for work she…


Became a bunny maid at a cafe, the Twinkling Tea-stop.

It was frankly embarrassing, but it was better than sleeping in an alley or dying out in the fields. Lucidity was thankfully a rather respectful boss, just a businesswoman looking to make the best out of a horrible situation. Apparently, she had a similar job to what she asked of Kismet and others, and well, maybe one day if SAO was beaten, she would be a very successful cafe owner.



And that’s where Kismet spent her days for two strange years. It wasn’t so bad, again, not ideal, but at least the bunny part was her choice. Lucidity even set up a big moon behind the register and provided her the ears, even putting lights around the room so her pure white body would literally shine like the moon, Kismet’d be lying if she said it didn’t make her feel like some kind of moon princess sometimes.



Then she’d remember she was basically working customer service in a video game and frown.



This wasn’t really the life she wanted.



+Heart of Silver

"Hey! Need a hand?"

Not quite a heart of gold, but no heartless cretin either. Kismet loves that little tingle of dopamine she gets from helping other people. She's sweet when she wants to be that's for sure, but gets real ">:V" when she thinks someone's taking advantage of her generosity. You can expect her to donate freely when she thinks someone needs something, but when pestered about something she thinks someone could do on their own, she can get real grumpy. In short, she knows when to help, and when to help herself.


"Heeeeey, wanna play a game? Maybe thumb wrestling? C'mon, I got such smol hands, you'll totally win!"

There's a certain innocent cuteness to Kismet. She's smart, so she's not oblivious to people doing things around her, but she really tries to give people a chance. She's wholesome in the way that she just wants to live a life she enjoys, and part of that is just having fun with people around her. She just seems to get disappointed when she's meets people that won't allow for her to simply be happy and promptly tries to not be in the same room with those types.

+Naturally Clever

"Oh! It's a physics puzzle! Cut the rope!"

Kismet is just a smart cookie; definitely more brain that brawn. Nothing makes her feel better than when she comes up with an idea that others hadn't thought of. She's also quick on her feet and naturally fights with basic strategies even when caught off guard. She'll use hills, choke points, and cover to her advantage to be a very annoying thing to kill, she's always trying to keep herself at arms-length in a fight.


"Down with the Monarchy! Raaaaaagh! >:D"

Some say it's a virtue; some say it's a flaw, depends on who you ask, Kismet thinks it's a virtue of course.
Simply put, the girl simply doesn't like being told what to do by someone who doesn't have any perspective on her situation. She HATES your CEOs and Kings but is cool with team leaders who actually might have some genuine advice. She also thinks an ideal society is where one is self-governing but compassionate, but she doesn't like to get political.



'Succubus uses seduce! Kismet is immune! Succubus takes 777 damage!'

Well, the girl's asexual. She just simply doesn't care about how pretty someone is-to an extent, hygiene is important after all! Either way, the furthest base you'll get is a long hug, and frankly, she's had many a BFF that has already gotten there, anyone who manages to get further will be claimed a witch and burned at the stake.


-Overly cautious


Kismet's no stunt bunny; she was just a nerd in life after all. Don't tell anyone, but she didn't even complete a game as a child because it featured a giant chicken that scared her as its first boss. Do you really think she has the bravery in this very real feeling death game to even participate in anything dangerous unless all the damage she takes is chip damage? Nooooo thank you, leave that to those crazy enough. The only thing that can make her leave a comfort zone is her good-natured heart, and even still that's a battle of the heart versus the mind and considering she's still alive... the mind tends to win.



"Mwehehe! I win! As usual~ Wha- What do you mean checkmate?! How?!"

Kismet has two modes, the sweetest person you've ever met, and a gamer with an ego the size of Saturn. Thankfully she's kinda good at hiding it... except when it comes to her closest friends who she tends to be more natural around. Either way she HATES losing and has a weird sense of honor, she just can't learn to take a game casually. Oh, and of course the only thing she hates more than losing is cheaters. The good thing about this little trait of hers is that she get's very defensive about her teammates and channels her inner delinquent for anyone who talks trash about them. She is fully aware of her ego, and while she still loves games, tries to mitigate it by playing only PvE games, it's hard to get toxically smug against something that isn't even human after all.


-Eccentrically Shy

"I feel silly. I feel silly, and stupid, and this is dumb! Do you not see the blood in my cheeks?! I feel like a chipmunk my cheeks are so full of stupid blushing blood!"

Kismet has a certain aesthetic she likes. She likes stars, comfortable clothes that make her look cool, a touch of violence when needed backed by mischief. Casual boyishness with cool arcane stuff is her comfort zone. She doesn't like being cute, and being all vulnerable. Okay maybe she likes it a little, but can you understand how long it took her to get used to working in a dumb maid cafe?! Most people thought she just had sweet rosy cheeks due to her pale complexion! No! She spent the first week blushing nonstop! Thank goodness it took a while for her job to become a mainstay location in Aincrad...



[0/5 Skill Points remaining]

► First Aid [Rank 1]

5 Ranks
Active: Post Action
Energy cost: (3 * Rank in skill) EN
Effect: Heal 4% per rank of a target party member’s maximum HP (rounded down). Cannot target the user.
Description: The user’s hands and target player glow a soft white, healing the target for a percentage of their maximum HP.


  • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 2,000 Col
  • 25 Materials





Edited by Kismet
minor presentation edit
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