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[PP:F13] - The Failing of Tagas (Teayre & Baldur) TBD

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Stepping out onto the thirteenth floor Teayre sighs, closing her shop door behind her. Her eyes flicker up to her orange crystal spinning above her head. Her hand clenches around the leather grip of the Muramasa before she presses out across the floor. Her right hand bringing her menu up as she did so, equipping her red leather coat, the black stone and the white stone around her neck. Stopping for a moment she looks at her shared inventory with Calrex. Her eyebrow raising as several items appeared at her hip. The Damage potion, Potion of fallen strength, the lightning rod, a safeguard potion and finally a teleport crystal.

Teayre's Starting Stats for this thread:

HP173 Energy: 42 DMG:15 ACC: +4 EVA: +3 MIT: +12





Basic Light Armour
Muramasa(Rank2) - +8 DMG
Hidden Stone - +3 EVA
Finding Stone - + 3 ACC

At Ready:
Basic Teleport Crystal
Safeguard Potion (Prevents Damage from the next successful Attack.)
Lightning Rod ( Grants a weapon a one turn paralysis effect on a critical hit. Lasts for one thread. Takes a post action to apply )
Tier 1, Rank 2 Damage Potion (+2 DMG)
Potion of Fallen Strength (+3 DMG, - 9MIT)



One Handed Curved Sword - Rank 1
Light Armour - Rank 3
Charge - Rank 4
Battle Healing - Rank 1 
Search and Detect - Rank 2

Extra Skills


Katana - Rank 5
Battojutsu - Rank 1



Athletics (+5 Health, + 1 DMG)
Precision (+1 ACC)


Edited by Teayre
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