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[F5-SP] It's My Twin Brother! <<The Gemini>>

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Even though his limbs couldn't move, the folds of his lips were in perfect condition to form words. They were just a tad bit stupid, so nothing really changed. "Wow, this cool water is cool, LITERALLY! It's so cool, that my body just FROZE in place! That's awesome man, now help me unfreeze." TripleC sheathed his claymore on his belt, "Look here pal, you're coming with me, and there is no way that you'll see the light of day again. I'm as strong as a frontliner, so you better listen to what I say." Vectis didn't take his warning seriously and giggled, "Heh.. Hahaha! Do you mind that sort of front liner... Heh heh heh..." The stranger couldn't have been angrier, he blushed and said "No! Not 'THAT' sort of front liner dumbass!"


+4 SP

+400 Col

+1 <<Concentration>>

+1 Kidnapped

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