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Lost unique skils

Go to solution Solved by Ariel - The Crowned Lion,

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So... there have been a lot of deaths in the past month or two - basically the time I've been here. And I've been looking around. The people that died/left had uniques skills. a lot of them. reading through the rumors board, these skills should be available to public by now. What's happening with that? I haven't heard or seen anything about it.

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The unique skills and associated items have returned to their initial NPCs. They will be available for grabs..... soon-ish... maybe, as I can't say more. When you see the Information Broker NPC online, ask it about the unique skills:D 

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31 minutes ago, Teion said:

I'm assuming (hoping) the unique skill system will see some tweaking before they are released to the public again. Otherwise, I've got no clue. :P

Well.. yeah.. after some tweeking... some of those uniques are just out right broken. I mean. I get the whole, they're uniques, they should be different. Different, yes, but broken... no. Zelrius dishing out damage in 1k+ while the rest of the people not even getting close to 1k. It just doesn't seem balanced at all. 

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4 hours ago, Takao said:

It was the combination of the unique equipment the Dual Blades NPC gave and the sword arts themselves. On their own, one or the other would've been fine and balanced. It's just that a max base damage of 52 multiplied by a x27 sword art was a terrible way of doing things.

who would've guessed.

Well.. does every unique skill need to have it's own unique item that comes with it? I don't think all the unique skills need their own unique weapons.

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