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I thought I had one already, but since I couldnt find it, im going to assume I dont.


<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Dagger) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A dagger that resembles one of Limbo's fangs. It has a black blade with a green motif on both sides of the sharp edge, making it look like it was dipped in venom.

Using Demonic egg to change to Tekko Kagi (Wild Dance)

Changed to:

<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Tekko Kagi) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A pair of tekko-kagi that resemble Limbo's fangs. It has three black blades with a green motifs on both sides of the sharp edges, making them look like they were dipped in venom.

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13 hours ago, Hakai said:

I thought I had one already, but since I couldnt find it, im going to assume I dont.


<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Dagger) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A dagger that resembles one of Limbo's fangs. It has a black blade with a green motif on both sides of the sharp edge, making it look like it was dipped in venom.

Using Demonic egg to change to Tekko Kagi (Wild Dance)

Changed to:

<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Tekko Kagi) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A pair of tekko-kagi that resemble Limbo's fangs. It has three black blades with a green motifs on both sides of the sharp edges, making them look like they were dipped in venom.

Zandra, the one who received the item as the last hit on the 15th boss reward, still has the item listen in her inventory. Neither her or you have linked the transaction in your journals. Also you didn't participate in the Easter Event, please update your journal as in how you obtained the Demonic Egg.
After all the necessary edits have been made, please resubmit the item for evaluation in this thread.

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I dont know about Zandra, but I just sent her a pm about removing it from her inventory. Here is the thread where I recieved both of the items. I edited it into my journal, along with where I got it etc. My rp log is incomplete atm though, as I dont have access to a computer. Once I do ill do a run through of my completed threads and put those in as well.

I didnt know rejection could hurt so much. XD


<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Dagger) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A dagger that resembles one of Limbo's fangs. It has a black blade with a green motif on both sides of the sharp edge, making it look like it was dipped in venom.

Using Demonic egg to change to Tekko Kagi (Wild Dance)

Changed to:

<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Tekko Kagi) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A pair of tekko-kagi that resemble Limbo's fangs. It has three black blades with a green motifs on both sides of the sharp edges, making them look like they were dipped in venom

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19 hours ago, Hakai said:

I dont know about Zandra, but I just sent her a pm about removing it from her inventory. Here is the thread where I recieved both of the items. I edited it into my journal, along with where I got it etc. My rp log is incomplete atm though, as I dont have access to a computer. Once I do ill do a run through of my completed threads and put those in as well.

I didnt know rejection could hurt so much. XD


<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Dagger) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A dagger that resembles one of Limbo's fangs. It has a black blade with a green motif on both sides of the sharp edge, making it look like it was dipped in venom.

Using Demonic egg to change to Tekko Kagi (Wild Dance)

Changed to:

<<Limbo's Fang>>: (T2 Demonic Tekko Kagi) 2xEnvenom, 2xBlight

A pair of tekko-kagi that resemble Limbo's fangs. It has three black blades with a green motifs on both sides of the sharp edges, making them look like they were dipped in venom


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  • 3 months later...

Appraisal rolls: Each _____ Represents the start of a new item. All the armors appraised are heavy armor.

ID# 67177 results:

 Craft: 12 Success! = Regen Armor: 1 Slot Regen

LD: 8


 ID# 67178 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry


 ID# 67179 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked! Regen armor: (Tier 2) 18 Regen <<Locked>>


 ID# 67180 results:

 Craft: 4 Locked! Armor: <<Locked>>


 ID# 67181 results:

 Craft: 1 Locked! Armor: <<Locked>>


 ID# 67182 results:

 Craft: 5 Retry!


 ID# 67183 results:

 Craft: 7 Retry!


 ID# 67184 results:

 Craft: 7 Retry!


 ID# 67185 results:

 Craft: 10 Success!

 Loot: 16 Thorns Armor: (Tier 2) 14 Thorns (1 Slot)


 ID# 67186 results:

 Battle: 4

 Craft: 6 Retry!


 ID# 67187 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 8 Thorns Armor: (tier 2) 18 Regen, 14 Thorns


 ID# 67189 results:

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 12  Thorns Armor: (Tier 2) 18 Regen, 14 Thorns, 2 Heavy Momentum


 ID# 67190 results:

 Craft: 8 Retry

 ID# 67192 results:

 Battle: 10


 Loot: 10

Healers Touch: (Tier 2) 10 Lifemend

Description: A white steel plated glove with golden designs engraved on it. 


 ID# 67195 results:

 Battle: 9

 Craft: 3 Locked

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Perhaps I'm not understanding the above eval. Are you appraising items that were given to you? If so, what items were they? Also, if you're trying to "stock" appraisals, I'm going to have to invalidate these rolls... There's no link to the originating post either.

I need more information to approve your request.

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Sorry, this is my first time crafting in months, and ive never appraised before. All items were good quality heavy armor bought from a merchant. (And i dont know what you mean by stocking rolls, so i cant address that. If you mean saving up rolls, these are all from today, and if you mean the amount of rolls, merchant doesnt have a limit as to how many they can do a day. The previous post includes the retries and locks, but from what ive seen on other merchants eval pages those arent necessary)


Steel Chestplate: Heavy armor (Tier 2), 0 Enhancements

Appraised for 1 slot of Regen


ID# 67177 results:

 Craft: 12 Success! = Regen Armor: 1 Slot Regen

LD: 8

Name: Regen Armor

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Above

Roll: See Above

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 2

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancements: 18 Regen

Description: A piece of white steel armor with golden vines painted on it.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/12895-f1-r1-merchant-corrupted-commissions-closed/?do=findComment&comment=486833


Steel Chestplate: Heavy armor (Tier 2), 0 Enhancements

Appraised for 1 Thorns, 1 Regen, and 1 Heavy Momentum


ID# 67185 results:

 Craft: 10 Success!

 Loot: 16 Thorns


ID# 67187 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 8 Regen


ID# 67189 results:

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 12  Heavy Momentum

Name: Amalgamation Armor

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Above

Roll: See Above

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 2

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 18 Regen, 14 Thorns, 2 Heavy Momentum

Description: A piece of rainbow colored steel armor.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/12895-f1-r1-merchant-corrupted-commissions-closed/?do=findComment&comment=486833





Steel Gauntlet: Heavy armor (Tier 2), 0 Enhancements

Appraised for 1 slot of Lifemend


ID# 67192 results:

 Battle: 10

 Craft: 12 Demonic enhancement

 Loot: 10

Name: Healers Touch

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Above

Roll: See Above

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 2

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancements: 10 Lifemend

Description: A white steel gauntlet with golden vines painted on it.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/12895-f1-r1-merchant-corrupted-commissions-closed/?do=findComment&comment=486833





Edited by Hakai
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  • 3 weeks later...

I need the name of the item, the roll IDs, profession, etc, just like the template found in the enhancement guide. Please redo your submission as such. As a merchant, you will also need to reference the original roll ID from the original craftsman. If you cannot find this template, PM me and I will PM you a copy.

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On September 7, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Hakai said:

Sorry, this is my first time crafting in months, and ive never appraised before. All items were good quality heavy armor bought from a merchant. (And i dont know what you mean by stocking rolls, so i cant address that. If you mean saving up rolls, these are all from today, and if you mean the amount of rolls, merchant doesnt have a limit as to how many they can do a day. The previous post includes the retries and locks, but from what ive seen on other merchants eval pages those arent necessary)

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Steel Chestplate: Heavy armor (Tier 2), 0 Enhancements

Appraised for 1 slot of Regen


ID# 67177 results:

 Craft: 12 Success! = Regen Armor: 1 Slot Regen

LD: 8

Name: Regen Armor

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Above

Roll: See Above

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 2

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancements: 18 Regen

Description: A piece of white steel armor with golden vines painted on it.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/12895-f1-r1-merchant-corrupted-commissions-closed/?do=findComment&comment=486833


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Steel Chestplate: Heavy armor (Tier 2), 0 Enhancements

Appraised for 1 Thorns, 1 Regen, and 1 Heavy Momentum


ID# 67185 results:

 Craft: 10 Success!

 Loot: 16 Thorns


ID# 67187 results:

 Battle: 6

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 8 Regen


ID# 67189 results:

 Craft: 12 Success!

LD: 12  Heavy Momentum

Name: Amalgamation Armor

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Above

Roll: See Above

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 2

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 18 Regen, 14 Thorns, 2 Heavy Momentum

Description: A piece of rainbow colored steel armor.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/12895-f1-r1-merchant-corrupted-commissions-closed/?do=findComment&comment=486833



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Steel Gauntlet: Heavy armor (Tier 2), 0 Enhancements

Appraised for 1 slot of Lifemend


ID# 67192 results:

 Battle: 10

 Craft: 12 Demonic enhancement

 Loot: 10

Name: Healers Touch

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Above

Roll: See Above

Item Type: Heavy Armor
Tier: 2

Quality: Uncommon

Enhancements: 10 Lifemend

Description: A white steel gauntlet with golden vines painted on it.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/12895-f1-r1-merchant-corrupted-commissions-closed/?do=findComment&comment=486833







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  • 1 month later...

Name: Katana Smorgasbord 

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Below

Roll: See Below

Item Type: Katana
Tier: 2

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: 1 Keen, 1 Accuracy

Description: A plain Katana

Post Link: 




 ID# 71020 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 2 Keen enhancement added

ID# 71021 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 7 Accuracy added


Name: Lightning Katana

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Below

Roll: See Below

Item Type: Katana
Tier: 2

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 3 Paralyze? (I appraised this and got 3 slots of paralyze, not sure what to do)

Description: A plain Katana

Post Link: See Above




ID# 71026 results:

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 11 Paralyze added


 ID# 71027 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 10 Paralyze added


 ID# 71030 results:

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 9 PARALYZE? Items cant have 3 slots of paralyze




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On 11/20/2016 at 1:53 AM, Hakai said:

Name: Katana Smorgasbord 

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Below

Roll: See Below

Item Type: Katana
Tier: 2

Quality: Rare

Enhancements: 1 Keen, 1 Accuracy

Description: A plain Katana

Post Link: 


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 ID# 71020 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 2 Keen enhancement added

ID# 71021 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 7 Accuracy added




First of all, the 'Basic Weapon' that Merchants sell is a Tier 1 'Good' item, you submitted a Tier 2 one so please fix that aspect; Secondly, the rolls you added are incomplete. From your shop post / roll log it shows that you rolled for 'Katana 1' up until roll ID# 71025 and got the following result: " Katana, 1 Keen, 1 Accuracy, 1 Paralyze ". You need to add all the 'Appraisals' rolls used on the item, not only just the ones that added a enhancement.


On 11/20/2016 at 1:53 AM, Hakai said:

Name: Lightning Katana

Your Profession: Merchant

Your Rank: 2

ID: See Below

Roll: See Below

Item Type: Katana
Tier: 2

Quality: Perfect

Enhancements: 3 Paralyze? (I appraised this and got 3 slots of paralyze, not sure what to do)

Description: A plain Katana

Post Link: See Above


  Reveal hidden contents


ID# 71026 results:

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 11 Paralyze added


 ID# 71027 results:

 Craft: 10

 Loot: 10 Paralyze added


 ID# 71030 results:

 Craft: 9

 Loot: 9 PARALYZE? Items cant have 3 slots of paralyze



Items cannot go beyond enhancements caps through 'Appraisals' so the roll with the ID# 71030 is nullified, you get back your material and receive no experience from the appraisal attempt. The item now is appraised up until roll ID# 71028 so you can continue to appraised it as it only has 2 slots of Paralyze and its still isn't locked. You need to add all the 'Appraisals' rolls used on the item, not only just the ones that added a enhancement. 

After you've made all the necessary edits to the items, please resubmit them for evaluation in a new post. 

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Name: Aurora

ID: 71132

Roll: 20 (Natural)

Item Type: Familiar 
Tier: 2

Enhancements: Familiar Mastery: Fighter (Rank 1)

Description: A small golden snake with the ability to stay still for extended periods of time and then strike like lightning.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/13593-pp-f1-nk-gold-snake-beatbox-zandra/?do=findComment&comment=495671

Edited by Hakai
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3 hours ago, Hakai said:

Name: Aurora

ID: 71132

Roll: 20 (Natural)

Item Type: Familiar 
Tier: 2

Enhancements: Familiar Mastery: Fighter (Rank 1)

Description: A small golden snake with the ability to stay still for extended periods of time and then strike like lightning.

Post Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/13593-pp-f1-nk-gold-snake-beatbox-zandra/?do=findComment&comment=495671


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  • 8 years later...
Posted (edited)

Shop Post: Appraisal and Rerolls
Cost of Transaction: 3040 + 7000 (Rerolls)
Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
Crafter's Rank: 3
Item Name: Fur Lined Jacket
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 3 Evasion
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 

ID: 243039 | LD: 5 | Evasion

ID: 243073 | LD: 2 | Evasion

ID: 243075 | LD: 5 | Evasion

Item Description: A padded black jacket a white fur lined hood. 


Shop Post: Appraisal
Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
Crafter's Profession: Appraisal
Crafter's Rank: 3
Item Name: Homing Katana
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Katana
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 3 Accuracy
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 

ID: 243087 | LD: 16 | Accuracy

ID: 243088 | LD: 15 | Accuracy

ID: 243089 | LD: 20 | Accuracy

Item Description: A silver katana with a black and red woven handle. If you can't land a hit with this you should probably retire.

Edited by Hakai
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On 3/12/2025 at 3:56 AM, Hakai said:

Shop Post: Appraisal and Rerolls
Cost of Transaction: 3040 + 7000 (Rerolls)
Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
Crafter's Rank: 3
Item Name: Fur Lined Jacket
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Cloth Armor
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 3 Evasion
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 

ID: 243039 | LD: 5 | Evasion

ID: 243073 | LD: 2 | Evasion

ID: 243075 | LD: 5 | Evasion

Item Description: A padded black jacket a white fur lined hood. 


Shop Post: Appraisal
Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
Crafter's Profession: Appraisal
Crafter's Rank: 3
Item Name: Homing Katana
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Katana
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 3 Accuracy
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 

ID: 243087 | LD: 16 | Accuracy

ID: 243088 | LD: 15 | Accuracy

ID: 243089 | LD: 20 | Accuracy

Item Description: A silver katana with a black and red woven handle. If you can't land a hit with this you should probably retire.


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Posted (edited)

Shop Post: Appraisal
Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
Crafter's Rank: 3
Item Name: Jade Dragon
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Spear
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 2 Damage, 1 Vamp (Offensive)
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 


ID: 243371 | LD: 17 | Damage

ID: 243372 | BD: 10 | CD: 11 | LD: 14 | Vampiric (O)

ID: 243373 | LD: 3 | Keen  Rerolling: ID: 243389 | LD: 3 Keen | Free Reroll | ID: 243390 | LD: 15 | Damage

Item Description:



Shop Post: Appraisal
Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
Crafter's Rank: 4
Item Name: Lucky Chip
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Trinket
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 2 Recovery, 1 Paralytic Immunity
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 


ID: 243386 | BD: 10 | CD: 9 | LD: 10 | Paralytic Immunity

ID: 243387 | LD: 10 | Recovery

ID: 243388 | LD: 7 | Recovery

Item Description: A green and white poker chip, strung on a silver chain.

Edited by Hakai
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On 3/17/2025 at 2:59 PM, Hakai said:

Shop Post: Appraisal
Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
Crafter's Rank: 3
Item Name: Jade Dragon
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Spear
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 2 Damage, 1 Vamp (Offensive)
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 

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Shop Post: Appraisal
Cost of Transaction: 3040 col
Crafter's Profession: Appraiser
Crafter's Rank: 4
Item Name: Lucky Chip
Item Tier: 4
Item Type: Trinket
Item Rarity:  Perfect
Item Enhancements: 2 Recovery, 1 Paralytic Immunity
Craft/Appraisal/Obtainment IDs & Rolls: 

  Reveal hidden contents

Item Description: A green and white poker chip, strung on a silver chain.


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