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[PP-F6] Fiery Fury of the Flaming Feline <Deforestation>(Lawfer) [Complete!]

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Kalesh nodded in response to Lawfer's explanation. He supposed it made sense for that to be the case, but it still made him envious as he couldn't farm monsters anywhere near as well thanks to his weapon choice. Still, he made his choice willingly and had stuck with it this long! "Sounds rough, but hey, that's why chefs have energy food and drinks!" He tried not to think about the cruel fate of being a fisherman and instead says with a smile "That actually sounds good, sure, let's get some drinks! Who knows, maybe we'll wake up with an amazon." He rolls his eyes slightly, doubting the odds but not dismissing them for the sake of keeping hope in his heart. "And you can call on me sometime if you'd like, not that you don't have a guild and likely many friends outside the guild to call on." He chuckles sofly as he shrugs and the two players enter the town, chatting as they make their way to the closest thing to a bar this tribal floor had. Kalesh would have to keep the 7th floor in mind to see if he can find Lawfer sometime for more drinks.


Reward Summary
1 Thread Completion SP to Kalesh and Lawfer
3 First-Time Quest SP to Kalesh
4 Materials to Lawfer, 1 to Kalesh
2360 Col to Lawfer, 200 to Kalesh
<<Tiger Rage>> A potion which grants +2 damage to Kalesh and Lawfer


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