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[PP - F1] Slowly progressing. (Adhaerere, Verus) [[EDIT]]

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"Hell yes!" She repeated, with not just a slight bit more enthusiasm. She practically shouted it into the surrounding countryside, as if she was trying to tell every blade of grass that they had defeated another monster. She was a little light headed from the excitement, and stumbled half a step forward as she stood up. But she was too thrilled to care. She rested her hand on his shoulder to steady herself, and peered over it at his stats. "Ooo, level up! Sweet, I guess that means I'm level 3 now too. And Col as a reward too. Nice." She grinned wide, and stepped back from him, releasing his shoulder. "Aight, about 100 more of those and we should be able to spectate a boss fight." She laughed, and pulled up her own menu, using her Skill Point and shoving it in her Heavy Armour skill. It would still be a few more of those to be able to wear the armour she had found in Town of Beginnings. But they were closer, and that was enough for her. "Now we have more health. We can risk fighting even bigger things, again. With these swanky new skills." She looked at Verus, then went and picked up her axe and slung it over her back. As she bent down, she realized something, and stood straight up again. "Oh, speaking of skills, did we get new Sword Arts with that level up? Check, check." She came over to him and peeked at his menu, trying to see what skill he had. 


Verus: +210 Col, +1 SP

Adhaerere: +210 Col, +1 SP

Edited by Adhaerere
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