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The Wandering Soul [Master Alchemist] [Currently on F4]

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Hydra collected up the items and handed over the payment. "Argentina, the country?" Hydra though to himself a little confused, no matter he had most the stuff that was required. "Thanks Rain." The brunette bowed slightly before walking out the store with all materials bar the teleport crystal in hand. Hopefully he was prepared enough now to take on Nerius the evil treant. The though sent a shudder down his spine.

-2400 col

+ 2 Greater Elixers and 2 Greater Health Potions

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A new day and in a new month. The wanderer rushes to the back of this shop like always and begins to churn out potions. Today, he's in somewhat of a rush as he need to fill up his orders already so he can make potions to pay for his weapon he order yesterday. A black steel nodachi customized to his preference. He can't exactly wield it yet as he's still not of the require level, but he'll soon get to that level.

That being said, after a long quiet run of making potions, the wanderer walks back out after a loud explosion. As he opened the door to the back, a puff of smoke wanders out. When will he learn to not rush potion making.


ID# 62609 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62610 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62611 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62612 results: Craft: 5 (4+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62613 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 62614 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62615 results: Craft: 6 (5+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62616 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 62617 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62618 results: Craft: 1 --------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp

+46 Exp
-10 Materials
4 Good
2 Minor Health Potion I
1 Greater Elixir
1 Major Damage Potion II
1 Major Mitigation Potion II

Crafter's Tonic Used

ID# 62650 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62651 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62652 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 62653 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62654 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62655 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62656 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62657 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62658 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62659 results: Craft: 1 --------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp

+52 Exp
-10 Materials
2 Good
1 Minor Health Potion I
1 Greater Elixir
2 Greater Health Potion I
1 Greater Mitigation Potion I

1 Major Damage Potion II
1 Major Mitigation Potion II

Edited by Rain
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Having been given notification of his order being read, Nikodemus made his way into the shop of his favorite Alchemist. Entering the door, he walked straight to the counter and tapped on it. "Rain, I am here for that order friend." Waiting, he gazed around and admired the shop. He had ordered a couple things, and was happy they were ready for him. "How much do I owe you?"



Oreder: courge of Nerius (1/1), Guardian's Tonic(1/1), Major Panacea Crystal (1/1)


Amount of col owed: TBD


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Upon seeing Niko walk through the door, the wanderer quickly quickly shuffles around to grab Niko's orders. "That'll be 2,600 Col, or if you have mats, 13 mats." The wanderer wasn't sure how he'd pay, but he had hoped it was in mats. But, if he's paying in col, that'll suffice. Once of these days, one of those merchants will hit rank 5 and that's when the wanderer would strike and buy as much materials as he can.

- 1 Scourge of Nerius
- 1 Guardian's Tonic
- 1 Major Panacea Crystal

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Digging into his pouch, Nikodemus brought out the 13 materials and counted them out infront of Rain. Smiling, he slid them across the table to the Alchemist. "There ya go. Thank you sooo much. Gotta get going. Some new hunter has come, wanting to fight a huge tree boss or some such. Cya later buddy!" Taking the items, Nikodemus turned and left the shop.


-13 Mats.

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(Please don't tell me there's another thread. >->)

"Why are so many shops on this floor...?" To be honest, he never really enjoyed the fourth floor's chilly environment and always preferred the climates of places like the second or first floor over the extreme weather conditions found in higher places. Putting his own thoughts aside though he made his way to the wagon where he had placed an order some time ago. "Hey Rain; I'm here for my order." He said when it was finally his turn. Without waiting for a response he also removed 400 col from his stash to offer in trade for the potions.

[-1600 Col Traded to Rain]

[Guardian's Tonic, Major Damage Potion II, and Major Mitigation Potion II Received]

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Rushing into the back of his shop, the wanderer quickly gets to work on making potions. He still has orders to fill and time is running out. After a careful studying on which people needed their potions faster, the wanderer moved around his orders. Hopefully they can wait just a little bit longer.

As he begins working on potions, the first came out awesome. Suddenly, a mishap happened that caused a very loud explosion - common to the wanderer's workplace. Furious, he began to work harder on the next set of potions. After a few minutes, he came back out to the front counter and began to store hew new potions. There was a satisfied look about his face. It seems that the potions came out better than expected.


ID# 62795 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62796 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62797 results: Craft: 5 (4+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62798 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62799 results: Craft: 1 --------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp
ID# 62800 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62801 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62802 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62803 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62804 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare -----| +6 Exp

+59 Exp
-10 Exp
2 Good
4 Greater Damage Potion I
1 Over Life II
1 Over Life I
1 Major Damage Potion II

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Straight into production, the wanderer rushes into the shop and begins to churn out potions. He's just about finished with his orders and he needs to work on build up stock again since these coming boss fights took a chunk of his stocks. That in mind, he quickly gets to work.

After a few minutes and an explosion - as per usual - in the back, the wanderer walks back out covered in soot and casually stores the new potions.


ID# 62879 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 62880 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 62881 results: Craft: 6 (5+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62882 results: Craft: 1 --------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp
ID# 62883 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 62884 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 62885 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 62886 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 62887 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 62888 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare -----| +6 Exp

+45 Exp
-11 Mats
2 Good
4 Minor Mitigation Potion II
2 Greater Mitigation Potion II
1 Major Armor Crystal II

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The wanderer slowly steps into his shop this day. He had a good feeling that today's gonna be an extra good day. As he pushed through the backdoor, he began to get to work on potions, after a few minutes he walks back out with a bunch of potions. There were no explosions at all. His face seemed elated. Almost as if a miracle happened. As he slowly waves his fingers, his HUD appears. He casually stores the new potions. Afterwards, he just sits there as if stuck in that moment in time. It's as if his mind is still can't grasp at the fact that he just completed several perfect potions in one go.


ID# 63007 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63008 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63009 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63010 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63011 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63012 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63013 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63014 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63015 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63016 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare ----| +6 Exp

+76 Exp
-10 Mats
1 Good
1 Minor Damage Potion II
1 Greater Mitigation Potion II
1 Major Elixir
2 Viper's Kiss II
1 Major Damage Potion I
1 Major Damage Potion II
1 Major Mitigation Potion I
1 Major Mitigation Potion II

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Calming entering his shop, the wanderer's mind wandered around. He was still baffled at the fact that he managed to finish 7 perfect potions out of 10 tries yesterday. Truly a rare sight, the wanderer just could pay attention to his work today. After an hour, he walks out of the backroom. there were no explosions, nor where there any soot on his face. It just felt... meh. The wonders of yesterday just could leave his mind. He soon casually stores his new potions and went on about his day.


ID# 63075 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63076 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63077 results: Craft: 6 (5+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63078 results: Craft: 6 (5+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63079 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare ----| +6 Exp
ID# 63080 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63081 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63082 results: Craft: 5 (4+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63083 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare ----| +6 Exp
ID# 63084 results: Craft: 6 (5+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp

+44 Exp
-10 Mats
5 Good
2 Minor Mitigation Potion II

2 Greater Damage Potion II
1 Major Elixir

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Rushing into his shop, the wanderer began working on potions. He had finished all his orders as of late, but he wanted to get ahead of the orders so next time, people don't have to wait. That being said, he quickly rushes into the back room. After a few explosions, he walks back out to the front counter and stores the new potions. His face covered in soot. It seems like he's back to his normal self.


ID# 63148 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 63149 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63150 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63151 results: Craft: 1 --------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp
ID# 63152 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63153 results: Craft: 5 (4+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63154 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 63155 results: Craft: 1 --------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp
ID# 63156 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63157 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp

+40 Exp
-11 Materials (1 extra for crystal)
3 Good
3 Minor Mitigation Potion II
1 Greater Mitigation Potion II
1 Mass Life Crystal II

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Entering the shop once more, Nikodemus came straight towards the counter and dug out the mats and col needed to pay. He stood ready and called out for the owner. "Hey, Rain. I am here for that order. I got the payment and everything!" Smiling, he set the materials down, and then counted them out. Next he counted out some Col. "Sorry I have to split it this way. I am running low on mats. Hopefully this is ok." Smiling, he gathered the items up and was ready to leave once he was sure the transaction was completed.


Order picked up:


Over Life II (1/1) Enhancement: +40 Over-Health

Major Damage Potion II(1/1) Enhancement: +6 Damage

Major Mitigation Potion II(1/1) +54 Mitigation 


-15 Mats

-2,200 Col

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Rushing into his little caravan shop on the snowy 4th floor of Aincrad, the ran to the back of the room began to work. There's He needs to get to working already as he wants time to go explore and level up today. For once in a long time, he feels he doesn't need to hunt for mats or such. He can just enjoy the day. That being said, after a few minutes and one large explosion, the wanderer walks back out fairly satisfied. He managed to make two perfect potions from this batch.


ID# 63217 results: Craft: 5 (4+1) | Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63218 results: Craft: 12 -----| Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 63219 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) | Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63220 results: Craft: 12 -----| Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 63221 results: Craft: 1 ------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp
ID# 63222 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) | Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63223 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) | Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63224 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) | Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63225 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) | Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63226 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) | Uncommon -| +4 Exp

+46 Exp
-10 Mats
2 Good
5 Minor Damage Potion II
2 Over Life II

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Rushing into the shop, like always, the wanderer hurries to the back to begin churning out potions. After a good couple of minutes, he walks back out with a smile on his face. There were no explosions, nor was there any soot on his face and seems like the wanderer managed to make 3 perfect crystals. Today was just gonna be a good day, and he knew it. He quickly grabs his gear and headed out after quickly storing his new stuff in the store inventory.


ID# 63306 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63307 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63308 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63309 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63310 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63311 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63312 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare ----| +6 Exp
ID# 63313 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare ----| +6 Exp
ID# 63314 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63315 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp

+58 Exp
-13 Mats (3 extra for crystals)
1 Good
4 Minor Damage Potion I
2 Greater Mitigation Potion I
2 Major Life Crystal I
1 Major Life Crystal II

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Khrysaor got a PM not too long ago from Rain saying his order was complete. He had nothing better to do, so he headed to the fourth floor where his shop was located. He opened the door to the shop and greeted Rain, "Hey, buddy whats going on? How are you and the shop doing this fine, bright day. I hear my order is done." As he said that, Khrysaor placed the cost for his order on the front counter, and said, "Here is the payment 1200 Col. and 9 Mats." Afterwards, he took the potions and crystals, that Rain laid out on the counter and placed them safely into his inventory.


-1200 Col

-9 Mats

+1 Teleport Crystal

+1 Safeguard Potion (T1) (Guardian's Tonic)

+1 Over-Health potion (T1) (Over Life)

+1 Flaming Potion +2 DMG (Scourge of Nerius)


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+1,200 Col, +9 Mats

-1 Teleport Crystal, -1 Guardian's Tonic, -1 Over Life I, -1 Scourge of Nerius


The wanderer rushes into his shop, like any other day. He wants to get to hunting materials once again before his supplies get low again. That in mind, the wanderer rushes into the back of the shop to begin working on a potions. After a few minutes, he walks back out to the front counter. A smile plastered on his face. There were no explosions, yet again, and there was no soot either. He's getting better at this. He quickly stores the new stuff and runs out.


ID# 63357 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63358 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) -| Rare ----| +6 Exp
ID# 63359 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon | +4 Exp
ID# 63360 results: Craft: 6 (5+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63361 results: Craft: 12 (11+1) | Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63362 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp
ID# 63363 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63364 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare ----| +6 Exp
ID# 63365 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) --| Good ----| +3 Exp
ID# 63366 results: Craft: 12 -------| Perfect -| +9 Exp

+56 Exp
-10 Mats
3 Good
2 Minor Mitigation Potion II
2 Greater Damage Potion II

3 Crafter's Tonic

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Flying through like a wind with a purpose, the wanderer hurries to the back room to begin working on potions. He didn't stall or anything. There weren't any orders to be done, but there also wasn't any time to spare. The wanderer wanted to hit the fields as soon as possible to hunt for more materials while there was still daylight.

After an loud explosion, the wanderer walks back out with some soot on his face and casually stores his new potions. There were no hesitations in his movements. Right after storing the new potions, he quickly heads off to the fields after changing his gear.


ID# 63398 results: Craft: 12 ------| Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 63399 results: Craft: 12 ------| Perfect --| +9 Exp
ID# 63400 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) -| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63401 results: Craft: 5 (4+1) -| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63402 results: Craft: 1 -------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp
ID# 63403 results: Craft: 3 (2+1) -| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63404 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) -| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63405 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) -| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63406 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) -| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63407 results: Craft: 10 (9+1) | Rare -----| +6 Exp

+47 Exp
-11 Mats (1 extra for crystal)
3 Good
3 Minor Mitigation Potion II
1 Greater Damage Potion II
1 Viper's Kiss I
1 Major Power Crystal I

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Rushing into the shop, yet again, the wanderer hurries to the backroom. With in moments, he begins working on potions. After a few minutes and a loud explosion at the end, the wanderer comes back out. His face, like a usual explosion, is covered in soot. His face seemed disappointed as he slowly swiped his fingers in the air and calmly began to store his new potions. It seems that the potions he made didn't exactly come to par to the quality he's made before.


ID# 63442 results: Craft: 11 (10+1) | Rare -----| +6 Exp
ID# 63443 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp

ID# 63444 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63445 results: Craft: 4 (3+1) --| Good -----| +3 Exp
ID# 63446 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63447 results: Craft: 9 (8+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63448 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63449 results: Craft: 7 (6+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp
ID# 63450 results: Craft: 1 --------| Crit Fail | +2 Exp
ID# 63451 results: Craft: 8 (7+1) --| Uncommon -| +4 Exp

+38 Exp
-10 Mats
2 Good
5 Minor Health Potion I
1 Minor Health Potion II

1 Greater Mitigation Potion II

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Zandra threw the door to her store shut behind her and ran towards the town. When she reached the town she headed straigth for the warp plaza and teleported down a dozen floors to her old home-floor. There she darted out of the gate, snow flying in the air behind her as she activated the charge skill to increase her speed. When she reach her destination she stops to catch her breath before she entering the wagon. She knew her fellow alchemist was on this floor, but she had never visitied him before. She recognized the pyreflies that he had let out during the beach-party and a smile grew on her lips. Suddenly she herd a voice welcoming her. The short girl looked up at the tall man.''Hello Rain. Im here for the aggreement we talked about thru mail.''

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The wanderer slowly raises his hands to wave a quick greeting. He had spoken to the female alchemist through mail recently as he heard that she'll be hitting grandmaster on Alchemy soon. A feat no one has ever reached, on any profession before. Wanting to help, he had offered his help on resources to push her through that final goal as soon as possible. That being said, the wanderer didn't offer her any words other than the usual "Welcome" he offers to customers entering. With a quick swipe of his fingers, he quickly transfers over materials and crafters respites to aid her. "There though should be everything."

Traded 100 Materials to Zandra.
Traded 5 Crafter's Tonics to @Zandra.

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