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Ryou's Journal

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Username: Ryou
Real name: Ryou Okayama
Age: 11
Gender: Male

About: History/personality

Ryou was born on October 21 2004 and was raised in Kyoto with his two brothers Kagamaye and Ren. He was practiced Martial Arts at the age of 6. at 10 He got his black belt. Ryou was raised fine his brother Ren Okayama always tried to make him feel stronger. Even after Martial arts, He Dueled Ren with wooden swords. Ryou always trains harder each day. A year later. Ren introduced him to Sword art Online. Him and his brothers rushed out to purchase the nerve gear and the game. His brothers excited to play logged in right away but Ryou had homework to do. After he finished he immediately logged on. He had at most a minute of game play only to be teleport-ed to the town square of the town of beginnings where him and the rest of the players were informed of the death game they were now trapped in.


(Serious) Ryou is very serious. This means that whenever a problem arises he treats it as if the world depended on it. His brother Ren would always try and get him to laugh at his jokes but Ryou would always shrug it away. (Even when they tickled him)

(Kind-Hearted) Ryou is kind hearted. Even though he is serious about most things he has a soft spot in his heart for being kind to others. He tries to keep people happy even when it means it would affect him in a bad way.

(Brave) Ryou is brave. This means he isn't afraid of dangerous situations. However, this sometimes puts him in danger. But this also makes it easier for him to make friends.

(Reckless) Ryou is reckless. This means he puts him self in danger a lot. When he's fighting a monster rather than looking for a weak spot or trying out good strategy's he charges in and try's to kill the monster with little thought.

(Stubborn) Ryou is stubborn. This means that when he has an opinion he sticks to it no matter what. If you were to change his opinion when he's dead set on something you wouldn't be very successful. 

(Young) Ryou is young. This means that even though he is mature for his age, other players don't take him seriously. When players don't treat him like an adult he will think of you in a bad way until you change his mind.





Weapon skills:
»One-handed Rapier <Rank 1>



Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

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